In a word, once again, he stabbed song Mingyang deeply.

Song Mingyang then impatiently put away his gun, the next second, is directly to Gu Yifei horizontal hold up.

Men's actions are extremely overbearing.

See this picture, Chen also immediately angry.

Then he quickly stepped forward, took Gu Yifei's hand, looked at Song Mingyang discontentedly, and said, "Song Shao, you can't do this to my girlfriend. If you do this again, you should be careful that I call the police..."

However, song Mingyang immediately gave him a cold glance, disdaining to say, "well, whatever you want, call the police When you see it, who is caught... "

With that, song Mingyang immediately raises his foot and kicks Chen yiou

This foot goes down, Chen also whole person directly rolled down to the step below.

I couldn't get up for a long time

The painful body curled up into a ball.

"Chen yiou..." Gu Yifei looks worried and shouts. She begins to struggle to get rid of song Mingyang.

However, song Mingyang still holds Gu Yifei tightly and imprisons her.

"Song Mingyang, you don't have a damn face."


The man is silent, don't look at Chen also Europe, then directly holding Gu Yifei, go to his car.

When he opened the door, he threw the woman into the car, and then tied the woman tightly with the seat belt

The next second, he quickly got on the other side of the car and locked it

The whole process is clean and clean, without any procrastination. In one minute, it's all finished

At this time, Chen yiou is still curling up on the ground in pain, unable to get up

Glancing at Chen yiou, song Mingyang was immediately dissatisfied with Leng hum, "it's really a dish chicken. Do you like such a dish chicken? What do you like about him? "

Song Mingyang, who has always been gentle, is very rude at the moment

Let Gu Yifei not adapt

This man is gentle on the surface, but inside, there is a rude beast

This kind of person is the so-called dressed bird and beast.

"What do you want to do? I should have told you. Didn't I make it clear to you? Song Mingyang, I love Chen yiou. I don't love you now... "

This sentence, once again, in Song Mingyang's heart, made a deep cut.

The man's heart pricked

"I don't believe it. You don't feel anything about me now I don't believe that you can fall in love with others in such a short time... "

"Believe it or not, song Mingyang, Chen yiou and I are serious. It was last night that we established our relationship. He confessed to me last night. After that, we went to bed You know, people say that the best way to a woman's heart is Yin and Tao. I didn't believe it before, but after we slept last night, I believed it. After we slept, I really loved him That man is really wonderful. He can give me unprecedented cheerfulness. You can't give me that feeling. Although you are very powerful in bed, you can't compare with him... "

This sentence deeply hurt song Mingyang's self-esteem which belongs to men.

What men hate most is that women say that they are inferior to some men in front of themselves

He really didn't expect that Gu Yifei would let go like this. A woman who just confirmed her relationship with someone could sleep together

It's really nobody.

At this moment, he was really blown up by Gu Yifei.

Even I forget what I came to find Gu Yifei for.

He's angry. He's really angry.

He was angry when he thought of the woman he loved, who was in the same bed with other men last night, full of pride and panting

I want to kill this woman

Noting that song Mingyang's anger had reached the extreme, Gu Yifei immediately began to add fuel and vinegar, "Song Shao, I have told you that you overestimate yourself and underestimate me. You are not so important and I am not so cheap. When I love you, what do you say? When I don't love you, what do you say you are? Ha ha... "

"Gu Yifei, you cold and unfeeling bad woman..."

"I'm a bad woman, but you're not much better, are you? What I am now is all thanks to you, isn't it? Song Mingyang As Gu Yifei said, he immediately laughed wildly in his heart

The laughter in my heart is very cold

"Ha ha ha Besides, yesterday, didn't you also say that? If you can't do what you promised me, you won't pester me any more. What do you say, you're taking it as farting? " Gu Yifei said coldly, "it's shameless I really don't understand why people are so shameless as you... ""How do you know that I didn't do what I said? Yesterday, I didn't come to you because Forget it, since you are so heartless, what else can I say OK, Gu Yifei, let's stop here, go back and sleep with your Chen yiou... " The man said coldly.

Self esteem, after being attacked one after another, song Mingyang has lost his patience completely.

He is too lazy to talk to this woman

Since she has slept with others, go to sleep

Go back to sleep.

Song Mingyang is not rare for a woman who has been soiled by others.

What kind of woman can't he find? Do you have to be with such a woman?

Is he crazy?

Hearing the speech, Gu Yifei immediately gave a faint smile and looked at Song Mingyang. He breathed a long breath like a great interpreter and said, "Song Shao, you should have said that for a long time. Thank you very much..."

"Gu Yifei, I want to spank you..."

Gu Yifei immediately smiles again and says, "I want to fan you too..."

"Go away..." The man gave a cold command.

Gu Yifei then gave a faint smile and said, "for the sake of living together, song Mingyang, I hope you don't do anything to Chen yiou. It's my own decision to start this relationship with him If you have any fire, come to me... "

"Go away..." The man said coldly, "Gu Yifei, I don't want to appear in front of Lao Tzu in my life. Please remember that I don't want you now..."

Gu Yifei immediately gave another faint smile and said, "good Thank you for letting go Song Shao, farewell forever... "

With that, she immediately got ready to get off.

At this moment, she realized that she was still tied

So she immediately looked at Song Mingyang and said, "Song Shao Please untie me... "

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