Jing Rong did not respond to her, but quietly with chopsticks, stirring the noodles rolling in the pot.

Although silent, but his eyes, eyebrows, with a smile.

Jing Rong was silent. Jing bao'er didn't speak either. He just closed his eyes and hugged his waist tightly.

The fresh smell of seafood and the faint smell of mint and tobacco on his body linger on the tip of his nose, which makes Jingbao feel very happy.

Even if it's just like this, Jing bao'er feels as if he's smeared honey when he stays in the kitchen quietly.

About three or five minutes later, the noodles in the pot have been cooked.

Jing Rong takes his time and picks up a piece of noodles with chopsticks. After tasting it, he feels better and turns off the fire directly.

Then he patted Jing bao'er's little hand on his waist and said, "OK, those two pairs of chopsticks and two pairs of spoons. Then he went to the restaurant and sat, waiting for breakfast. After breakfast, you go to school and I go to work, eh?"

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, he immediately opened his eyes. Then he let go of him and walked quickly to the front of the bowl rack. He took out two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons from the chopsticks cage beside the bowl rack. After that, Jing bao'er whistled leisurely. Then he looked at Jing Rong and said, "fourth uncle, I'll go to the restaurant and wait for you first..."

With that, jingbao'er went back to Jingrong and looked at the steaming seafood noodles in the pot. Then he stood on tiptoe and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, "MUA ~ ~!"

Then, she blinked her right eye, put a power on him, and walked out of the kitchen with chopsticks and spoons in her hand.

This morning, jingbao'er is in a very happy mood.

Actually, since Jingrong moved to the shoal villa, she has been very happy.

Two people's life, that's great.

Walking into the dining room, jingbao'er is a fart. He goes to the dining table and sits down.

Then, with her legs up, she whistled the tune of "sweet honey" and put her left chopsticks and spoon in the opposite position.

Then she put the chopsticks and spoon in her right hand in front of her.

Soon, Jingrong brought in two bowls of seafood noodles, which were full of color, fragrance and boiling heat, on a refined mahogany tray.

As soon as Jingrong enters the door, jingbao'er will feel a strong smell of seafood.

The taste is very attractive to Jing bao'er, who loves seafood.

"Well I can eat the noodles cooked by my fourth uncle again. I'm so happy Hey, hey... " Jingbao'er said with a smile.

Looking at the little girl, happy little sample, man's eyes, also began to become gentle.

Walking to jingbao'er, Jingrong carefully puts a bowl of noodles with the most seafood on the tray in front of jingbao'er.

Then, with the tray in his hand, he went to the opposite side of jingbao'er and sat down.

After putting another bowl of noodles with less seafood on the tray in front of him, Jingrong picked up his chopsticks and said, "eat it..."

A simple small detail, but it is warm into the heart of jingbao'er.

He gave her a little more seafood, but there was not much seafood in his bowl. There were only a few Meretrix, a shrimp, and her bowl was full of Meretrix, shrimp, and squid.

"Fourth uncle, why do you give me so much seafood..."

"Don't you like it? Eat more." Jing Rong didn't look up and said while he was holding the noodle soup with a spoon.

With that, he lowered his head and drank the noodle soup in the spoon in a slow way. His actions were very precious.

"Don't give me so much. I can't finish it." Jingbaoer road.

"You can eat more, eh?" Jingrong road.

"You really can't finish it. You should give yourself more." Jing bao'er said, then directly from his bowl, picked up a prawn ren'er, put into the Jing Rong bowl.

"I don't want to eat so much seafood in the morning, you can eat it yourself..." Jing Rong looked up at Jing bao'er and said faintly.

After hearing the words, Jing bao'er immediately put a prawn kernel into his bowl again, and then said, "hum, I know, you just want to leave all the delicious things to me, so that's why you're like this..."

"Now that you know it, you can eat it for me. Don't put it in my bowl all the time." Jingrong road.

"If we have something delicious, of course we'll take half of it. If you are like this, you will always let me eat anything delicious. You will spoil me. " Jingbaoer road.

"So what..."

"A spoiled person will not be liked by others."

"You won't be spoiled, and Who dares not like the girl I hold in my hand? " Jing Rong and Dao.This sentence immediately warmed Jing bao'er's heart.

This sentence, really is to tease her again!

"Who dares not like the girl I hold in my hand?" This sentence is really domineering!

Listen to this sentence, jingbao'er, I think it's very pleasant!

"Domineering, my fourth uncle..." Jing bao'er put up his thumb and said.

Jing Rong didn't say anything. She put all the shrimps in her bowl, and then said, "don't put anything in my bowl any more, just finish it for me..."

His tone was overbearing, and no one could refuse.

Jingbao'er immediately pouts at Jingrong, then lowers her head and blows her face.

Where is this noodle? It's a bowl of hot love

On this side, in the shoal villa, jingbao'er and Jingrong are enjoying a delicious breakfast. On the other side, in the blue organ community, LAN LAN, who has had enough to eat and drink, is carrying her backpack. On the other hand, she is standing in the elevator and walking downstairs

At this time, the elevator is full of people, LAN LAN has been crowded into the corner.

Today's LAN LAN, with a simple half ball head and air bangs, is wearing a clean school uniform. Because of the hot weather, she doesn't wear a coat. Her upper body is only wearing a simple white shirt with black silk collar. Her lower body is wearing a black miniskirt, and her feet are stepping on a pair of white school socks and simple white shoes .

Although it's simple, it can't be any more simple, but it's perfectly interpreted by LAN LAN.

In the past, when I was in the elevator in the morning, my neighbors would not react too much when they saw LAN LAN.

But this morning, it's different.

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