"What's the matter?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Remember, I found your fourth uncle's cufflinks on your bed before? Do you remember how you explained it to me? " Song Li Mei takes a breath and says.

"Remember, I said that I couldn't do a math problem, so I called my fourth uncle to come in and teach me. After he left, I saw that his sleeve button fell on the floor, so I picked it up. I was going to give it to him, but you knocked on the door, so I put it on the bed." Jing bao'er said again.

This scene, she was impressed, how could she forget.

The pictures at that time, up to now, are still engraved in her mind.

"At that time, you were actually lying. That cuff link didn't fall when he came in to teach you homework, but when he was doing something in bed with you!" Song Li Mei said again.

"Ms. song, do you have such a big brain hole Don't talk nonsense, I'll tell you. " Jing bao'er said again.

Her heart, shaking! Crazy shiver!

"I'm talking nonsense? You don't want to admit it, do you? " Song Limei asked coldly.

"Why do you admit that these things don't exist?" Jingbaoer road.

"Pa --!"

Hearing the speech, Song Li Mei raised her hand and slapped Jing bao'er in the face.

Then, Song Li Mei's tears rolled down like a broken bead.

"You dead girl, you have been found so many clues by me, and you still refuse to admit that you are calm here. You are really a born actor! I tell you, it's no use pretending or explaining. Now I know your relationship... "

"Now I finally understand why he is always so special to you, why he likes to take you with him wherever he goes, why he even drives out his two nieces for you..."

"In the past, I always thought that it was because you were flattering, because you had a good relationship, that's why he was like that. Now I finally understand, not because you were flattering, not because you had a good relationship, but because he put you up!"

"Because of the flesh body business between you, he is so special to you!"

Song Limei grits her teeth every word. She has tried her best to control her anger and keep her voice down

"You dead girl, do you have any brains? I told you to have a good relationship with your fourth uncle. I didn't ask you to sleep with him! Do you know what will happen to you two when you are known by the old man? "

"When the time comes, your mother and I will pay for all my forbearance and efforts in this family! We must be kicked out every minute! "

"Jingbao'er, jingbao'er, how can you be so unpromising? How can you lead your fourth uncle! That's your fourth uncle. Even if you don't have blood, that's your fourth uncle! "

Song said again.

Speaking of the end, Song Li's beauty has been unable to stand, she directly sat on the bed.

"I really don't have it. My fourth uncle and I are really innocent. You can believe it or not."

"Don't deny it, don't deny it, do you hear me? I've decided now! I'm quite sure what I think! I believe in my own intuition, too Song Limei grabs jingbao'er's waist with both hands. She shakes jingbao'er constantly while gnashing her teeth.

Speaking of the end, Song Li Mei's voice is almost turned into a Qi sound by Qi!

"I didn't..." Jing bao'er said again.

Song Li Mei hums coldly, wipes her tears, then stands up, walks directly to Jing bao'er's desk, and starts to turn her drawer

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately stepped forward, looked at Song Li Mei and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Look for evidence, you go away!" Song Li Mei scolded.

Then song Limei pushes Jing bao'er aside, takes Jing bao'er's schoolbag directly, and pours all the things in Jing bao'er's schoolbag on the ground

"Song Limei, don't be crazy!" Jingbao'er whispered.

Now, jingbao'er also knows that it's a matter of great importance. He can't make too much noise for fear of being heard outside.

Song Li Mei is out of breath. When she sees the bookmark falling on the ground, she stares at it.

On the bookmark, it seems that there are two big letters - Jr

Jr, isn't that the initials of Jing Rong's name?

Then song Limei picked up the bookmark and held it in her hand

Sure enough, it says Jr

"What is this?" Asked song Limei.


"What does it say?" Asked song Limei."Jr ah..."

"What does that mean?" Asked song Limei.

"It doesn't mean anything..." Jing Baoer still pretends to be calm.

Song Li Mei bit her lip and slapped Jing bao'er in the face again!

Jing bao'er licked the blood at the corner of her mouth again, then looked at Song Li Mei and said, "what do you think it should represent?"

"Jr is the first letter of your fourth uncle's name Isn't it? "

"Miss Song, your imagination is very rich..." Jingbaoer road.

Song Li Mei hums coldly, throws the bookmark on Jing bao'er's face, then squats down and continues to turn Jing bao'er's books.

She wants to see if there are any other bookmarks with clues.

When I picked up jingbao'er's physics textbook, suddenly a piece of white paper fell out of the book

Song Limei immediately set her eyes on the paper.

And on that piece of paper, it was all about Jingrong, Jingrong, Jingrong

All are the names of Jingrong.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately bent over and quickly kneaded the paper into a ball.

When she was bored with her homework, she took a piece of paper and wrote it down. After she finished her homework, she put it in the book.

Song Li Mei, unable to sneer, stood up trembling, clasped her hands on Jing bao'er's shoulder and said, "don't rub it. I've just seen what's written on it. It's full of Jing Rong, Jing Rong, Jing Rong..."

"The bookmark with the initials of your fourth uncle's name in pinyin, the paper full of your fourth uncle's name, so many Durex under the bed, the soot at the end of the bed, and the black diamond cuff link on your bed before, jingbao'er, you have so many evidences that I have caught, do you intend to continue to deny?" Song Limei asked powerlessly.

At this moment, song Limei's heart, as if it was being gnawed by tens of thousands of ants, miserable to death!

It's hard to breathe!

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