What a shame for men

When song Mingyang finished smoking a cigarette, he stood up gracefully, looked at Gu Yifei and said, "I'll go to the bathroom. You wait for me here, eh?"

Gu Yifei just nodded, and then continued to play with his mobile phone.

I still didn't see song Mingyang in the whole process.

Song Mingyang immediately had no choice but to take a long breath. Then he got up and went directly to the bathroom.

After going to the bathroom, song Mingyang stood in front of the washing table to wash his hands.

At this time, a rich family came.

When he saw song Mingyang, he immediately came to him, washing his hands and looking at Song Mingyang in the mirror, he said, "Song Shao, you are really good-natured. If I were treated like this by my woman, I would definitely kick him out every minute. I don't think it's necessary for men of our level to do this for a woman "I'm not sure."

Song Mingyang was not prepared to take care of the rich man. He just quietly and carefully washed his hands and washed the foam of his palm.

A face, cold to the extreme

Song Mingyang is really disgusted that other people speak ill of their own women in front of him.

But he forbeared and did not speak.

Today, it's Jingrong and jingbao'er's intestines. At such an important reception, he doesn't want to make any trouble to make jingbao'er and Jingrong unable to get off the stage.

So, no matter what, he had to bear it.

Rich young see song Mingyang don't speak, is immediately again way, "really, song Shao, you don't despise me, speak ugly, I also really can't see down, that woman, how to you, I these days, all see in the eye, she to you, completely is not really love, such a woman, why do you have to live and die to stay around? It's better to kick it away, and then change it into a different one. With your identity as song Mingyang and song Shao, what kind of woman do you want? It's not a matter of getting it every minute? Even if you want Chang'e on the moon, it is estimated that Chang'e will abandon Guanghan palace for you every minute Do you have to do it for a guy like Gu Yifei? "

"Men can't be too used to women. Those women, if they are used to more, will gain an inch, just like Gu Yifei..." Rich little again way, "you listen to me, immediately kicked that guy, and then change a better, take oh time, let that guy regret."

Song Mingyang couldn't help it. He felt the fire in his heart.

The man then frowned and pulled the man's collar and said, "shut up for me, and say again, do you believe I killed you..."

"I'm also for you. How can you be like this? How can you be so ignorant?" The rich and the poor have their own way.

Song Mingyang was holding on to the collar. At this moment, he felt a little out of breath.

If others treat him like this, he will knock him down every minute, then press him on the ground and beat him hard.

But because the other side was song Mingyang, who was countless times stronger than himself, the rich and young could not help it.

Even if, no matter how dissatisfied with song Mingyang, it can only endure.

After all, besides Jing Rong, song Mingyang and Meng Yaodong are the richest and most influential people.

This person, he is really not provoking.

"I warn you, if you dare to speak ill of Gu Yifei in front of me again, I promise that you will die without a whole body..." Song Mingyang hummed coldly.

Then a man loosened his tie, straightened his tie, went to the front of the dryer and began to blow his hand

Rich young immediately shut up, dare not continue to talk.

After drying his hands, song Mingyang left directly.

After Song Mingyang left, the rich and young immediately snorted, looked in the mirror and said to themselves, "paralyzed, song Mingyang, you don't know what's good or what's bad. I didn't come out to persuade you just because I saw you pitiful? The dog bites LV Dongbin. He doesn't know his heart. He deserves to be abused. Why don't he abuse you to death? "

Walking out of the bathroom, song Mingyang's mood still hasn't completely recovered.

He's still on the verge of an explosion.

He is just like this. In this world, except for Gu Yifei, he can tolerate infinitely, he will never tolerate anything.

For other people, he has always been dissatisfied with the direct contact.

Back in the crowd, song Mingyang was once again held by a man.

Soon, the man is direct, a long arm, a hug song Mingyang, intimate mouth, "Song Shao, you finally come out of the bathroom, I've been waiting for you for a long time, let's go there, let's talk about a project?"

The man speaking is Qian's real estate, the new president who just took office, a young second ancestor, called Qian Hui.

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang immediately nodded, and then walked directly to a sofa with Qianhui and sat down.As soon as they sat down, Qianhui immediately began to chat with song Mingyang about their ideas.

Song Mingyang listened for a while, but he didn't mean anything, so he refused.

Being rejected by song Mingyang, Qianhui doesn't get angry. He still pulls song Mingyang to talk enthusiastically.

It's just a topic, from business to song Mingyang.

"Song Shao, your woman has been in the limelight recently. In my opinion, her popularity is the highest on the whole microblog. She is searched every day..." A thousand times.

Song Mingyang immediately sneered and said, "OK That's to say, we spent a little money and made a fuss... "

"That's a little bit of money? Are you sure it's a little bit? As far as I know, she spent tens of billions, just a few days This kind of speed of spending money, even if there is a golden mountain and a silver mountain, sooner or later it will be empty by this woman, right? And you? I admire you for being so calm. At the beginning, when your woman was hot searching on the first day, I had a drink with some friends. We all said that the woman would be kicked out by you every minute. Who knows, you didn't... "

"Later, the next day, she went on the hot search again, or because of spending money, we started to discuss again, guessing that you would definitely kick her out of the game? You didn't You are really good... "

"In the back, several times, we all guessed that she would be kicked out by you, but it still didn't happen. Why do you like that woman so much? I like it so much that I'm willing to spend money like that for her.... "

A thousand answers asked word by word.

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