"Dashen, don't you lend your number to others? Hello, my friend lay, I borrowed your number, but you didn't give it... "

"Dashen, who did you lend your number to? Look at this screenshot, it should be lent to my sister, right? Or a new girl? "

"Dashen, do you have a girlfriend? Who is it? Is that sister smiling? "

"Dashen, come back to us, do you have a girlfriend? Is it your girlfriend playing with your number? Sobbing Am I lovelorn? "

"No, I can't accept that you have a girlfriend. Is it OK for Dashen to break up?"

Looking at everyone's reply, Gu yubai couldn't laugh or cry.

Is oneself in the game, was pressed on the ground, ruthlessly ravaged, ravaged just.

As for such a big reaction?

What's more, how do you judge that you are lending your number to your sister through a screenshot and your own words?

At this time, Zhao Yiyi did not pay attention to this.

Lay is back to himself.

I started to follow lay and kill people everywhere.

With lay's help, I suddenly seem to become more powerful.

Began to continue to kill in the game, even super God.

"Sure enough, you still need to have a personal belt. If your teammates are very strong, you really don't have to struggle to win..." Zhao Yiyi said excitedly that he had been trampled on the ground, and his sense of loss disappeared.

Gu yubai watched the microblog for a while, but he didn't continue to watch it. He just continued to watch Zhao Yiyi play games with great interest.

At the end of the game, they won.

Zhao Yiyi then took a long breath, and then pushed the mouse, said, "it's really exciting, let's play again?"

Gu yubai immediately nodded, "lay is good. You can continue to play with Yiyi..."

Lay and others, immediately excited, said, "let's go on..."

Hearing that everyone is so willing to take himself, Zhao Yiyi is also excited.

Originally thought, these game God, is very difficult to get along with.

After getting along with each other, I found that everyone is really warm-hearted.

I don't even hate myself because I'm a good cook.

Playing with them like this, Zhao Yiyi said he was very happy.

"Happy, Yiyi?"

Lay asked with a smile.

Zhao Yiyi immediately nodded, "well, I'm very happy to have Dashen playing games like this. I feel very different..."

"Do you know? You are enjoying the treatment that sky, the first God in our team, has never enjoyed. Everyone revolves around you. If others know this, they will envy you to death... " Lay added.

Zhao Yiyi immediately felt very happy and honored, "really? I'm very honored. Thank you all for taking me as a rookie like this... "

Gu yubai immediately looked at his teammates and said, "you guys really value color over friends. If you treat me like this when playing games with me, I will keep a game and never die..."

Apple immediately rolled his eyes, "what do you think? If you are a girl, we can think about it. Besides, your operation is so perfect. Do you need our help? Do you need us to bring it? Do you want us to go around you? You are a man who always chooses two, pursues five, and fights four. Do you still need us to help you? "

Gu yubai immediately said with a smile, "in fact, good operation is not the real reason. The real reason is that I'm not a sister, so I don't like to take care of me. I let myself grow up and press the thread myself If you were a girl, you would treat me differently... "

"Some words, let's see through, don't say through, or good friends?" Lay said with a smile.

Listen to everyone with such a relaxed joke, Zhao Yiyi's mood, a lot better.

It turns out that in private, these players get along so well.

No wonder, in the game field with so tacit understanding.

"Now I finally know why you cooperate so well in the game, because you have a really good relationship in private, and the atmosphere is really relaxed..." Zhao Yiyi said.

Lay immediately said with a smile, "that's necessary. If you want to play a good game, you must unite among your teammates. If the relationship between teammates is not good, then in the game, you certainly can't cooperate well. If you don't cooperate well, you will lose..."

Zhao Yiyi immediately agreed, "yes It's true. If the relationship is not good, it's hard to cooperate well... "

Apple said with a smile, "that's for sure According to this game, you also need to refuel... "

"I'll go, boss. You've been on the hot search first. Now we all know that you were pressed on the ground and rubbed in the game And people all know that it's a woman playing with your number. Although you didn't give a positive answer to everyone, everyone analyzed it on Weibo with their wisdom. Now many people are guessing, "who is this woman?" Another substitute said.Hearing this, Zhao Yiyi immediately took out the mobile phone, while the game has not started, directly open micro blog.

After clicking on it, I really couldn't laugh or cry.

Now these netizens are really idle.

But it's just that sky is playing the game casually, attacked by two people, and has no fighting power

As for the last hot search?

It's just private entertainment. It's not the time to play.

And you can guess from Gu yubai's explanation and her operation that Gu yubai lent her number to a woman.

Even here that he had a girlfriend

See some people's analysis of the truth, Zhao Yiyi himself almost believe

It's a group of people who can't laugh or cry.

"My God, are people so free now? The analysis is very reasonable. I almost believe it myself... " Zhao Yiyi couldn't help sighing.

Gu yubai immediately looked at the microblog and said, "that's right All day long, I'm probably idle and have nothing to do... "

"Your attention is really high now Any event can be pushed to the top of hot search, and the popularity is comparable to that of first-line stars.... " Zhao Yiyi praised it.

"No way, who let us sky not only look handsome, but also play games?" Lay said, "people who are handsome, especially good at playing games and always win the championship are naturally more concerned In fact, I think we sky can go to the entertainment industry after retirement. Our beauty will definitely kill those popular male stars now... "

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