Jingrong and jingbao'er return to the shoal villa. Jingrong directly drags jingbao'er's luggage, takes jingbao'er's hand and leads her into the house all the way.

As soon as he entered the living room, Jing bao'er directly opened his arms and took a deep breath of the air in the living room. Then he said, "Oh, Hello, we can finally live independently..."

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that the air was full of freedom.

Although I have just experienced so many unpleasant things, as soon as I enter the shoal villa, jingbao'er forgets everything.

Looking at Jing bao'er's excited appearance, Jing Rong immediately walks behind her, hugs her from the back ring, and puts her chin on her shoulder, and asks in a low voice, "are you so happy?"

"Aren't you happy? From now on, as soon as we get home, the sky is high and the sea is wide. No one can control us. If we want to pop in the living room, we'll pop in the living room. If we want to be in the kitchen, we'll be in the kitchen. We don't have to worry about being bumped into by anyone If you want to kiss each other, we can always... " Jingbaoer road.

Jing bao'er's words softened Jing Rong's cold and hard features.

He did not speak, just quietly holding her, constantly kissing her earlobe.

"My sister-in-law looks very sad..." Jingrong road.

After hearing Jing Rong's words, Jing bao'er just took a long breath, and then responded indifferently, "it's OK after a long time, she just can't accept the fact now..."

"Well, after a long time, she should be connected. You can often go back on weekends and do more of her work..." Jingrong road.

"Why do I want to do her work? She can do whatever she likes. What's the matter with me Jingbao'er responded coldly.

In the past, when she was a child, no matter how sad song Li Mei made her feel, she licked the wound by herself.

Song Limei has never been in charge of her.

How many late at night, she is alone in bed, buried in tears ah!

In the past, she was sad, and song Limei didn't care. Now, song Limei is sad, and she naturally won't care

Even if, see Song Li Mei sad, in her heart, in fact, there is a bit of bad taste, but, she will not go to tube.

People are mutual.

I will treat you as you treat me.

You are unkind, I am unjust!

"After all, it's your mother..." Jing Rong and Dao.

"Before, when I was sad because of her, did she ever think that I was her daughter after all, and she had to comfort me?" Jingbao'er said lightly.

Speaking of these things, jingbao'er's heart is like tearing apart.

When she was a child, the pain Song Li Mei brought to her was really too deep.

Deep enough, even if she devoted all her life, she couldn't forget it.

Hearing what Jing bao'er said, Jing Rong stopped talking immediately.

Because he didn't want to go on poking the little girl's heart.

He knew how many wounds she had in her heart over the years.

He also knows what this little girl has endured over the years.

Jing bao'er's mind, he knows.

He knows.

He knows everything.

"Fourth uncle, I'm hungry..." Jing Baoer changes the subject.

"Let's order takeout. What would you like to eat?" Jing Rong asked.

"Well, KFC..." The girl said with a smile.

With that, she raised her head slightly and kept rubbing the man's face with her hair.

This action, a little, provocative!

Fragrant hair, clearly in the face, but, but itch in the man's heart!

"KFC, no Have something nutritious, huh

"No, I want KFC. I want hamburger, coke, fried chicken and chips." Jing bao'er said again.

With that, Jing bao'er turned around, stood on tiptoe, put his hands around his neck, and said, "Oh, fourth uncle ~ ~ please, people want to eat hamburgers, coke, fried chicken and chips..."

"Those things, no nutrition, no way." The man has a firm attitude.

After hearing the speech, Jing bao'er immediately flattened her mouth, then put on a small expression of grievance and pity, looked at Jing Rong and acted like a spoiler again, "Oh, fourth uncle, please, KFC. Anyway, I don't care. If you don't buy this for me, I'll I just... "

"What do you want?" Asked the man.

"I won't have dinner, I will." Jing bao'er said again.

"Threaten me?"

"Well Threat... " Jingbao'er blinked her big, smart eyes and said.

Then, she put on a pathetic expression, looked at Jingrong and said, "fourth uncle, please, buy it for me, eh? I know you are the best, you are the best, the best man in the world Fourth uncleLooking at her coquettish, cute and poor, Jingrong finally nodded.

He really has no way to deal with this girl.

As long as she is coquettish, he wants to follow her unconditionally and spoil her!

Looking at Jingrong nodding, jingbao'er's face immediately appeared a bright smile.

"Hey, fourth uncle, I knew you would promise me. Fourth uncle, I love you, MUA ~ ~" The girl said, then directly in his cheek, printed a shallow kiss.

Jingrong shakes his head helplessly, then takes out his mobile phone from his pocket, opens the ordering app, directly selects what Jingbao wants, and then places an order.

After the order was finished, jingbao'er took Jingrong's arm, put his head on his shoulder and said, "fourth uncle, I love you..."

"Xiao Biao, I'm going. I'll sit on the sofa and have a rest. I'm tired." Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er immediately nodded after hearing the speech, then followed Jingrong's steps to the front of the sofa and sat down.

Soft sofa, because two people sit down at the same time, and deep down.

"Fourth uncle, from now on, we are going to formally start our cohabitation. Are you happy?" Asked Jing bao'er.

When she finished, she naturally put her head on his shoulder.

"Well." Man light response, still sparing words like gold.

Then the man took out a box of cigarettes and a black custom lighter from his pants pocket.

Take out a cigarette and put it between your lips. After lighting it, the man takes a deep puff.

Let the smoke stay in his mouth for a while, the man slowly pour out.

From lighting a cigarette to smoking, his movements look crisp and neat.

Whether it's the action of lighting a cigarette or the appearance of smoking, it makes people tremble!


The way he smokes is really handsome!

All over the body, there is a taste of precious and extraordinary.

This man, even if he just smokes, is enough to topple all living beings! Let all living beings be mad for him!

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