People present, hearing this sentence, suffocated again

One breath, buy so many valuable jewelry, but this Gu Yifei actually does not care?

She even disdains these jewelry!

It doesn't matter if the jewelry is damaged.

It's really worthy of song Shao's woman, but the woman of big brother is different

Just enough bullshit!

At this time, women began to envy Gu Yifei.

Really don't know, this wench in the end is to repair a few lifetime of blessing, incredibly can follow song Mingyang.

But also can get song Mingyang as the only favor.

It's amazing

After several seconds, the cupboard sister immediately nodded respectfully and said with a smile, "it won't be damaged. You can rest assured that it will be delivered to you safely..."

Gu Yifei nodded, then turned around and left

After she left, the whole counter was boiling

The present cupboard ladies and customers began to discuss Gu Yifei freely and crazily -

"is this woman sure that she didn't save the galaxy in her last life? Isn't that great? I don't blink when I buy so many jewelry... "

"This woman is a real bull How did song Mingyang give her so much money? "

"It's really the first time I've seen someone buy so many jewelry at one time It's amazing... "

"If only I could be Gu Yifei for one day, even for one day, I would be happy to fly..."

"Song Shao is domineering, song Shao is powerful, song Shao's women are more domineering and powerful..."

We all have what you say and what I say.

The whole counter exploded

After leaving the diamond shop, Gu Yifei goes to Tiffany's shop

A few cupboard elder sister, see Gu Yifei to come over, it is all scramble, came to Gu Yifei side.

Although it's only a few minutes since Gu Yifei bought more than a dozen sets of jewelry with a huge investment of 300 million yuan, now, Gu Yifei's story has spread all over the mall

At this time, the whole store's cabinet sisters, as well as customers, all know Gu Yifei's heroism.

It's also because of this, so cupboard sisters, see Gu Yifei will be so crazy.

We all hope that we can be favored by Gu Yifei and become a koi girl just like the girl in the diamond shop

Looking at everyone rushing in front of him in this way, Gu Yifei immediately shook his head helplessly, and then directly pointed to the most beautiful girl and said, "just you, give me all the things in this counter and pack them for me..."

The cupboard elder sister, who was pointed by Gu Yifei, was so excited that she couldn't find the North

The whole counter is worth a few hundred million less

Take them all

Is Gu Yifei crazy?

Three hundred million was spent on the front.

And then they continued to spend.

Does song Mingyang's money really come from the strong wind?

Other cupboard elder sister, smell speech, immediately to that cupboard elder sister that Gu Yifei designates, envy of don't work.

You know, the chance to become a koi is what they all dream of

"You Are you sure? " Koi cabinet elder sister asked.

Gu Yifei immediately nodded, "OK, go pack By the way, how much is it? I'll swipe the card for you at will... "

With that, Gu Yifei directly threw the card to the cupboard sister, and, by the way, reported the password without scruple

This generous to the extreme appearance, once again shocked everyone.

At this moment, Gu Yifei let everyone respect!

All the people who saw all this were stunned!

Except for Gu Yifei, everyone was calm

After a light look, Gu Yifei sat on the sofa with his long legs folded, waiting for the shopping guide to finish packing and swiping his card

At the moment, the koi cupboard elder sister designated by Gu Yifei is also very excited

My hands were shaking all the time when I packed up the account

Even in her dreams, she never thought that she would become such a koi girl one day

Everything, after packing, the whole counter is full.

This picture is amazing to everyone.

Holding Gu Yifei's card, the cupboard sister shivered and walked up to Gu Yifei and asked, "Miss Gu, this All these things add up to a billion You Are you sure you want to Do you want to brush it? "

I can't believe what I'm going through is real.Many melon eaters at the scene couldn't help pinching their thighs

We all want to confirm whether we are dreaming or not

It's crazy.

Crazy to the extreme!

Also born as a person, why can others spend so much money?

Isn't that unfair?

"Sure enough Find a good man who can hold up the sky.... "

"It's not I also hope that my man is song Mingyang... "

"I want to be a junior for song Mingyang Small four, small five and small six are OK... "

The customers around me can't help talking

Everyone's face, all with hard to hide the excitement and muddled force.

Hearing this, Gu Yifei immediately snorted coldly, with a thick layer of disdain on her face.

The world wants to be song Mingyang's woman.

But what's good about a woman who is that man.

If time could go back, she would never choose to be that man's woman.

Because, although that man is rich, he is not happy at all.

In that man's side, what he has gained is just a scar on his body.

If she could be reborn, she would refuse that man when song Mingyang pursues herself.

Then, go with Chen yiou.

If that is the case, their own life, certainly can lead a relatively calm point.

It's not as rough as it is now.

Think of here, Gu Yifei once again, can't help but sneer.

Song Mingyang

People say that song Mingyang is such a good man and rich

Only Gu Yifei knows how scum this man is.

Gu Yifei began to be a little curious. If the women who clamored to be with song Mingyang knew what kind of scum the man was in private, would they still choose to like song Mingyang?

Or will she choose to retreat like her?


Li Luo took the card in his hand. Gu Yifei looked at the cupboard and said, "all these things will be sent to song Mingyang's home. Give me the book and I'll give you the home address..."

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