"I said, sister, don't write ink with brother. Hurry up and take it for me. Our Monteggia group always gives not only spokesmen, endorsement fees, but also gifts. This is the company's rule Previous spokesmen, we all gave them gifts The value is similar to that of Tie Guanyin. If you like tea, I'll give you tea... " Meng Yaodong road.

Really afraid that Lan Lan would not accept his own things, Meng Yaodong made up a lie at will.

"Really?" Lan Lan asked.

"Really..." Meng Yaodong said again.

Hearing Meng Yaodong say this, LAN Lanxin felt more comfortable.

It turns out that Meng's spokesmen, in addition to the endorsement fee, will receive Meng's gift.

It turns out that this is the company's regulation

"In that case, I'll take it. Thank you, brother Dong..." Landau.

Hearing this, Meng Yaodong immediately waved his hand to LAN LAN and said, "thank you. You deserve it..."

"Anyway, thank you..." With that, Lan Lan leaned over and picked up the tea.

Seeing this, Meng Yaodong raised his mouth slightly

"Such expensive tea, I must taste it with my father later." Landau.

"Well..." Meng Yaodong nodded.

Looking at the girl's happy appearance, Meng Yaodong was also very happy.

In the end, just a little girl, a jin of tea more than 100000, can make her so satisfied.

"By the way, I have one more thing to do. I forgot to tell you. Let's give the spokesman a set of jewelry in addition to the endorsement fee and small gifts..." Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan was immediately shocked

Meng is so kind to the spokesperson!

How can you even send jewelry?!

Or a set of jewelry?

"Brother Dong, I don't want it. I'm not the same as those big brands you invited before. I think I'll charge a hundred million yuan endorsement fee, and this hundred thousand yuan tea is enough for that or something I think I don't want any jewelry. After all, my value is not as high as others' Landau.

She said that from the bottom of her heart.

From the bottom of her heart, she felt that the $100 million endorsement fee Meng gave her was good enough

Now, she has been given such expensive tea.

She thought it was enough. She was so embarrassed to ask for other people's things.

"This is the company's rule. Our company, just like this, every spokesperson is like this. Moreover, our company treats all spokespersons equally." Meng Yaodong said again.

In fact, he just wanted to give her a set of jewelry.

That's why I said that.

In the past, those spokesmen, in addition to high endorsement fees, in fact, there is nothing.

"Brother Dong, but I'm really sorry to continue to accept things from your company." Landau.

"You are the spokesperson. You deserve it. What are you embarrassed about? Tell me what kind of jewelry do you like? Let me guess, it's that kind, it's very simple, isn't it? " Meng Yaodong said again.

"Well, brother Dong, if you have to give me jewelry, you can give me the cheapest set, the cheapest one." Lan Lan also said.

Meng Yaodong immediately laughed.

What a silly girl.

He even said that he wanted the cheapest, and even said that he wanted the three cheapest.

In this case, if you put it on ordinary girls, it must mean that the more expensive the better.

This little girl is so simple and special.

Such a girl, for him, a thousand sails over the waves of love -- dangzi, is really like a touch of white moonlight.

The best love is to turn around and meet a girl.

After a look at LAN LAN, Meng Yaodong quickly said, "OK, look back, I'll find one. I'll give you the cheapest one."

Although Meng Yaodong said that, he would never do it.

Not only will he not give her the cheapest, but he will also give her the most expensive.

Nonsense, this is the girl Meng Yaodong likes. How can he give the cheapest gift to the person he likes.

Only the most expensive jewelry can match the girl he likes.

"What color of gem do you like?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

"Well, I like the blue one..." Landau.

Meng Yaodong nodded, "good..."

"Thank you, brother Meng. I can't imagine that passers-by like me can enjoy the same treatment as those top female stars." Lan Lan also said.Meng Yaodong, he didn't say anything. He just said something to himself. Girl, your treatment is much higher than those top female stars.

Seeing that Meng Yaodong didn't speak again, Lan Lan didn't speak any more. She just lowered her head, held in her arms, and was smiling with a hundred thousand worth of tea.

It's just a box of tea. It's not heavy. But when Lan Lan holds it in her arms, it feels like it weighs a thousand pounds.

A hundred thousand yuan tea. She didn't expect to get it even in her lifetime.

I don't know. How does this tea taste?

Is it true that it will be better than Tieguanyin?


When Meng Yaodong's blue Lamborghini super run with four black cars drove to the neighborhood of No. 1 high school, from a distance, Lan Lan saw the door of No. 1 high school. At this time, many reporters were blocked.

From here, at the school gate, it's called a sea of people, a sea of people

At this time, the security guards at the gate of the school, it seems, are busy all kinds of things, and have been struggling to block those crazy reporters

"God, there are so many journalists. There are more journalists than at yesterday's press conference..." Landau.

"Well..." Meng Yaodong nodded.

"Do you want to close the ceiling For a while, I'm afraid those reporters will come here. " Landau.

"Don't worry. You look good today. Let them shoot They can write news for you only after they shoot you. Now at this juncture, any news you have can be searched and made headlines. " Meng Yaodong road.

"But if the reporters see that you come to see me to school in person, will you scribble? It doesn't matter to me. I'm afraid it will affect you Lan Lan also said.

"Do you think these people dare to write anything?" Meng Yaodong said again.

"Will the public be suspicious I think brother Dong, you'd better close the ceiling Don't let people photograph you in the face. " Lan Lan also said.

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