Of course, Gu Yifei can't hear these words.

At this moment, Gu Yifei felt that his ears were almost deaf

My ears are buzzing all the time. I can't hear any sound at all

On the stage, the woman who had been beating Gu Yifei heard these words clearly.

After listening to the comments of the people below, the woman immediately gave Gu Yifei a slap in the face and said, "do you hear me, little bitch? All the people below are saying that you deserve it and that I'm not cruel enough. It seems that I'm too kind. I should use more cruel means to you. How can I What can I do? Some people say that they call me to destroy your face, and then they strip you naked and throw you on the high road. I think this method is not bad... "

"At the beginning, I just wanted to beat you, and then destroy your face. I think that's enough. I'm still too kind Yes, I can't be too kind to you little three, so... "

"So I decided now that I would not only destroy your face, but also humiliate you. I would strip you of your clothes and throw you on the highway..."

"In any case, a bitch like you is cheeky, even shameless Since I don't want to be shameful, I don't need to leave any face for you. I'm sure that the news about song Mingyang's ex girlfriend and expressway Guoben will be on the front page of major websites, newspapers and magazines in the morning... "

"By that time, you will be famous..."

The woman said word by word, her eyes were scarlet, and a wisp of murderous spirit poured down from her head again

At this time, the woman is a devil, and the devil is not a person at all.

Because in this woman, you can't see the breath of a normal person.

Gu Yifei has become a dying man.

Even the strength to cough and shout is gone.

The whole person, just like being pulled out of his body, is very soft and unable to move at all.

This feeling makes Gu Yifei feel desperate.

The ears are not working at all.

All I can hear is the buzzing sound of my ears, but I can't hear anything else

Two eyes, now also fast not easy to use, the woman's face, in front of their own eyes, become more and more blurred, more and more blurred.

My head is even more dazed, and Venus is rising in front of me


It's really a devil.

Gu Yifei began to abuse women in her heart.

At this moment, she has no other strength except to scold others in her heart.

He opened his mouth and wanted to beg for mercy from this woman, but he couldn't say a word.

At this time, Gu Yifei is true and repressed to the extreme.

How I wish that someone could come down from the sky and save myself from fire and water

But Gu Yifei knows that there won't be such a person here

That woman, seeing that Gu Yifei had no strength at all, immediately gave him another proud smile. Then she raised her hand and tore Gu Yifei's clothes to pieces.

The material of the snow-white Ballet Dress is very ordinary. A woman just tears it and it breaks

After the ballet costume was torn, the pieces were left off the stage by the woman

At this moment, Gu Yifei has nothing but a white inner garment

Gu Yifei felt humiliated at this moment when his body was suddenly exposed to everyone.

I really want to scold this woman, but I can't say a word. I have no strength at all.

Even if the heart, no matter how angry, Gu Yifei in addition to this, quietly endure, there is no second way.

Two lines of tears fell from the corner of his eyes, blurring Gu Yifei's eyes again


Really desperate

The next second, the woman is again a cold hum, a will Gu Yifei body bra, ruthlessly tear, throw aside.

Women's actions are extremely rude, just like those terrible "rapists" in TV series Besides gender,

as like as two peas in the face of strong criminals.

Gu Yifei began to swear in his heart that as long as he didn't die, he would take revenge

We must give back to this woman everything we bear today, ten times, a hundred times, even a thousand times!

Too much.

It's too much.Gu Yifei's bra was torn down by a woman, and the men under the stage were looking straight.

One by one, it seems that there will be nosebleed in the next second.

They really didn't expect that Gu Yifei's figure was so good.

That Xiong, Department, is really round and stiff, and it looks very elastic.

There are some obscene people who even begin to fantasize in their hearts. They directly press on Gu Yifei, and then go to kiss the picture of that place.

Thinking of this, those men immediately had a physiological reaction

The women on stage are not satisfied because they have pulled out Gu Yifei's bra.

Soon, she put her magic grip on Gu Yifei's underwear.

The next second, the snow-white underwear was torn to pieces by Sheng Sheng, leaving the stage

This time, Gu Yifei, as a whole, showed up in front of everyone.

You can see the beautiful figure at a glance

There are a lot of men under the stage. They have nosebleed directly

Men are restless to Gu Yifei's body.

Those women, on the other hand, secretly admire Gu Yifei's good figure

In this way, the inner clothes and trousers were torn to pieces, and the whole person, without reservation, showed up in front of the public with a strong sense of humiliation and climbed to his heart.

At this moment, Gu Yifei is true, and he has the heart to die.

They are all women. Gu Yifei really doesn't know why women have to embarrass women like this

Why is this necessary?

What's more, she didn't really provoke this woman, nor did she seduce her husband


She's really hateful.

It's very itchy.

If she can, she really wants to get up, put the woman on her body and kill the woman a hundred times

Tears, more and more turbulent.

It's like the flood that spilled the gate. It's totally out of control

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