"Song Mingyang, you devil, you let go of me and let your people stop at once!" Gu Yifei orders coldly.

However, song Mingyang continues to press Gu Yifei's body hard and doesn't let Gu Yifei move.

He just looked at Gu Yifei quietly, and there was infinite possessiveness in his deep eyes.

This man, although silent, but his aura, but powerful amazing, with a special sense of oppression.

If ordinary people, in the face of song Mingyang this appearance, will be scared of a word, also can't say.

But Gu Yifei won't.

Even if this man's aura, no matter how strong, she is also fearless.

"Song Mingyang, why do you want to treat my man like this? You promised me. You said it yourself. We're separated and we're finished. Are you ready to break your promise now, aren't you?"

"Yes I'm just going to break my promise. Gu Yifei, when I heard you tell me that you not only slept with Chen yiou, but also fell in love with him, I was really angry, and immediately decided to draw a line with you, a woman. I really thought that at that time, but that day, after I had a complete fight with you, I came back home, and as time went on, I was happy More and more, I find that I have no way at all, as I said so free and easy.... "

"I told myself again and again that I can't continue to miss you, and you are not a good thing. You've slept with others, you're dirty, and you have nothing to think about. However, I can't help thinking of you without noticing When I get back home, I feel like you are in every corner of my home, and I can't get rid of you.... "

"Close your eyes, my eyes, have been constantly appear, we two, know each other bit by bit Those pictures, like a curse, are lingering in my mind. The tortured Laozi can't sleep... "

"So I began to move my mind to look for you, but even so, I'm very patient. Every time I miss you, I just drive to your school gate, or go to your work place, wait for you, and then take a long look at you..."

"No matter how much I think of you, I don't allow myself to really get close to you. I feel that I want to respect myself. I just look at you from a distance. I feel that no matter how much I think of you, I can never find you again..."

"This evening, I thought the same way. I just wanted to drive my car, come to your work place, wait for you, and then look at you from a distance. That's enough. But he, damn, who knows, I went into that restaurant without controlling myself..."

"After I went in, I saw that you had been bullied into a dog by others, your clothes had been stripped off by others, and people had been pressed by others and slapped madly all the time Do you know how miserable Laozi was at that time? Gu Yifei's feeling is just like stabbing me in the heart, you know? "

"At that time, I was on fire, and then I rushed to the stage directly. I had only one idea, that is to kill the cheap woman who bullied you. Damn, I was holding the woman in my hand to protect and spoil. Why should I be abused like this?"

"It's also because what happened tonight makes me understand one thing. I can't live without you. Even if you are a woman who has been sleeping and dirty, I can't live without you Even if you are dirty, you are still very important to me Compared with you, self-esteem and face are not worth mentioning at all... "

"So, Gu Yifei, I've decided that I'll take possession of you again. Even if you sleep with this man, I'll take possession of you. I absolutely don't allow you to stay with men other than me. I firmly don't allow you to..."

Song Mingyang said word by word, word by word loud, word by word affectionate.

Men's eyes, eyebrows, are deep love

Smell speech, Gu Yifei just cold a hum, then is directly face, turned aside.

Tears, all of a sudden can not help but flow down.

She admitted that song Mingyang's words were really touching, and she was really moved,

but even so, she would never believe song Mingyang.

This man is a villain full of lies.

She won't believe this guy anyway.

"You know, when I went to your school to look for you that day, I had the equity transfer document and my company's legal person change document with me. But because of your words, you told me that you had slept with this man and you fell in love with him, So, I was angry at that time and decided to play with you completely. That's why I didn't show you that document... "

"After that, I completely broke up with you, so I called my secretary to change the names of the company's legal person and shares to mine If you don't believe it, I can take you to see the records. There are records for all of them... ""In fact, I was going to show you the original document. The night before I broke up with you, I was going to show it to you. I was going to take it and make up with you, but On my way to find you, Dongzi had a car accident, so I didn't go to find you. Then I went to the hospital first and found Dongzi I thought it was just one night. It doesn't matter if I delay one night. The next day, I'll show it to you. Who knows, the next day, when I come to you, you'll give me a sentence, you like Chen yiou, and you've been sleeping... "

Song Mingyang once again said word by word, speaking of that day's events, his eyes, is immediately dense from a strong anger.

Men are sonorous, as if from the heart.

But Gu Yifei still has no intention to believe it.

The trust given to this man is really enough.

However, in the end, all of them are disappointed.

Now Gu Yifei doesn't want to give any trust to this man. He doesn't want to give it to him

Then she kept struggling again and yelled, "I won't believe the lies you said. Everything is your scam. Song Mingyang, you fuckin 'let my boyfriend go. I tell you, I only love my boyfriend in my life. I won't love you. I'll never love you again Even if what you say is true, I'll never love you. Make it clear to me! "

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