Think of that voice, Gu Yifei's heart, immediately like tear, crack general pull up.

Song Mingyang frowned deeply, stretched out his hand, caressed the little woman's face carefully, wiped the tears on her face, and said, "well, don't cry, eh? Gu Yifei, don't cry any more. You know, what I fear most is that you cry... "

Gu Yifei is still silent, just tears

Song Mingyang did not speak any more, but sat quietly beside Gu Yifei.

Light a cigarette, the man again, a deep smoke up.

"I know that the things I did to you and Chen yiou today may seem incomprehensible, crazy and hateful to you. However, Gu Yifei, I want to tell you that I love you so much. I can't stand you with other men. I think you only belong to me. I don't care whether you are dirty or not No matter whether you don't love me, I just want to possess you, just want to put you beside me, and then love you, do you understand? " Song Mingyang said again.

At this moment, Gu Yifei's ears have been buzzing.

Hearing song Mingyang's words, she felt that her ears were buzzing fiercely.

This man is really selfish, selfish to the extreme.

Because, want to continue to keep her, in the side, do a stand in, so, so, so unbridled to hurt Chen also Europe, hurt her

Originally, Gu Yifei was grateful for the fact that song Mingyang came down from the sky tonight to save himself from fire and water.

Even, the heart is also a little touched.

Especially, when song Mingyang said to the woman, "even if she broke up with me, she is also my woman, and none of you want to touch her finger", she was really moved for a moment.

but now, not the least trace was found.

Now for song Mingyang, Gu Yifei's heart is nothing but hatred

Full of hate

In Gu Yifei's opinion, this man is the most selfish man in the world.

In the world, no one is more selfish than song Mingyang.

She really felt that this man was a devil, the biggest devil in the world.

If you don't love her, you just want to treat her as a stand in, but you have to pretend to be in love and imprison yourself "

ha ha.

So, is it really not tired?

"Song Mingyang, you don't even like me, do you? Why do you exaggerate all this into love In fact, the reason why you want to keep me by your side, the reason why you do such cruel things to me and Chen yiou, and the reason why you make up those lies, is just to let me, a fool, stay by your side and be a stand in for you, isn't it? "

"Don't you think your lies are full of holes? Ha ha How so coincidentally, Meng Yaodong was in a car accident when you came to me with the documents? Do you think I'll believe you? "

"You think real life is a novel, don't you? Everything is like the plot of a novel. Will it give you a magic turn? "

Gu Yifei said word by word.

Speaking of these, Gu Yifei's heart, is once again, hard pain up.

Originally, that day, I heard song Mingyang tell herself that she was willing to change the company's equity owner and legal person into her, so as to prove that when she loved her, she was still hopeless and had a little expectation of song Mingyang's lies.

But in the end?

All her expectations were lost.

has become a bubble, fleeting.

That day, she waited from the afternoon to the evening, from the evening to the next morning?

After endless waiting, it's nothing

This man is really too much, too much to the extreme

After many days, now he comes to talk to himself about what happened at that time.

Do you want to weave all kinds of lies to deceive yourself?

She won't believe it.

Now, as long as song Mingyang spoke, Gu Yifei didn't want to believe a word.

I just want to be quiet for the rest of my life

Don't you want to be with him? OK, I'll stay with you

Just, people will accompany, but the heart will never give him.

Hearing this, the fire in Song Mingyang's heart came up.

What he hates most is Gu Yifei's distrust of himself.

He took a deep breath, but he was pressing his heart. Looking at Gu Yifei, he said with a good temper, "is all this true? After daybreak, I will naturally prove to you At that time, when you see the truth, you will believe that it is true.... "Gu Yifei looked at Song Mingyang coldly and said in despair, "ha ha Song Mingyang, OK, I'll see how you will prove yourself after dawn Sit and wait for you to be beaten in the face by yourself again, just like last time... "

"Gu Yifei, can you not always speak with thorns? Well Song Mingyang said softly.

Smelling speech, Gu Yifei just coldly snorted and said, "how do you treat me and Chen yiou? You don't count in your heart? You've treated us like this. Do you want me to talk to you? Do you think it's possible? "

"Dudududu -"

the shaking sound of the mobile phone interrupted the conversation between the two people.

Also cut, the cold atmosphere inside the ward.

Seeing the call from his secretary, song Mingyang immediately answered it.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"The woman who beat Miss Gu Yifei has been killed, and all the people in the restaurant have been beaten up according to your request..."

Hearing the words over there, song Mingyang was immediately satisfied and said, "well done..."

With that, he hung up the phone neatly.

After the phone hung up, song Mingyang immediately looked at Gu Yifei and said faintly, "the woman who bullied you has been done by my people. As for the guests who had been in the restaurant and stood by, as well as the manager, they were beaten by my people..."

Smell speech, Gu Yifei immediately feel scalp numbness.

The reason why his scalp is numb is not that song Mingyang killed again.

It's song Mingyang's attitude towards killing people.

When it comes to killing people, this person's tone is almost calm to the extreme.

That kind of calm, represents, this man, to life's indifference.

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