"He also said that as a citizen of state Z, he has the responsibility and obligation to shed his blood for this country, even if he has to pay for his life..."

The old father choked every word.

These words, listen to Jing Baoer and Jing Rong two people are heart tingling.

What a hot-blooded man.

What a real man.

What a great hero.

Although he is only 18 years old, he is more upright than many people who are 80 years old.

"What a good boy..." Jingbaoer road.

"Yes, my son is really a good child. Although I and his mother have been doting on him since childhood, he has never been a good child Why does God want to take away such a good child? Why do we treat this child like this? We are just such a child. When he leaves, what should we do? "

Old father, once again a word said.

With that, he was a soft foot, the whole person directly squatted on the ground.

Seeing this, Jing Rong immediately picked him up carefully, and then took him into his arms.

This is the hero's father, worthy of his life to respect, to care for people.

"Old man, you can rest assured that the motherland will take the place of your son and be filial to you. The motherland will surely bless you and your aunt for the rest of your life Your son, for the sake of the country to pay for life, the country will do everything to protect his family.... " Jing Rong said word by word. The president, who was always dignified and unsmiling, shed two lines of tears in front of his parents at this moment.

This kind of picture shocked their old couple.

They never thought that the death of their son would disturb the president today.

What's more, I didn't expect that today's president would come to see them in person.

They even shed tears for them and their sons.

At this moment, they deeply felt the care and warmth brought by Jingrong.

After staying at the little soldier's home for a while, Jing bao'er and Jing Rong went to the home of other heroes who died.

It's more than one o'clock in the afternoon after all the parents have visited

They didn't eat, but they didn't feel hungry at all.

After getting on the bus, they continued to be shrouded in a haze, unable to breathe.

The air in the car seems to condense.


Outside the sky, all day, is also gloomy.

It seems that even God is suffering for those soldiers.

During these seven or eight hours, the two of them witnessed the grief of the families of all the soldiers who died.

Every pair of parents, every wife, shed sad tears in front of them.

"Every one of them is a treasure in the palm of their parents' hands, but since they did that job, they have regarded themselves as robots. They have to face high-intensity training and difficult tasks every day. Even if their hands are not clean, there will always be ashes hidden in their fingernails..." Jingbaoer road.

"They really paid too much for this country..." Jing bao'er said again.

Jing Rong nodded, then reddened his eyes, looked at the driver and said, "drive..."

The driver immediately started the car.

Then, the bodyguard team behind, also slowly started.

Through the rearview mirror, the driver gave them a look, and then reddened his eyes again.

These two days, I have been paying attention to this news. The driver's mood is also very sad.

Jingbao'er and Jingrong came to see these people in person, but they didn't expect it.

This has happened in all previous presidential terms.

However, he never heard of any president who would personally go to the homes of those who died and offer them sympathy.

Comparatively speaking, the driver really thinks that the president is a good president with good grounding.

I like Jingrong more deeply.

"Mr. President, you are really a good president..." The driver praised.

Jing Rong didn't speak, just quietly looking at the scenery outside the car.

At this time, his heart, heavy to the extreme.

I didn't have the heart to talk to the driver.

So is Jing Baoer.

Originally, they were in a bad mood. Today, if they go there again, their mood will be even worse.

Song Limei and Xia Mengli don't talk to each other. They just look out of the window and cry.

The two of them, originally in a bad mood, didn't want to talk, now they became autistic.

Especially song Limei.

As a mother, I can really understand the grief of parents losing their children.I can sympathize with their grief.

If there is something wrong with my baby, I will be just like them.

"Honey, I want to talk to you when I get home..." Song Limei said.

Jing bao'er nodded and did not speak.

In fact, I know song Limei is going to talk to me about something.


At home, song Limei directly leads Jing bao'er into her room.

Then she and Jing bao'er sat on the bed and spoke.

"Honey, I just want to ask you to stop being a female agent? Your career is really cool, and it can benefit the country and the people. However, your career makes my mother nervous. "

"In particular, after seeing these things today, my mother is even more miserable. My mother doesn't want to experience the same grief as them. Do you know"

"maybe you think my mother is really selfish now, and there's no way. For you, I'm willing to be selfish, and I can't live without you, you know"

"besides, You also think about old four. Honey, how sad those people are today. You know that If you leave, old four will do the same. Do you really have the heart? "

Song Li Mei said word by word, and tears came down again. "Those heroes died so miserably. I don't hope that one day, I will receive the news of your death. In that case, your mother will really collapse..."

I know that I am really selfish and not great.

But song Limei can't help it.

I don't want to live in fear every day.

I don't want to repeat the life of their parents.

Jingbao'er's career, even more risky than their children's career

As long as you don't pay attention, you will be shot by the enemy, penetrating your chest, or even blowing your head

The more I think about it, the harder I feel

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