One by one, there are all kinds of things to say.

In Song Mingyang's opinion, these problems are really harsh.

Men didn't plan to deal with these reporters.

But now, hearing these reporters beeping like this, song Mingyang stopped in an instant.

The next second, the man's face is immediately gloomy down.

It's as gloomy as the sky before the storm.

A wisp of murderous gas poured down from the man's head.

At this moment, even if the man didn't say or do anything, the reporters on the scene were also quiet.

All of a sudden, everyone was afraid to say anything.


Because men's aura is really too strong.

This look, it's really gloomy and frightening.

Song Mingyang frowned coldly and glanced coldly at the reporters present.

Where song Mingyang's eyes went, the hands of reporters could not help shaking.

The next second, the reporters on the scene immediately began to swallow their saliva.

This song Mingyang, for everyone, is extremely terrible

Seeing that everyone was quiet, song Mingyang went straight forward, took a reporter's microphone, and then said to everyone, "now it seems that everyone has a great opinion about my woman's spending money. Now in front of you, I'll make a statement here..."

After that, the man immediately picked up the sword eyebrows, word by word, and said -

"first of all, I have seen all the posts on the Internet these days that denounce my woman's failure. I really want to tell these netizens that I hope you can be quiet and stop meddling. My woman is spending my money, not your money …”

"Also, just now, a reporter asked me if I knew my woman had just bought another villa. What I want to tell you is, I know, but what about that? Buy it, buy it As long as she is happy, she can buy whatever she wants... "

"There are also a large number of netizens who leave messages on Weibo saying that they want me to break up with Gu Yifei. Here, I also want to follow some netizens to say, you don't mind your own business. It's not up to you to worry about my affairs. I love Gu Yifei and love that woman deeply. Even if that woman spends me on bankruptcy, I won't separate from her ……”

"In addition, I really don't understand why you should be so excited. My woman, let alone spend tens of billions on me in a few days, even if it costs tens of billions on me, I won't blink an eye..."

"As long as Gu Yifei is willing, I don't care if he spends me until I go bankrupt As long as that woman is willing, I am willing to go to the mountains and rivers to please her. In my world, nothing is more important than Gu Yifei's happiness... "

"Also, here, I also want to warn, netizens, and journalists, I hope you can be gentle when you evaluate my woman in the future, otherwise, I am not satisfied, you are easy to take a lawsuit..."

"I'm finished now That's it... "

With that, song Mingyang turned cold and returned the microphone to its original owner.

Then, under the escort of the security guard, he began to walk quickly towards the gate of the company.

At this time, the reporters on the scene still didn't mean to let song Mingyang go.

Everyone was intrigued by song Mingyang's words.

"Song Shao, it seems that you really love Miss Gu. Since you love Miss Gu like this, does it mean that Miss Gu will become your wife in the future? When are you going to let Miss Gu in? "

"Song Shao, when will you and Miss Gu get married? And your parents, what do you think of Miss Gu's crazy spending? Will Miss Gu's spending money like this ruin your parents' impression of her and affect her way to a wealthy family? "

The reporter's question immediately stopped song Mingyang again.

Song Mingyang then coldly looked at the reporter who asked the last question. Then, with a serious face, he said, "when will Gu Yifei and I get married? This is not something I can decide. You have to ask Gu Yifei when will you marry me and give me a marriage. As for my parents, what do you think about Gu Yifei's crazy spending I don't want to disclose. As for you asking me, will Gu Yifei's spending money like this damage my parents' impression of her, and thus affect her way to a wealthy family? What I want to say is that no one can stop me from marrying Gu Yifei. No matter when Gu Yifei nods, I will carry a big sedan chair to welcome that woman into the door, and I will give it to that woman , the most luxurious wedding in the world Let the world know that song Mingyang married the girl I love most in my life... "

Every word of a man is loud, and his eyes and eyebrows are firm and domineering

Such a paragraph shocked all the reporters on the scene.Everyone was stunned.

All of a sudden, quiet down.

No one can believe that song Mingyang was able to say such a thing.

In front of so many people.

His love for Gu Yifei is beyond everyone's imagination

It's really shocking that song Shao, the proud son of heaven at the top of the world, should become such a zero IQ person when he meets love.

Before the beginning of this love affair, we always thought that this man was a very rational person. Such a person would not lay down his dignity and personality for anyone.

But now, they know that no matter how rational people are, when they meet with love, their IQ will return to zero

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Song Mingyang asked coldly.

The reporters shut up in an instant

Seeing that everyone was silent, song Mingyang strode directly into the company door without looking back.

After Song Mingyang left, the door of the company exploded.

Reporters have a heated discussion about song Mingyang's words --

"listen to song Mingyang's meaning, you really love Gu Yifei to the core. It seems that Gu Yifei is the one who has the advantage in this love, and song Mingyang is the one who has the disadvantage. I'm really curious about how this woman subdues song Mingyang Yes... "

"I'm really curious about what kind of means Gu Yifei used to make song Mingyang's clothes. It's amazing. This woman is really admired..."

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