"Brother song, you eat slowly. Why do you look like you haven't eaten for several times?" Jing Baoer said with a smile, "is the food in the presidential palace so delicious? Before, I didn't see you eat so well. "

Hearing this, song Mingyang said directly, "because I haven't eaten much since last night..."

Hearing this, everyone immediately felt sorry for song Mingyang.

"Mingyang, even if you are in a bad mood, you can't be bad at delicious food. People are iron, rice is steel, you know? Body is the capital of revolution, do you understand? If your body breaks down, even if you get what you want, it's useless... " Song Limei said.

Song Mingyang immediately warm heart, nodded, "I know, sister-in-law, I will pay attention to."

"That's right, my sister-in-law is right. You should pay attention in the future. People are iron, rice is steel..." Jing Rong said, "even if you are in a bad mood, you should remember to eat..."

Jing bao'er immediately said, "that's right, brother song, you can't abuse your body like this..."

Song Mingyang nodded again.

Xia Mengli said, "that's right. No matter how bad you are, you should eat well In this world, nothing is more important than your own body... "

Song Mingyang smiles and nods again, "OK, OK, I know. I've heard what you all said. I won't do it in the future, OK?"

Looking at the concerned eyes of these people around him, song Mingyang felt his heart warm to the extreme.

He nodded again, saying nothing more, just continuing to bow and eat.

The more song Mingyang eats, the more delicious he feels.

When they were satisfied, they went back to the living room and sat down.

Jing bao'er, Jing Rong and song Mingyang sit together. Song Limei and Xia Mengli sit together

"How are you? Are you all going to play dice? There are so many people. Let's play guessing the size How about that? " Jing bao'er said, "I don't like gambling in my dream. In my dream, you are responsible for rolling dice..."

As soon as song Li Mei heard this, she immediately shook her head. "I don't want to play with you. I don't want to play with you. Every time I lose, you don't give me money If you win, you've been chasing people for money I'm not old four. I'm not interested in playing this loss game with you... "

Song Limei joked.

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, he immediately had no choice but to smile and say, "well, I'm not like this this time. Is that ok?"

Jing Rong on one side didn't say a word in the whole process, but just sat quietly beside Jing bao'er, looking at her little woman with eyes full of doting and caressing her hair with her hands

Looking at the little woman's face, the man felt that he really wanted to go up and take a bite

This face is really tender, just like a delicious honey pottery.

Man's eyes, people around, are looking in the eyes, warm in the deepest heart.

In this world, only Jing bao'er can be treated so gently by Jing Rong.

In the huge presidential palace, only Jing bao'er can enjoy such privileges.

"Well, sister-in-law, don't tease this girl. Since she wants to play, let's accompany her..." Song Mingyang road.

Song Limei then nodded helplessly, pretending to be helpless and reluctant, and said, "OK, in that case, I'll promise..."

Jing bao'er was so happy that she pushed the dice to Xia Mengli and said, "let's start in the dream..."


Song Mingyang played with everyone in the presidential palace for an hour, and then went to the company.

After Song Mingyang left, everyone stopped the game and began to count money.

Jingbao'er and Jingrong won the most

I won about 10000 yuan.

Song Limei was the worst loser, losing about 5000

"I knew I wouldn't play with you. I lost 5000." Song said with a sigh as she counted the money.

Looking at Song Li Mei's pitiful appearance, Jing bao'er immediately laughs and takes 5000 yuan out of her 10000 yuan and gives it to Song Li Mei, "is that ok? I've calculated for you that you lost 5000 yuan. Now I'll give it to you... "

Song Li Mei smell speech, immediately put money on the tea table, said, "this don't, willing to gamble, lose is lost, how can output money, and then find others to come back to the truth?"

Jing Baoer immediately said with a smile, "we are all family anyway. What's the relationship? I'm no one else. "

Hearing this, song Limei immediately put out her hand and took the money in her hand. She pretended to be reluctant to accept the money and said, "well, in that case, I can only accept the money. Remember, it's my own initiative to give it to me, but it's not what I can't afford to lose. I want it from you..."Hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately turned his eyes and said, "OK, I know. I gave it to you on my own initiative. It's not that you can't afford to lose and ask me for it All right, Ms. song? "

Song Limei immediately nodded with satisfaction, "well, it's almost..."

Jing bao'er then shook his head helplessly and looked at Jing Rong.

At this time, the man is looking at Jing bao'er with a kind of extremely doting eyes.

To the man's eyes, Jing bao'er felt that her heart was about to melt.

The little woman immediately warmed her heart, then immediately held the man's face in her hands and said, "fourth uncle, do you think my mother is a little bit naive? She really lives more and more. I remember when my mother was young, she was not like this..."

Hearing this, Song Li Mei immediately said with a smile, "the younger I live, the younger I am. What do you know? It's a young mentality... "

To tell you the truth, song also felt that she was different now.

The whole heart is much younger than before.

A heart, no longer like before in the king home, full of fatigue.


Song Limei also analyzed the reason.

Probably because life in the presidential palace is more relaxed, more comfortable and more comfortable than before.

Here, she can do whatever she wants to do. She doesn't do what she doesn't want to do. She doesn't have to be tied up in doing things. She doesn't have to worry about being scolded

It is such a relaxed environment, which has already made her relaxed mood, and then let her have a good attitude.

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