She spends her life every day to make song Mingyang bleed more and make him hate himself.

In order to achieve the purpose of revenge on the man, also let the man, because of disgust, kick himself away.

However, she did not expect that it would backfire

His behavior, not only did not bring too much loss to this man, but also increased the popularity of song, along with the word-of-mouth, as well as the stock market, all went up

Now, Gu Yifei is not happy.

"Eat quickly. After eating, go out and buy your villa..." Song Mingyang road.

Gu Yifei hummed coldly, "good It seems that I have to work harder to spend money. I want you to make money faster than I spend money... "

She didn't believe it. She couldn't kill song Mingyang.

Song Mingyang nodded, "come on Little thing, well, eat quickly. Only when you are full can you have the strength to revenge me... "

Man's face, see not a cent angry, eyes inside, full of all doting.

If it had been in the past, Gu Yifei would have been moved.

Unfortunately, they can't go back.


After dinner, Gu Yifei went out, while song Mingyang drove to the Song family.

As soon as she walked into her office, Amy knocked on the door and came in.

As soon as Amy enters the door, she walks directly to song Mingyang with a smile and puts a cup of black coffee on his desk.

As soon as the steaming black coffee was put down, the fragrance immediately came to his nose and lingered on the tip of his nose, making song Mingyang feel warm.

"Thank you..." Song Mingyang said, "in fact, you don't need to make coffee for me every morning. It's troublesome. If I want to drink it, I will take the initiative to find you to make it for me..."

Amy immediately said with a smile, "no trouble, this is what I should do. I drank so much wine last night. Are you ok? How are you going back? "

Song Mingyang immediately shook his head, "it's OK, I'm fine Amy, what about you

Amy immediately said with a smile, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Is this black coffee for you, or is it the same as before, no sugar, no milk I put a little more coffee beans for you, because considering that you may not be in a good mood after drinking last night. "

Song Mingyang felt warm, "well, thank you. Let's go out to work."

"In fact, there is something I want to ask for your help when I come in..." Amy said again.

Song Mingyang immediately asked, "what's the matter? You say, as your boss, I can help, and I will help. "

"Well, my cousin, the editor in chief of Beijing entertainment news, is sun Chenghai. He wants to interview you Do you think you can take time to accept his interview? If you don't want to, forget it... "

"President, in fact, through Miss Gu, you have established the image of a good man once in ten thousand years. I think you can do more interviews to make your image of a good man deeper and more popular. In this way, it will be better for our company..."

Amy said word by word again.

A woman's face is full of sincerity.

Song Mingyang then nodded, "well, looking at your face, I'll take this interview. You can take a look at my schedule and arrange the time."

Amy didn't expect that song Mingyang agreed so soon.

There was a flash of surprise at the bottom of my eyes. "Really? Well, I'll arrange it now. President, why don't you accept my cousin's interview after work today? At that time, I'll ask my cousin to come in advance and wait for you in your office... "

Song Mingyang nodded, "OK..."

It happened that I had nothing to do after I left work today.

"President, have you seen the news?" Amy said again.

Song Mingyang immediately looked curious and asked, "what's the news?"

"Miss Gu, just now, she spent five billion yuan on five villas It's all super luxury villas Once again, it caused a sensation in the whole Z country On the Internet, it's all fried. " Said Amy.

When it comes to Gu Yifei, Amy hates her.

For the first time in my life, I saw such a shameless woman.

There is really no one to spend the hard-earned money as waste paper.

This woman is definitely one of the most deadly women Amy has ever seen.

Just like her, she doesn't feel guilty even if she is a junior.

Because she deserves it.

Dig other people's corner, maybe I will feel a little guilty occasionally.

But digging into the corner of the woman Yifei, she felt that she was acting for heaven now.

She felt that it must be God who couldn't look down on Gu Yifei.That's why I sent myself out to deal with this woman.

And she, will not turn back, clean up this woman, let her get due retribution.

Hearing this, song Mingyang nodded faintly. Then he looked up at Gu Yifei and said, "well, I know this You go out first

"President, are you really not angry at all?" Asked Amy.

Song Mingyang shook his head lightly. "There's nothing to be angry about She can do whatever she wants. I can't afford to spend this money... "

Five billion.

But song Mingyang just said so lightly, this money?

Is this a little money?

This is a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

"You really dote on her..." Amy said, "if I were Miss Gu, I would love you very much You are really well

Song Mingyang just a faint smile, said, "well, go out busy..."

Amy nodded and said, "well, I'm out."

"By the way, I said yesterday that I would invite you to dinner today. I've ordered a restaurant. At noon, let's go there together..." Song Mingyang also said.

Amy nodded immediately.

At this moment, Amy was full of joy.

Once born, twice cooked.

She believes that such a back and forth, will certainly be able to pull the relationship between her and song Mingyang closer.

When their distance is close enough, isn't song Mingyang at his fingertips?

After looking at Song Mingyang, Amy turns around and leaves.

"Dudududu -"

as soon as Amy left, song Mingyang's mobile phone vibrated.

It's Meng Yaodong.

Song Mingyang immediately pressed answer -

"what are you doing?" He asked bluntly.

He said, "what about lunch? I've made a reservation. It's in... "

Hearing this, song Mingyang said, "I can't do it at noon today. I've made an appointment with someone else. Another day..."

"Who is it?" That side asks, "you should not have a new lover?"

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