If you have a girlfriend, it's different.

If this man has a girlfriend by his side, then he is doomed to be cool.

After all, it's really disgusting to know that someone else has a girlfriend and just want to get involved.

As a beautiful girl with three outlooks, Zhao Yiyi absolutely can't accept the plot of the little three son's superior position.

Think of here, Zhao Yiyi is immediately smile, again in the dark, said, "come on, Zhao Yiyi, I believe you can, certainly!"

With confidence and determination, you can defeat the person Gu yubai really cares about in his heart.

Also have confidence and determination, can become the habit of Gu yubai, even the future girlfriend.

I can't even wait to plan my future life with Gu yubai.

Although I haven't written a word yet, even if it's just in my heart, it's very good.

In my heart, my mood will at least get better.

When YY and Gu yubai get married, Zhao Yiyi's face turns red immediately.

In the dark, the girl's laughter was clear and sweet.

It sounds like a lark.

Some things, really think about it, make people feel happy enough.

Then Zhao Yiyi began to plan in his heart.

If they marry Gu yubai, when will they have children?

Is it natural? Or make a plan to fight for a few years before having children?

And how many children are they going to have?

Is it one? Or two?

A child's words, seem to make the child too lonely.

After all, growing up on the road, without the company of brothers and sisters, it is really quite lonely.

If you have two children, when is the best time to have a second one after the first one?

When the first child was one or two years old? Or, at the age of four or five?

When he thought of it, Zhao Yiyi immediately stretched out his hand, patted his face gently, and said to himself, "my mother, Zhao Yiyi, where do you want to go? Calm down, calm down..."

Then Zhao Yiyi immediately had no choice but to shake his head.

I really think that I think too much now.

Face unconsciously red, heartbeat, also followed unconsciously disordered rhythm.

In this way, Zhao Yiyi tossed and turned in bed, planning their future, while looking forward to the future that she planned, really can come.

If you can come, then you can be very happy, very happy.

You know, being with Gu yubai is a lifelong dream.

"God, I beg you, please protect me. I'm willing to exchange all the luck of my life for my life together with Gu yubai..."

If you can let her really with Gu yubai together, then let oneself pay what, oneself are willing.

Even with Gu yubai together, you need to spend all your luck in this life, Zhao Yiyi is willing.

He is such a deep love with Gu yubai, deep love into the bones.

In this life, I can't do without Gu yubai.

You can't be alone with Gu yubai.

With good hope, Zhao Yiyi fell asleep.


At three o'clock in the morning, when the alarm clock rang, Zhao Yiyi had not slept enough.

But, think of oneself today, also want to help Gu yubai they prepare breakfast, Zhao Yiyi is immediately full of excitement.

Then he quickly opened his eyes and sat up like a spring.

As soon as he sat up, Zhao Yiyi directly sent a wechat to Gu yubai, saying, "you tell auntie, don't prepare breakfast, I'll prepare it for you. I'm making breakfast for you, to ensure that you all like it..."

After sending this wechat, I get out of bed, wear slippers and go to the bathroom to wash.

After washing and gargling, Zhao Yiyi directly and quickly took his mobile phone into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast for all members of sky team.

The first thing you have to do is tofu.

So I directly put the beans that my mother made in advance and prepared to drink in the morning into the soybean milk machine.

When Zhao's mother came into the kitchen, she saw her daughter busy in the kitchen.

I really look surprised.

"Yiyi, it's only half past three. What are you doing?" Asked Zhao's mother.

Zhao Yiyi looked at the tumbling soybean milk in the pot and the recruitment, and said with a smile, "what else can I do? I'm making bean curd Before, I learned to do it several times. ""I know you are making bean curd. I ask you, why do you suddenly get up so early?" Zhao asked, "you child, it seems that you came back very late last night? What are you doing up so early? I always prepare breakfast at home? Why are you preparing breakfast here? "

Zhao Yiyi said, "because I want to make breakfast and send it to Gu yubai. There are too many people in their team, so I have to get up early..."

Hearing her daughter say this, Zhao's mother couldn't help sighing and said, "I see that you are a child who likes to be taken care of by others. You really like it to the core You are crazy to get up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for others You are so old that you have never got up so early to make breakfast... "

Although their family condition is not very good, but Zhao Yiyi has always been a little princess in the family, usually at home, enjoy the same doting princess, she and her husband, never give up, let alone get up so early to do breakfast.

Watching her daughter get up so early, Zhao's mother is really distressed.

Zhao Yiyi said, "that must be like to the bone, otherwise, can I be so crazy? Mom, you can go back to sleep. I'll make more breakfast today. Then I'll leave a portion for you and dad. Today, you can have a holiday. Go, go... "

When talking, the girl's eyes and eyebrows are full of excitement and happiness

To be able to cook for the boy he likes is a very happy thing for Zhao Yiyi.

Zhao's mother then sighed helplessly and said, "I'd better help you. It's faster..."

Zhao Yiyi said, "that's OK, then you can help me, if you don't want to sleep..."

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