However, the contents that came into view shocked Xia Mengli's eyes --

"in my dream, when you saw this letter, I must have died because of an accident..."

"Although I have done all kinds of evil in my life, God still treats me well. He not only gives me unlimited money and glory, but also gives me the best you in the world..."

"You will never know how excited I was when I first met you. I will never forget you at that time. You were wearing a snow-white skirt, with long black straight hair at the waist. You were as beautiful as an angel falling into the world. At that time, I wanted to take you as my own..."

"After that, I sent someone to follow you. Insidiously, I forced you to my side, and even killed your fiance in order to completely let you die..."

"I know that my behavior is very bad, but I have no way, because I love you. In my world view, what I like, I just want to seize it by all means, no matter what it is, even if you are a living person, I also want to do so..."

"Although I often beat you and imprison you, I still love you The reason why I hit you is that your indifference makes me crazy. You may not know that every time I hit you, my heart is also in a severe pain. When I hit you, the pain is in my heart... "

"In my dream, maybe I said you would not believe it, but I still want to tell you that I really love you. I am a jerk. I have never loved anyone in my life, but I love you You are the only deep love and weakness in the world... "

"In this secret room, there are countless and inexhaustible amounts of money, which are enough to support you for the rest of your life. I hope you can have a good life with this money."

"Also, in my dream, I'm sorry, please forgive me for the imprisonment, the violence and the sin I used against you..."

"I hope the money can make up for my debt to you and love you forever, tiger"

when I saw this letter, Xia Mengli's eyes were full of incredible things.

She really can't believe that guy's inner world is like this.

I can't believe that guy loves himself

But even so, she was not half touched.

In my heart, the hatred for that guy didn't dissipate at all

She couldn't help hating that guy, even though he was dead.

For her, that guy is still the devil, the devil forever

After reading this letter, Xia Mengli quickly tore the letter paper into pieces, looked at the bodyguards behind him and said, "put this safe on the plane, and then we will leave..."

Then the bodyguards closed the safe and left quickly with the safe

On one side, Jing bao'er saw all the contents of the letter.

After seeing everything, Jing bao'er was also shocked and stunned.

Even now, I don't know what to say.

Jing bao'er always thought that a devil like tiger would never fall in love with anyone, but he never thought that he was deeply in love with Xia Meng's

"I didn't expect that guy to really love you." Jingbaoer road.

Xia Mengli had no choice but to smile bitterly, "yes But, so what? If you love me, can you do that to me? Sorry, if that's the case, I'd rather he didn't love me... "

"This guy is really hateful and pathetic..." Jing bao'er sighed helplessly and said.

Summer dream is immediately disdain cold hum, "ha ha, only hateful, no pity."

I've never felt, this guy, there's nothing pathetic about it.

Even if he is killed by us in the end, he deserves it

Even after reading the letter, she couldn't sympathize with the guy.

She still hates that guy.

Jing bao'er just sighed helplessly. Then he opened his arms and naturally held Xia Meng in his arms. He was careful to comfort, "well, everything is over, everything is over..."

Xia Meng didn't say a word, just let Jing bao'er hold himself

After holding Jingbao for a long time, Xia Mengli reluctantly pushes Jingbao away.

Then he took a look at the empty chamber.

Then she took Jing bao'er by the hand and said, "let's go. Let's leave here. For me, this is the place where the nightmare begins. I don't want to come here any more in my life..."

Jingbao'er immediately nods heavily, and then leads Xia Mengli to leave quickly

The next morning, Jing bao'er, Xia Mengli and his entourage flew back to the capital

The plane is loaded with a lot of gold and dollarsOn the private apron of the presidential palace, the plane landed slowly

Then Xia Mengli and Jing Baoer got off the plane together.

Then, the entourage got off the plane.

After getting off the plane, Jing bao'er immediately looked at Xia Mengli and asked, "what are you going to do with the money?"

"What else can we do with the deposit bank If it's gold bars, you can ask the president to help me find a way to sell them all for me... " Xia Mengli said.

Jing Baoer immediately nodded, "this is no problem..."

After that, she immediately turned around, looked at the bodyguards, and ordered, "you guys, watch this plane for me here, and don't allow anyone to come near here..."

When the bodyguards heard this, they immediately nodded their heads neatly and respectfully, and cried out with one voice, "yes! Yes, Miss King

Then Jing bao'er takes Xia Mengli by the hand and goes home.

When they got home, song Limei was sitting in the living room drinking coffee.

When I saw them coming in, I immediately got up and welcomed them

"You two are back..." Song said enthusiastically.

Xia Mengli nodded.

After that, jingbao'er took them by the arm and went to the front of the sofa to sit down.

"Is everything done?" Asked song Limei.

Jing bao'er nodded heavily, "naturally, it's done. Where's my fourth uncle? Have you gone out yet? "

With that, Jing bao'er took a subconscious look at the wall clock.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning.

I think that man is out of the door

Song Limei immediately nodded, "well, she's gone out. She's gone to the general office. She went out at seven o'clock this morning..."

"I'll go to him now..." Jingbaoer road.

"You go..." Song Limei said.

After that, jingbao'er immediately got up and left

As soon as Jing Baoer went out, she went directly to the president's office in front of her.

Without knocking, he went directly into Jingrong's office.

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