Amy's words, for song Mingyang, are like the warm sun in March, which makes his heart warm.

A person closed for too long, too long, a lot of things, are backlog in the heart, he is lonely, but also sad.

Now, suddenly someone said these words to himself. Song Mingyang was easily warmed.

However, he just gave a faint smile and said, "I have nothing to say, Amy. After a while, let's have a good meal and drink Lafite is good, especially in '82. Have you ever drunk it? "

Amy nodded immediately. "Someone gave my father a bottle before. Then one spring festival, when my relatives had dinner together, my father opened it. At that time, I had two drinks. It was really good It's delicious When swallowing, the fragrance still stays on the tip of the tongue. "

Song Mingyang immediately smiles, "well, I really like this kind of wine..."

"Well, I like it too, but now there are fewer and fewer such wines on the market..." Amy said again.

Song Mingyang immediately nodded.

Soon, the waiter put what they had ordered on the table.

Delicate plates, under the soft light, exude noble light.

Every dish on the plate is full of color, fragrance and appetites.

It is worthy of being a high-grade western restaurant. The setting up here can be called the top.

"Well It's delicious at first sight Even if you just look at the things in this house, you will feel happy. " Amy picked up the decanter with red wine, got up and poured a glass of red wine for song Mingyang.

Ruby like liquid, slowly pouring down, enchanting.

The air is filled with the fragrance of wine.

The taste is refreshing.

"It's really good wine. I can smell it now." Said Amy.

Song Mingyang smiles, "thank you..."

Amy said with a smile, "you're welcome..."

Then she sat down and poured herself a glass of wine.

Picking up the goblet, Amy shakes it gracefully and looks at the opposite song Mingyang with a smile, saying, "Mingyang, thank you very much. Today's lunch, and red wine I like them very much... "

With that, Amy smiles and drinks with song Mingyang.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, song Mingyang slowly put down the glass and said, "you're too polite Yesterday, you invited me to drink such a good red wine. In return, this meal is deserved. "

Amy immediately smiles, picks up the knife and fork, and says, "come on, things are coming up. No matter how bad you are, put them down for a while, let's have a good meal..."

"In this world, only food can live up to it." Said Amy.

"It's a good one. Only good food can live up to it." Song Mingyang satisfied smile, and then directly picked up the knife and fork, carefully cut the steak in front of him.

After a mouthful of steak, song Mingyang felt that he was in a better mood.

Good food seems to be born with healing power.

No matter how hard it is, as long as you eat something delicious, people's mood will always be a little better.

"I think today's steak is really good What do you think? " As Amy ate, she looked at Song Mingyang and said with a smile.

Song Mingyang nodded, "well, it's really good I think it tastes better than before. I think it has been improved... "

"Well Indeed, compared with the taste I ate before, the taste this time is much better. " Amy said again.

Before, basically, at noon, he ate by himself.

When a person has a meal, because he is lonely, he can't help thinking about the things between himself and Gu Yifei.

If you think about it, you will be in a bad mood.

And then the amount of food will also decrease.

Today, because there is a person sitting opposite to me, so my energy is scattered a lot.

Because of this, his heart was not as heavy as before.

The appetite is much better than usual.

"Dudududu -"

the mobile phone vibrated and rang.

Amy and song Mingyang take out their cell phones at the same time.

"Mingyang, what's the situation..."

Amy retreats her cell phone directly to song Mingyang.

Song Mingyang immediately looks at Amy's mobile phone screen.

"Song Mingyang, the president of the Song family, is intimate with his female secretary. He is in and out of magic finger Wonderland. His relationship is extraordinary!"

Seeing the news title, song Mingyang immediately frowned slightly.

And then I looked at the content on my mobile phone.

The content on my mobile phone is the same as Amy's.

He quickly clicked on the title.What came into view were the photos of Amy and herself drinking in the bar last night and coming out of the bar.

In the photo, they are talking and laughing, in a good mood, just like a pair of close lovers.

It is reported that late last night, song Mingyang, the president of song's group, and Amy, the Secretary of song's group, appeared together at magic finger Wonderland bar to drink.

During this period, they talked and laughed all the time, just like close lovers.

When they came out of the bar, they talked for a long time before they got on the bus and left.

It seems that the two people's feelings seem to have reached the point of inseparability.

As for the specific relationship between them, it needs to be further confirmed.

Whether the good man image of the president of Soong's group has collapsed or not should be further confirmed.

When he saw this passage, the fire in Song Mingyang's heart came up immediately.

Who on earth is this reporter? He is so bold and dare to release such news

Just because of a few photos, it's concluded that he and Amy have an extraordinary relationship.

Today's reporters are really more and more able to catch the wind.

"What does this news say?" Amy asked, "I'm surprised. Are all the reporters now ghosts? One by one how haunted, we are not just a casual bar to drink it? How can you be easily photographed? "

Song Mingyang didn't speak. He just pushed his cell phone to Amy and said, "look at it for yourself..."

At this time, song Mingyang felt the fire in his heart was almost irrepressible.

When he picked up his mobile phone, song Mingyang called Gu Yifei for the first time -

soon, he picked it up.

Voice, as always indifferent.

"What are you doing? Song Shao, congratulations Finally found a new love, you secretary, a very nice person, tall, thin and beautiful, wish you In this case, can I be out of the game? "

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