Besides, jingbao'er now knows Gu Yifei's mood.

Therefore, she does not want to talk more about these things with Gu Yifei now.

Now what Jing bao'er wants is that Gu Yifei can have a good meal.

As for other things, we should wait until Gu Yifei calms down.

Gu Yifei smelled the speech, but he couldn't close his eyes immediately and said, "I really don't want to eat, baby. I beg you, don't force me to eat, OK? I beg you, will you let me stay here alone? "

Now all she wants is a pure land, a quiet space.

I don't want anything but this

Today, Gu Yifei discovered for the first time that quietness is a luxury for herself.

She really feels like she's going crazy now.

Just want to be quiet, why is it so difficult

Want to see Chen also Europe, the last time can't see, now want to quiet for a while also can't.

Why do these people just refuse to let themselves go?

The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel

Although, she knows that Jing bao'er is here today, not only for song Mingyang, but also because she cares about herself.

The reason why Jing bao'er didn't go was that he couldn't rest assured of himself.

But even so, Gu Yifei still doesn't want jingbao'er to stay here.

Not because I don't like this woman, just because I want to be quiet.

That's all.

Smelling speech, Jing bao'er insisted immediately, "that's no good. How can you tell me to leave with ease in your situation? I have to be here with you. You should get up and eat quickly. If you don't eat any more, I'll have to ask the nurse to come in and give you nutrient solution. At that time, you'll have to have an injection on the back of your hand. It's very painful... "

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid of pain now, because I've tried the extreme pain for a long time..." Gu Yifei said lightly.

Now Gu Yifei feels that no pain in the world can easily defeat him

After trying the extreme pain, people will become fearless

"Yifei, I beg you, get up and have something to eat, eh?" Jingbao'er said softly.

Even if Gu Yifei insisted that he didn't eat, jingbao'er still kept the gentleness he should have.

No matter how anxious she was in her heart, she was as gentle as ever

But Gu Yifei shook his head again, "don't eat I really don't want to eat... "

"Well, how about we make a deal?" Jingbaoer road.

"What deal, you say..."

"The deal is If you eat well, I'll leave you alone for an hour, OK? " Jingbaoer road.

It used to be Gu Yifei. But now it's impossible for Gu Yifei to insist on refusing to eat. That's what Jing bao'er can do

Smelling speech, Gu Yifei immediately opened his eyes, looked at Jing bao'er and asked, "is this really true? How about two hours

One hour is still a little short for me

Since there is no way to stay alone all the time, we can only choose to be quiet for two hours.

Hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately shook his head and said, "it's only one hour. You can either make a deal with me or you can't talk about everything. How about that?"

"If you have a good lunch at noon, then I will give you another hour of quiet time..." Jing bao'er said again.

Smell speech, Gu Yifei is immediately firm nod, "good Then I'll listen to you Everything is up to you... "

Now Gu Yifei, if he can do it, he has to go back to the next

Seeing that Gu Yifei agreed, Jing bao'er immediately nodded happily and said, "OK, now I'll help you up and have something to eat."

Gu Yifei couldn't nod and didn't say a word

After that, Jing bao'er immediately got up excited, carefully shook Gu Yifei's bedside, and then put a soft white pillow behind Gu Yifei.

After adjusting a comfortable posture for Gu Yifei, Jing bao'er puts the folding table in front of her.

Then he put all his breakfast in front of Gu Yifei.

Breakfast, although it looks very light, but it is full of color and fragrance.

Rich nutrition, reasonable collocation

When I see Jing bao'er, I have prepared it with my heart.

Looking at these things, Gu Yifei immediately felt warm.

"Thank you for taking the trouble to buy so many delicious things for me..." It's all her favorite.Jingbao'er immediately shook his head and said with a smile, "you're welcome. If you really want to thank me, please eat all these things. Even if you don't have the ability to eat all of them, you should eat half of them In this way, I can leave you here alone and be quiet for an hour... "

Gu Yifei immediately nodded, "OK, I'll try my best to eat Half of it... "

Now even if it's a bite, Gu Yifei thinks it's superfluous.

Because at this time, she felt her stomach was tumbling, suffering to the extreme.

Just, because of this transaction, she had to do it according to Jing bao'er's request.

For the first time, I found out that eating is such a thing to suffer. It's almost like being sentenced to death.

Picking up chopsticks, Gu Yifei began to eat slowly.

Everything you eat is tasteless.

Even with a little bitterness.

Even so, Gu Yifei continued to eat one mouthful at a time.

Looking at Gu Yifei eating so reluctantly, on one side, Jing bao'er also looks at the heartache.

But she had no choice.

At this time, what she can do is to make the girl eat more by all means.

In this way, Gu Yifei insisted on eating more than half of the things in front of him.

Looking at what she had eaten, she swallowed the last thing in her mouth. Then she looked at Jing bao'er and said, "I've eaten well. Can you go out now?"

Jing Baoer immediately nodded, and then began to pack up.

After quickly clearing up the table and folding it, Jing bao'er put Gu Yifei's bedside back, looking at Gu Yifei and saying, "OK, I'll go out now. You can be quiet. I'll guard you at the door. If you have anything, just call me..."

Gu Yifei nodded.

Jing Baoer turns around and is ready to leave.

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