The next morning, when jingbao'er came to the school in his own wine red Mercedes Benz g63, he saw a group of reporters crowding outside the campus to interview the students.

Jing Baoer knows that the reporters must have come for the murder case last night.

Up to now, thinking of the picture of yesterday evening and the gangster, Jing bao'er hates it.

School gate, was blocked by reporters, but under, Jing Baoer had to honk the horn.

Soon, reporters gave way to Jing bao'er

Jingbao'er frowned slightly and drove into the campus carefully.

Because Lan Lan is still lying in the hospital, Jing bao'er is still in a bad mood.

After stopping the car, jingbao'er dragged his tired body into the teaching building.

Last night with Jing Rong tossed too long, until now, she felt legs soft.

As soon as she entered the classroom, Jing bao'er saw Xu Na sitting on the platform.

Because of Xu Na, the classroom is much quieter than before.

Jingbao'er nodded slightly to Xu Na, then quickly walked to her seat and sat down.

As soon as Jing bao'er sits down, Gu yubai turns his head furtively and says, "let's go to see Lan Lan after school. In the morning, I sent Lan Lan a wechat and asked her how she was. She never came back to me. "

Jing Baoer nodded.

"Students, please be quiet. I have two things to tell you..."

As soon as Xu Na talks, Gu yubai immediately closes her mouth, turns around, straightens her posture and looks at Xu Na.

In class, all of a sudden it was quiet.

"Today, I mainly have two things to tell you. The first thing, first of all, I would like to praise three people, that is, Gu yubai, Jing Baoer and LAN LAN in our class. I believe you all know that the murder happened in our school yesterday evening. At that time, thanks to these three students, they subdued the gangsters in time, otherwise the consequences would be worse Unimaginable And LAN LAN, because of this incident, was also seriously injured. Up to now, he is still lying in the hospital Let's applaud for their bravery. " Xu Na said.

As soon as Xu Na said this, the whole class immediately applauded.

"Teacher, who was the gangster last night? I heard that what the gangster wanted to kill was the senior high school elder sister he chased before, and the two security guards were killed to protect the elder sister Teacher, who is that gangster and why do you hate that schoolsister so much? " A female student looked at Xu Na and asked.

"It's not convenient for me to disclose this matter to you because it's a matter of personal privacy of students..." Xu Na said.

"Also, the second thing is that the school was going to organize our class to go out for a spring outing this afternoon. Now that this kind of thing happened, I decided to postpone the time until tomorrow. After school this evening, we all went to see LAN LAN. This evening, you all went back to prepare. Tomorrow afternoon, I will take my classmates to the suburbs District spring outing, relax Xu Na said.


The whole class spoke in unison.

"Well, let's all get ready for class." Xu Na said.

Then she turned and left.

After Xu Na left, Gu yubai quickly turned around, looked at Jing bao'er, and said in a low voice, "do you know why the gangster killed the apprentice yesterday?"

Jingbao'er shook his head and asked curiously, "why?"

"I heard from my father that the schoolgirl was a young lady outside. She cheated the uncle out of a lot of money. The uncle sold all the houses and cars at home for her and divorced his wife Later, she suddenly broke up with the uncle unilaterally. After that, she couldn't get in touch with him. Then, in a fit of anger, he came to the school to cut people off... " Gu meets Bai Dao.

Gu yubai's words shocked Jing bao'er

"Yes, yes Now, because of this, the school is ready to expel the elder sister. " Gu meets Bai Dao.

"Oh, my God, it's like this..." Jing bao'er was shocked at the moment.

"Isn't it? If we knew she was such a person, we shouldn't have saved her. Even if we were young ladies, we would have ruined other people's families..." Gu yubai is dissatisfied.

"It's not..." When Jing bao'er thought about it, she felt that her three outlooks had burst.

"For such a thing, our school also took the lives of two security guards, and almost took a LAN LAN." Thinking of LAN LAN, Gu yubai feels very uncomfortable in his heart. Somewhere at the bottom of his heart, it's like getting stuck in a fishbone. It's very uncomfortable.


In the evening, jingbao'er, Gu yubai and Xu Na come to the entrance of Lan Lan's ward.

Jing bao'er and Gu yubai each hold a bunch of flowers they bought. Jing bao'er's is a bunch of pink carnations, while Gu yubai's is a bunch of red carnations.And in Xu Na's hand, she is holding a fruit basket bought by the whole class.

"Dong Dong -" Jing bao'er frowned and knocked on the door.

Soon the door opened.

When Lan's mother saw that Jing bao'er Gu yubai was coming with her head teacher, Xu Na, and the whole class, a smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Mr. Xu, and the students, Hello, please come in..." LAN Mu Dao.

Then Lan's mother moved to the side and made way for them.

Xu Na smiles and walks into the ward with Gu yubai, Jing Baoer and her classmates. All the classmates come, but Duan qianrong goes home.

LAN LAN, who was sitting by the head of the bed watching TV, saw everyone enter the door and immediately showed a warm smile on her face.

Especially when seeing Gu yubai, Lan Lan feels that her heart is beating so fast, so fast that she seems to be jumping out of her throat.

"Lan Lan, this fruit basket in my hand was bought for you by the whole class. Everyone is worried about you. You should take good care of yourself and get better soon..." Xu Na put the fruit basket on the bedside table and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu. Thank you all." Landau.

"Lan Lan, this is from me Carnation, I hope you will recover soon. " Jing bao'er handed the carnation to LAN LAN and said.

Lan Lan took the carnation in one hand and said with a smile, "thank you, baby..."

"Lan Lan, this is a gift from me. It's also a carnation, but I'm more beautiful than Bao Er's. I hope you will recover soon. And, thank you..." Gu yubai smiles and gives the carnation to Lan Lan

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