When the shopping guides heard Gu Yifei say this, they all gaped.

That's not good. What's good?

Although they were in doubt, they suppressed their curiosity, calmed down and began to help pack

After packing, the koi shopping guide quickly came to Gu Yifei and said, "Miss Gu, everything has been packed. It's three hundred million in all..."

Gu Yifei smell speech, it is an instant, the card in his hand, neatly handed to the shopping guide, said, "OK, you go to swipe the card..."

With that, she quickly told the shopping guide the password

Holding this card, the hand of Koi cupboard sister could not help shivering.

I didn't expect that I could meet such a big customer as Gu Yifei in my lifetime

After the end of today's order, I can not be a cabinet elder sister

Thinking of this, she immediately squeezed the card, then quickly turned around and swiped it

After brushing the card, the shopping guide returned the card to Gu Yifei directly.

Gu Yifei left the address of song Mingyang's home and left directly.

As soon as Gu Yifei left, the whole counter was boiling up again.

Shopping guides, once again, can't help but get together and chatter.

Everyone is excited to the extreme

"My God, I can't believe what I see and hear is true..."

"Yes, it's like a dream The world of the rich is really entrenched, so we can't imagine... "

"That's right. It's the first time I've seen someone spend money like this. Isn't that cool?"

"Did you notice that when she handed me the card? Really good natural and unrestrained, has the wood to have? So envious, so envious... "

Out of LV, Gu Yifei is directly into Hermes.

Hermes's Cupboard sisters, seeing Gu Yifei, also seemed to see their living ancestors. Every minute, they directly surrounded Gu Yifei.

Everyone's face is full of flattering smile.

Soon, everyone rushed to speak up to Gu Yifei.

There is only one purpose for everyone to be so enthusiastic, that is, I hope Gu Yifei can appoint herself to be the koi girl

Gu Yifei just as before, randomly designated a shopping guide, and then asked the other party to help pack all the bags in the store

After the Hermes shop was emptied, Gu Yifei went to several other luxury bag counters and directly emptied all the other luxury bags

It took two hours from Gu Yifei's entry into the shopping mall to empty the bags in the counters of major luxury brands

The amount of money spent is two billion

After buying all the luxury bags, Gu Yifei took the elevator to go upstairs to buy clothes

When Gu Yifei went to the floor where the luxury women's clothes were, the general manager of the mall immediately ran to her out of breath

The manager is a middle-aged man in a suit and shoes with a slight fat figure.

Seeing Gu Yifei, the manager's eyes immediately filled with joy and respect.

"Hello, Miss Gu I'm the general manager of this mall. My name is Chen Laoshan... " The general manager politely extended his hand to Gu Yifei and said.

Gu Yifei immediately smiles at the manager, and then politely shakes hands with him.

Then Gu Yifei said, "Hello, manager..."

Then she quickly released the manager's hand and said, "what can I do for you?"

The general manager immediately shook his head and said, "in fact, there's nothing wrong. I just want to invite you to my office with me. I want to give you a VIP card from our mall In the past two days, the amount of money you spend in our shopping mall is enough for you to have a VIP card here. If you shop here, you can enjoy a 10% discount. Not only that, but at the end of every year, we will do a lot of activities to give back our VIP... "

Hearing this, Gu Yifei shook his head and said, "I don't need this. What I hate most now is discount Discount will make me spend less money. I really don't like this... "

Hearing this, the manager was really shocked.

The whole person is almost petrified.


What does that mean?

In this world, there are still people who hate discounts and those who hate spending less?

The manager really felt that he had gained insight.

He immediately laughed awkwardly and said, "well, Miss Gu, since you have said that, forget it..."Looking at Gu Yifei in front of him, he has only one feeling, that is, rich and willful

The world of the rich is really more and more difficult to understand

Gu Yifei immediately gave a faint smile and said, "OK, then I'll go shopping..."

"Wait a minute, Miss Gu. I'm curious about a question..." The manager added.

Gu Yifei immediately stopped, looked at the manager and asked curiously, "what's the problem?"

"Is it really OK for you to spend money like this? Does song Shao really care? " Asked the manager.

Gu Yifei immediately light smile, said, "if he tube, you think, I can have a chance to come out so spend?"

With that, she turned around and left.

Looking at Gu Yifei's back, the manager immediately shook his head. Then he sighed again and said to himself, "Gu Shao is really unusual I'll have to break this woman's leg every minute... "

After sweeping around the luxury women's wear floor, Gu Yifei swept away all the clothes of his favorite brands

This circle cost song Mingyang another 300 million yuan

After sweeping the luxury women's wear area, Gu Yifei also felt very tired.

I took a look at my Dior limited edition wristwatch. It's late. It's already 12 o'clock at noon.

So Gu Yifei decided to have a meal first, have a rest, and then go shopping in the afternoon

Thinking of this, she immediately raised her head and walked downstairs

As Gu Yifei walked downstairs, many melon eaters could not help but keep up with him.

At this moment, Gu Yifei almost became a star.

The people who followed her, and those who passed her by, were always taking pictures of her with their mobile phones.

at this time, micro-blog, once again because of Yifei crazy in the new world swiping card things, boiling......

The topic with the title of "Gu Yifei swipes more than 2 billion yuan again" once again occupies the first place in microblog hot search.

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