I don't know how long I've been tossing about on her, but the man finally released in her body through the condom.

At this time, jingbao'er is still immersed in the strong joy that Jingrong has just brought to him, and has never recovered.

Looking at the soft and charming girl under her, Jingrong gasped. Then, holding her face in both hands, she asked, "are you comfortable?"

"Well, comfortable..." Jing bao'er is smiling vaguely, while she is smiling and twisting her aching waist.

That kind of thing, comfortable is comfortable, after the event, easy to backache.

Hearing her answer, the man immediately withdrew from her body, and then turned down, leaning against the head of the bed, cleaning himself.

Jing bao'er took a long breath, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Just now, I was really tossed by him for too long. As soon as it was finished, Jingbao couldn't hold on.


Just squinting for a while, Jing bao'er was awakened by the icy feeling on her face.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jing Rong was holding a towel wrapped with ice to ice her.

The coolness of the silk, in an instant, awakened her.

"Fourth uncle..." Jingbao'er called to him in a low voice with a bright smile.

The towel on her face was cold, but her heart was warm.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"About ten minutes..."


"Hungry or not? I just ordered the take out. I'll ice it for you, and the take out will be almost there. " Jing Rong and Dao.

Jing Rong doesn't say that Jing bao'er doesn't feel hungry yet.

At this point, jingbao'er immediately felt a little hungry.

"Well, hungry..." She nodded.

"Well, I ordered xiaolongbao and some light dishes. Let's have a simple breakfast. After breakfast, I'll take you out to buy vegetables. At noon, I'll make a good meal for you myself." Jingrong road.

"Well, fourth uncle, I'd like to eat your spicy crab and prawns with tomato sauce." Jingbaoer road.

Think of Jingrong do these two kinds of dishes, Jingbao son can't help swallowing.

"OK, I'll make it for you at noon."

"Fourth uncle, I also want to eat potatoes, eggplant." Jing bao'er said again.

"Well, I'll do everything for you."

"Hehe, thank you, fourth uncle. My fourth uncle is very good." Jingbao'er said with a smile.

The girl's flowery smile, just like the little sun, suddenly lit up the softest part of his heart.

"After lunch, let's go to the indoor shooting range in the backyard and practice our guns?"


"After that, you will accompany me to practice fighting and fighting..."


No matter what she said, he said yes.

A simple "good" word, let Jingbao in a good mood.


At noon, jingbao'er and Jingrong had a big lunch and then went to the indoor shooting range beside the pool in the backyard of the villa.

As soon as they entered the hall on the first floor, Jing bao'er quickly walked to a wall full of guns.

Then, with her toes on, she carefully took down a black submachine gun from the wall, looked at Jingrong and said, "fourth uncle, I want to use this gun today."

"Good..." Jing Rong responds faintly, and then walks up the wooden stairs.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately hugs the black submachine gun in his hand and follows Jing Rong.

When he arrived at the shooting range on the second floor, Jing bao'er held a gun in one hand and naturally held Jing Rong's arm in the other. He looked up at him and said, "Hey, fourth uncle, give me that little son to play..."

Jing Rong did not speak, just silent, with her to the front of the safe, directly enter the password.

After the safe door opened, Jingrong quickly took out a row of submachine gun special bullets from inside, and then closed the safe door.

Then Jing Rong handed the bullet to Jing bao'er and said, "here..."

Jing Baoer took the bullet and skillfully installed it into the submachine gun.

Then, with a submachine gun, Jing bao'er went directly to a target and began to shoot at it

Jing bao'er even fired ten shots, and each shot hit the bull's-eye!

Next, Jing bao'er continued to shoot at the target quickly

She fired ten more shots in a row

This time, like the last time, every shot can hit the bull's-eye!

Jing Rong stands beside her in silence. Looking at her like this, the corners of her mouth unconsciously raise a nice radian.

This little girl, now shooting, really better and better, no matter what kind of pistol, she can play very well.

After watching Jing bao'er fire five shots in a row, Jing Rong quickly retreats behind Jing bao'er and directly covers her eyes with both hands"Go on..." Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er didn't speak, just a smile, and then confidently lifted his chin, with his own feeling, toward the target, five shots in a row.

This time, one shot missed, four shots hit!

Looking at such a picture, Jing Rong's smile grows stronger.

Then he slowly released her eyes and said, "it's great. Four shots hit the bull's-eye, only one shot missed..."

This degree is really great for people like Jing bao'er who haven't practiced for a long time!

"It's not a hundred shots..." Jing bao'er frowned discontentedly, then closed his eyes and aimed the gun at the target again with his feeling

This time, four shots hit the bull's-eye and one shot missed.

When he opened his eyes, jingbao'er looked at the bullet hole on the target and frowned.

Close your eyes and try to shoot again, only to find that there are no bullets.

"Fourth uncle, more bullets Today, I want to continue... "

Jing Rong smell speech, immediately from the safe, take out a row of bullets, to Jing bao'er.

Jing Baoer took the bullet, then quickly installed the bullet into the submachine gun and continued to practice.

Next, Jing bao'er began to close his eyes and practice shooting again and again.

Jing Rong is on the side of serious guidance.

After an afternoon's training, jingbao'er finally made a hundred hits at sunset.

At this time, her arms had become sore and weak because of holding the gun for a long time.

I can't stand it any more. Jingbao'er sits on the ground with his gun in his arms.

Looking at Jing bao'er sitting down, Jing Rong immediately sat beside her.

"Yes, you did Little thing Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er nodded and then said, "I can't carry the gun today. I'll continue to practice after school tomorrow..."

"Good..." Jingrong road.

"I don't think I can practice fighting and fighting any more. My hands are weak. Fourth uncle..." Jingbao's mouth was flat, and she opened her mouth.

Looking at her pitiful little sample, Jingrong immediately took her hand and said, "OK, then don't practice..."

Jing bao'er nodded, then lay back breathlessly

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