Jing Aotian just nodded to Jing bao'er, then continued to eat the rice in his bowl.

After glancing at Jing Rong again, Jing bao'er quickly steps to the empty seat beside Song Li Mei and sits down. Make complaints about

's Poker faced appearance. Jing Bao really wants to Tucao him.

Ya can really pretend -

to be serious!

"Honey, eat chicken legs." Song Li Mei smiles and puts a chicken leg on the rice in front of Jing bao'er.

Jing bao'er just nodded indifferently, then picked up the chopsticks, held the chicken leg and ate it.

"Uncle, why did you stay so long in a foreign branch this time? I miss you with qianrong." Leng leisurely chews chicken legs while flattering Jingrong.

Hearing Leng leisurely say this, jingbao'er is really speechless!

Will they both think about Jingrong? What a joke!

What two flatterers!

"Yes, yes, uncle, we all miss you. Did you bring us any gifts when you went abroad this time?" Duan qianrong said.

"Oh, I thought my fourth uncle was fake, and it was true that I wanted to ask for a gift?" Jing bao'er said as she nibbled at the chicken leg.

"Jingbao, shut up, we didn't talk to you." Duan qianrong gave her a white eye.

"Cut..." Jing bao'er looked back at her, then lowered her head and continued to gnaw at her drumsticks.

From the beginning to the end, Jing Rong did not say a word, but ate his own food quietly, as if all the people and things around him had nothing to do with him.

No matter how Duan qianrong and Leng Youran chatter, he ignores them. As always, he is cold and aloof, and has an independent look.

"Little uncle, did you bring us any gifts?" Duan qianrong continued to ask.

"No Jing Rong finally light opened mouth, but only said so two words.

"Uncle, I find that every time you go abroad, you don't bring us gifts." Duan qianrong said again.

"Busy." This time, Jing Rong said only one word.

"Well, are you still young, qianrong? You still need to ask adults for gifts. What do you want? You won't buy it yourself?" Jing Aotian, who has been silent, suddenly opens his mouth.

As soon as Jing Aotian said this, Duan qianrong immediately shut up.

And Leng leisurely on one side, also immediately honest, head down to eat their own lunch.

"I'm ready. Take your time. I'll go upstairs first." King is proud of heaven.

Then Jing Aotian put down his chopsticks and left.

"Qianrong, leisurely, after dinner, come to my room with me..." As soon as Jing Ao Tian left, Jing Rong opened his mouth.

"What are you doing in your room?" Duan qianrong asked.

"There's something I want to ask you." Jingrong road.

"What's the matter?" Leng leisurely asked.

“……” Jing Rong didn't respond to them any more, just eating quietly, still cold and awe inspiring!

Duan qianrong looks at each other curiously and coldly, but Jingrong doesn't want to talk to them anymore, so they are quiet.

They don't know what Jingrong wants them to do, but Jingbao knows.

Jingbao'er knows that Jingrong must be because last time, she told him that they wanted to frame her, so she planned to teach them a lesson.

Thinking of this layer, Jing bao'er felt a rush of heat in her heart.

I don't know. After a while, what will Jing Rong do to them?

Jingbao'er is a little curious!

After eating the rice in the bowl, Jingrong stood up, looked at Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely and said, "you two, come with me."

They two people smell speech, each other after a brief look at each other, then obediently stood up.

Then they followed Jingrong.

Jingrong walked in front of them, and they kept a certain distance from Jingrong.

"Do you think it's because my uncle bought us some presents secretly and was afraid to be known by Jing bao'er that we were so mysterious?"

"Hey, hey, that's great. We have a gift to take. Let's have a look. My little uncle is very good to us."

"Well, I think it's very possible that my little uncle must have bought us a gift, and then only didn't buy it for Jing bao'er. That's why he did it."

Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely walk, muttering in a low voice.

Their murmuring voice, though very small, was heard by Jing Rong. He just frowned briefly, and then continued to walk upstairs.

He really had to admire the brain holes of his two nieces. It was so strange!

Walking to the door of his bedroom, Jing Rong takes a cold glance at Duan qianrong and Leng leiran, who are behind him. Then he quickly pushes the door in.Then, Jing Rong with a face of melting cold, with long legs, went to the front of the sofa and sat down.

After Jingrong sits down, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran quickly walk to Jingrong.

"Uncle, what do you want us to do? Did you buy us a gift and want to give it to us secretly, but don't you want to let Jingbao know? " Duan qianrong asked with a smile.

"It must be, little uncle. Uncle, what did you buy us? Why don't you take it out quickly? " Cool and leisurely.

“……” Jing Rong is silent, only coldly looking at them.

Deep ink eyes, emitting a chill!

Seeing Jingrong's face, Duan qianrong and Leng leiran couldn't laugh immediately.

Intuition tells them, as if, Jingrong call them up, and nothing good!

Two people this, this in the heart all started to tremble!

What's this for? Why is Mao so serious?!

Is it for the last time that they planted Jing bao'er?!

But it's been a long time!

"Uncle, you What are we doing when we are called up? Why don't you talk? You It's a little scary for you Duan qianrong said.

"Yes, yes, uncle, why are you doing this. We're scared. " Cool and leisurely.

"Qianrong Leisurely... " The man who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth.

"Well, little uncle, you say." Duan qianrong said.

"What did I tell you the last time you tried to frame boa?" Jingrong sword eyebrow frivolous, cold voice asked, every word is loud!

As soon as Jing Rong said this, Duan qianrong was cold and carefree, and her heart immediately trembled!

"You say that if we do it again, we will be driven out of the scene "It's my home." Duan qianrong stammered.

"Yes..." Cool and leisurely.

"You remember what I said." Jing Rong and Dao.

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