"You ask me, why don't you know how to take good care of yourself? Aren't you afraid of getting sick? Gu yubai, I tell you, in this world, the only thing I'm afraid of is that you don't love me. Apart from this, I'm really fearless. I won't be afraid of any illness. What's the fear of your illness? After all, I can die for you. As long as you give me an order, I'm even willing to go through fire and water for you... "

"I That's how I love you, Xiaobai. So, think about me Ok Please... "

Pouring rain, continue to fall on Zhao Yiyi's face, body.

In the heavy rain, she couldn't open her eyes at all.

The body, more and more weak.

We can only rely on Gu yubai's body as a fulcrum to support and not fall down

Zhao Yiyi these words, once again deeply moved to Gu yubai.

Such a girl is irresistible.

I suddenly want to give this girl a chance.

When this idea appeared in his mind, Gu yubai thought he was terrible

But I think about it

Jingbao'er, you will never get it anyway

Since I can't get Jing bao'er all my life, what's the point of looking at her all the time?

It's better to try to love others.

In fact, happiness is the most important thing in one's life.

But I am not happy at all in this state every day.

Although I know that I can't forget Jing Baoer soon.

But I am willing to work hard.

He also felt that maybe there was someone around, it would be really different.

With new people, maybe we can really forget the old people.

Even so, it's a little unfair to this girl.

But it's better than this, often abusing this girl

Thinking of this, Gu yubai immediately looked at the girl and said, "Zhao Yiyi, are you serious about me?"

Zhao Yiyi immediately nodded, "well, I'm serious, Xiaobai, I'm Zhao Yiyi's life, or for the first time to which person this serious, you believe me, I really love you, I'm willing to sacrifice everything for you, give up all, and, I really don't care about you, like jingbaoer this thing, I also believe, as long as you can accept me, I love you In the days to come, little by little, I will take you out of the past and start a new life. Can you believe me? "

Hearing these words, Gu yubai immediately sighed helplessly and said, "I believe you Zhao Yiyi, now I've decided to give you a chance. You're too warm and you're too kind. I want to push you away, but I can't... "

The heavy rain blurred two people's eyes.

Two figures, in each other's line of sight, have become a little fuzzy

Hearing Gu yubai say these words, Zhao Yiyi is almost excited to jump up.

I really can't believe that Gu yubai would promise himself so soon.

Although I was caught in the rain just now, I feel that everything is worth it.

Zhao Yiyi immediately quickly held Gu yubai's face and asked, "is that true? I'm not dreaming now, am I? "

How scared she is now. At this moment, she is just dreaming.

How scared, after waking up, everything goes back to zero.

She squeezed her thigh subconsciously.

But found that good pain, good pain.

It's not really a dream.

Zhao Yiyi completely believes that what he has experienced at this moment is true.

I like the male god for many years, and I really promise myself.

I've been chasing for many years, and I finally get the reward.

At this moment, Zhao Yiyi suddenly felt that everything he had just suffered was worth it.

It's worth waiting in the rain and freezing in the rain

As long as the final result is good, no matter what you have experienced, you don't care.

Looking at Gu yubai's face, Zhao Yiyi immediately said, "Xiaobai, what you said is really true?"

Gu yubai immediately nodded, "well, Zhao Yiyi, I'm going to give you a chance and give myself a chance. In fact, I also want to understand that people are always immersed in the past. It's really bad. It's easy to be unhappy It's better to start a new relationship, use new people and forget old people. Maybe it's really unfair to you, but If you really want to, we can have a try... "

Zhao Yiyi was flattered, overjoyed and nodded, "naturally, I am willing to use the rest of my life to take you out of jingbao'er's shadow I would, I would,. I really want to Don't think it's fair to me. As long as you're willing to give me a chance, it's Fair... "Zhao Yiyi's words, immediately moved to Gu yubai, Gu yubai immediately helpless sigh, and then is a Zhao Yiyi into the arms, said, "you silly girl, you talk about you, you this is why?"

Zhao Yiyi then said tearfully, "I love you, I really love you You may have no idea how much I love you There is no way to describe my love for you in words. Xiaobai, in a word, I'm willing to give everything for you. As long as I can be with you, I'll do whatever you want me to do. Really... "

Gu meets Bai and immediately feels warm.

In the torrential rain, the two people hugged and kissed freely.

Inside the monitoring room, you can see the situation outside the door through the monitoring screen.

And then everyone started cheering.

Lay was the only one with a stiff smile and not so happy.

Looking at the person he loves deeply and being happy in other people's arms, lay's first reaction is that his heart hurts.

But reason also tells itself that he should choose blessing, should choose blessing

Take a deep breath, then lay chooses to cheer with you

Make trouble together

After Zhao Yiyi and Gu yubai kiss each other, they go into the base hand in hand.

Then Gu yubai directly took Zhao Yiyi to his room.

As soon as he entered the room, the boy quickly handed his pajamas to Zhao Yiyi and said, "go in and have a bath Take a hot bath as soon as possible. Be careful if you catch a cold... "

Zhao Yiyi immediately nodded, and then quickly went into the bathroom with Gu yubai's clothes.

After entering the door, Zhao Yiyi did not immediately go in to take a bath.

But standing in front of the mirror, looking at the drenched himself, constantly snickering.

For Zhao Yiyi, the scenes just now are just like a dream.

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