"Why, fourth uncle..." Jing bao'er continued to stand on tiptoe, his hands around his neck, looking up at him, three pink lips, in the brilliant light, flashing attractive luster.

"Dry - you..." The man responded in a low voice.

The warm air, like electricity, scattered on her face, made her feel crisp and numb.

Straightforward language, a bit strong, a bit exposed - bone, her heart beat faster!

"Well..." The next second, his lips, then strong sealed her lips.

After a long kiss, he began to nibble her lips with his teeth.

His action, not light or heavy, but in her heart, exciting - Swing - from endless ripples.

"Dudududu -"

at the moment when they were excited, emotional, similar and angry, Jingrong's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Not light not heavy vibration sound, but easy, disturbed a room beautiful.

"Fourth uncle, call..." With that, Jing bao'er wants to push Jing Rong away.

Jing Rong is overbearing to hold her tight, said, "finished, then..."

As soon as he spoke, her lips were covered with hot lips.

"Dudududu -"

the mobile phone vibrated and continued. Jingbao'er immediately pushed him away and said, "you should see who it is first..."

He didn't speak. He took a bite on her cheek and took out the mobile phone in his coat pocket.

Seeing president Luo Yaohua's phone call, Jing Rong's expression immediately became serious.

After sorting out his emotions, he quickly answered, "Hello, President..."

At this time, the president suddenly called and intuitively told Jing Rong that something urgent had happened.

"Mr. He Chenggong, China's famous nuclear technology expert, mysteriously disappeared when he took his family members to travel to country y a week ago. Through the intelligence we obtained and our secret investigation, we found that Mr. He Chenggong and his family members are now trapped in the largest terrorist organization in country y, the flying organization. I need you to take people to sneak into country y immediately and find a way to rescue Mr. Deng and his family.... "

"All right, president!" Jingrong road.

"The flying organization is a very powerful organization. They have a very powerful military force. You must be careful..."

"All right, president." Jingrong road.

"This operation can be said to be extremely dangerous. Jingrong, are you confident to complete it?"

"Don't worry." Men cherish words like gold.

"Well, I'll wait for your good news."

With that, the president hung up.

"I can't go on with you. I'm going on a mission." Jingrong road.

"What's the mission?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Mr. He Chenggong, China's nuclear technology expert, mysteriously disappeared a week ago when he was playing with his family in country y. The president said that after many investigations, it was found that Mr. He and his family are now trapped in the largest terrorist organization in country y, the flying organization. I have to sneak into country y secretly and try to rescue Mr. Deng and his family." Jingrong road.

"Fighting against terrorist organizations again, fourth uncle, you should be careful." Jingbao'er said.

Thinking that Jingrong is going to carry out a dangerous task, jingbao'er is really worried.

Although she knew that every time, he was the invincible God of war, she was still worried.

"Tomorrow, you can train here by yourself. I'll leave Erjiang to train with you. I'll take Yeming and the members of his soul eating team to Y country." Jingrong road.

"Good." Jing Baoer nodded.

"Fourth uncle, don't worry. I will train well and try to fight with you as soon as possible." Jing bao'er said again.

"Well behaved, I'll take good care of myself when I'm not here. This mission is extremely dangerous. I don't know when I'll come back. You must be good in China, don't fight and make trouble, don't skip class, you know?" Jing Rong asked.

Jing bao'er nodded, "I know. Don't worry..."

"Although I don't want you to leave, I still want to tell you, fourth uncle, be careful and come back early." Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong immediately hugs Jing bao'er, kisses her hair and whispers, "well, wait for me to come back..."

"Good I'll miss you, and you'll miss me too... "

"Well, don't call me casually, I'll contact you..."


Jing bao'er nodded.

Then Jing Rong took a deep kiss on her forehead, took out his walkie talkie and said, "Yeming, Yeming, immediately inform the members of the soul eating team to gather on the drill ground. There is an urgent task, there is an urgent task, please answer, over..."

Soon, Yeming replied, "received, received..."After that, Jing Rong turns off his walkie talkie and puts it directly into his trouser pocket. Then he pinches Jing bao'er's face, goes to the wardrobe, quickly puts some daily laundry in his military backpack, and goes out directly.

Seeing that Jingrong left, jingbao'er immediately followed him out, stood at the door, looked at his upright and determined figure, and said, "fourth uncle Be careful. Remember, I'm waiting for you to come back... "

Jing Rong didn't look back. He continued to walk forward and waved to her.

Standing in the same place for a long time, until Jing Rong's figure disappeared at the corner of the corridor, Jing bao'er turned around and went back to the dormitory. In the

dormitory, there is still the smell of scenery, faint wine, peppermint perfume, and tobacco flavour.

His temperature, it seems, is still in the air

Because of his sudden departure, the single dormitory, which was not big, now looks big and empty.

"God bless, I must bless my fourth uncle's safe return..." Jing bao'er put her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed in a low voice.

His special status determines that he must complete the dangerous tasks assigned by the president with high standards.

Every time he goes on a dangerous mission, he may never come back.

Even the invincible God of war is no exception.


On Sunday evening, jingbao'er went back to Jingjia's mansion alone.

Although she has been used to the temporary separation and reunion, but Jingrong is not around, Jingbao still feels all kinds of discomfort.

After entering the room, Jingbao put on her slippers and went into the living room.

As soon as she enters the living room, song Limei, who is cooking in the kitchen, walks quickly to Jing bao'er and clenches her hands

"Baby, you're back. As soon as you say you're back this evening, I'll specially make you some seafood you like..."

"Thank you." Jingbaoer road.

To song Limei, she is as indifferent as ever.

"Didn't you say that you went to m country with Lao Si? Why didn't Lao Si come back?" Asked song Limei.

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