"For example, you don't know..." When Gu meets Bai, he wants to stop talking

In fact, what he wants to say is "for example, you don't know that I have always loved you since I grew up. For example, you don't know that I only said that I would stay in Beijing after graduation because of you."

But in the end, he just hid this sentence in his heart. He just laughed and pretended to be careless and said, "for example, you don't know how enthusiastic my love for E-sports is. For example, you don't know how much I want to take my E-sports team to the top of direct contact and kill all the foreign teams..."

"Xiaobai, come on, I believe you can do it!" Jingbaoer road.

Under the starlight, the girl is dressed in a white sweater suit with a simple and clean ponytail. Although she doesn't wear any powder, she is beautiful and soul stirring.

This kind of picture makes Gu Yu Bai's heart move.

"Well..." Gu meets Bai Jian and points his head.

On the top of the mountain, the students' mobile phones all turned on flashlights. They sat together with their mobile phones and chatted happily.

Leng Youran and Duan qianrong see Gu yubai sitting in the mountain with his one shoulder schoolbag and mobile phone. They immediately look at each other and smile

Then Leng Youran quickly got up, went to Gu yubai's seat, sat down, and began to chat with everyone

In the dark, while people don't pay attention, Leng leisurely puts Gu yubai's mobile phone on his schoolbag into his pocket.

Then, after chatting with others for a while, she returned to Duan qianrong.

Two people look at each other and smile again

After sitting for a while, Leng leisurely pulls Duan qianrong aside. Then, he comes to Duan qianrong's ear and whispers, "I didn't expect that the first step of the plan went so smoothly. Cousin, this evening, jingbao'er is dead!"

Duan qianrong smiles and hums coldly, "it's necessary Kill this little bitch

"Cousin, I find that you are becoming more and more intelligent "Leng leisurely said.

"It's necessary to use some wisdom to deal with Jing bao'er. She's not what she used to be. She's more thoughtful than when she was a child..." Duan qianrong said.

"Well Think about it for a while, jingbao'er will be punished by us, and I feel so excited. " Cold leisurely way.

Duan qianrong smell speech, mouth immediately emerged a bad smile.

"Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely left I went down the mountain to eat... " A male student's voice sounded.

Then Duan qianrong and Leng Youran turn around together and walk towards the crowd.

At the moment, the students are packing their own things.

Duan qianrong cold leisurely see, immediately step forward, also began to pack up their own things.

Sitting on the steps, Gu yubai and Jing bao'er heard the sound and went back to the top of the mountain together. They quickly put their things away and put them back in their schoolbag.

After the scene was cleaned up, Xu Na took everyone down the mountain.

Xu Na, Jing bao'er and Gu yubai are at the front, while Leng Youran and Duan qianrong are at the back.

Although there are street lights on both sides of the steps, it's not easy to walk on this night. The two cousins hold hands and carefully follow everyone's steps.

"Cousin, Gu yubai, that fool, didn't find his mobile phone missing." Cold leisurely way.

"He's so careless. How can he find out so soon?" Duan qianrong said.

"Ha ha A fool. " It's cool and cool.

But those who are close to Jing bao'er hate them. As the saying goes, they hate Wu and Wu!


The students went to the farmyard at the foot of the mountain by bus. After dinner, a group of people returned to the capital

After the bus took the students to their respective homes, they left.

After Gu yubai got off the bus, he quickly walked to the gate of his home with many bodyguards.

As he reached out, he felt his mobile phone in his bag and walked home.

"Young master..."

"Young master..."

After seeing Gu yubai, the bodyguards immediately saluted him respectfully.

Gu yubai just nodded slightly, then stopped and groped for his mobile phone.

He couldn't find it in his bag, so he felt his pocket again

"Strange, where's my cell phone?"

Gu yubai frowned slightly. Then he continued to touch all his pockets and single room schoolbag

Then, he found his mobile phone, missing

"Did it fall on the mountain? It's not right... " Gu yubai was puzzled, rubbed his golden hair and continued to walk home.


At the same time, jingbao'er, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran got off the bus at the gate of Jingjia's Banshan mansion.

When Jing bao'er got off the bus, his mobile phone rang.She stopped, and then took her cell phone out of her pocket.

I saw that Gu yubai sent me wechat.

Jingbao'er opens it immediately -

"bao'er, I have something to tell you. It's urgent. You can wait for me in room 8809 of magic finger Wonderland bar..."

"Gu yubai, what are you doing..." Jingbao'er said to herself, while holding his mobile phone, he replied to Gu yubai with the word "Oh".

Duan qianrong and Leng Youran glance at Jing bao'er's mobile phone screen, then smile at each other and walk into Jing's door

"Cousin, jingbao'er really didn't doubt anything..." Said Leng leisurely in a low voice.

Duan qianrong just laughed, but did not speak.

At this moment, the mood of the two of them is wonderful

"Cousin, have you arranged for the private room in the bar?" Duan qianrong asked.

"Yes, there are more than a dozen young people waiting for her in it She can't escape this evening! " Duan qianrong said.

"Cousin, it won't make a big deal, will it?"

"What if it's too big What if it's not too big She's just a king's oil bottle. What can she do? " Duan qianrong disdains to say.

Then Duan qianrong takes Leng leisurely's hand and walks to the yard with Leng leisurely.

At the door, jingbao'er knows that Gu yubai wants to find himself. Instead of entering the door, she takes her mobile phone and calls for a car.

Soon, a taxi came.

Jing bao'er immediately sorted out her down jacket and got into a taxi.

After the car started, Jing bao'er's mobile phone rang -

it was Jing Rong who called.

Seeing the word "fourth uncle", Jing bao'er immediately smiles and answers, "Hello, fourth uncle..."

"Qianrong has come back leisurely. Why haven't you come back yet? Where are you?" Jingrong asked.

"I have something to do. It will take me an hour or two to get home..." Jingbaoer road.

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