Hearing Xu Na's voice, Jing bao'er Lan Lan immediately sat up awkwardly and nodded to Xu Na.

Xu Na sighed helplessly, and then continued to lecture

After being criticized by Xu Na, Jing bao'er and LAN LAN dare not whisper on the table any more. They both begin to listen to the class seriously.

In the back seat, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran are staring at jingbao'er coldly.

After seeing jingbao'er for a while, Duan qianrong came to Leng Youran's ear and asked in a low voice, "jingbao'er is a little bitch. I'm so angry..."

When Leng leisurely heard this, she immediately came to Duan qianrong's ear and said, "cousin, I have already arranged the disfigurement plan I said before Soon she won't be proud... "

"Are you all set? Is it true or not? " Duan qianrong asked.

Leng leisurely, Leng hum, "OK, don't worry..."

Duan qianrong immediately hooked her lips and said to Leng Youran, "leisurely, you're great I like it for you

Leng leisurely hears the words and immediately hums coldly. Then he lightly raises his chin and looks at jingbao'er triumphantly.

At this time of cold leisurely, just like a pair of confident appearance.

At this moment, thinking of jingbao'er's face, it will soon be destroyed. Duan qianrong and Leng leiran are both happy.



With the bell ringing after class, Xu Na's class is over.

Hearing the bell after class, the students took a long breath with ease.

And Xu Na also slowly put down the chalk in her hand, and then looked at the students and said, "well, students, this class is over. What we haven't finished, let's continue next class, after class..."

With that, Xu Na walked out of the classroom with her books in her arms.

After Xu Na left, Gu yubai leaned back on Jing bao'er's desk, then turned to look at LAN LAN and said with a smile, "hey LAN LAN, I watched the video of last night's press conference this morning. You were great last night That dress is really beautiful! I like it for you

Hearing Gu yubai's praise, a bright smile immediately appeared on LAN LAN's face.

She's really happy now.

She was very excited, very excited.

"Thank you for your praise, Xiaobai..." Lan Lan stroked Liu Hai'er shyly and whispered.

Gu yubai didn't speak. He just laughed. Then he turned around and continued to copy

"Lan Lan, go to the toilet?" Jing bao'er got up and asked.

Lan Lan immediately nodded when she heard the words, then took Jing bao'er's hand and said, "OK, let's go together..."

However, as soon as they got up, all the students in the class immediately gathered around them

"Lan Lan, LAN LAN, what? When you go back to class, you can secretly sign a name for all of us Sign it on your notebook, and then tear it to us after class... " A female classmate said.

"Lan Lan, take a picture with me. Hey, I want to show off on the Internet..." Another male student said.

"Lan Lan, I want to..."

"Lan Lan, I want to, I want to..."

When the male students finished, the other students also began to agree

This kind of feeling, Lan Lan thinks, is very good, very happy.

"Good If I sign my name, I will sign it to you in class later. As for taking photos, I can't do it now. I have to accompany my family - bao'er to the toilet. I don't have time. I'll take a picture with you during the break in the afternoon Landau.

As soon as the students listen to it, they immediately nod their heads in order. Then, they keep saying thank you to LAN LAN.

"Well, in that case, let's give way. I'm going to go to the toilet with my family Lan Lan..." Jing bao'er said again.

When the students heard the speech, they immediately gave way

After the students gave way, Jing Baoer immediately took Lan Lan's hand and quickly walked outside the door.

As soon as they got to the door of the classroom, a strange male classmate came over

When the male student saw Lan Lan, he excitedly pulled Lan Lan's sleeve and said, "Lan Lan Xue - elder sister, Hello, I'm a freshman in high school After I watched the video of Meng's jewelry spokesperson's press conference yesterday, I fell in love with you. I've decided to be your fan. Can you take a picture with me? "

After the male students came, by the way, there were many students from other classes around

"You are Lan Lan Can you take a picture with me? "

"Lan Lan, can you sign for me?"

The scene is a bit chaotic again.

"Well, I'm sorry. I can't do it now. I have to go to the toilet. Let's get out of the way." Landau.

When Jing Baoer hears Lan Lan's words, she immediately pulls Lan Lan away from the crowd and runs to the toiletThey were running and laughing

"Bao'er, this kind of feeling is really good I feel very happy, but now, although I feel very happy, my heart is still a little uncomfortable. " Lan Lan ran and said.

Along the way, there are always people taking pictures of LAN LAN with their mobile phones

"You'll get used to it later. Emma, LAN LAN, I can't imagine that all the students in our school are so crazy..." Jing bao'er said again.

Lan Lan nodded and then laughed again.

"What's next class?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"It's Chemistry..." Landau.

"Oh, yes..." Jing Baoer nodded.


Jing Baoer and LAN LAN ran back to the classroom hand in hand after they went to the toilet.

As soon as they got to the door of the classroom, they were shocked by the sight on their desk

At this moment, their tables are full of all kinds of wrapped gifts.

Those gifts are just like hills.

Seeing this, jingbao'er and Lanlan immediately stop at the same time, and then they look at each other

"Honey, what's the situation? This is..." Landau.

LAN LAN is totally confused now.

"What else can happen? It must be from our school. Those who like you give you gifts..." Jingbaoer road.

Then, jingbao'er directly pulls LAN LAN to their seats.

As soon as they came over, Gu yubai looked at LAN LAN and said, "Lan Lan, you are really amazing now. Just now, you go to the toilet for such a short time, there are so many, many, many other classes, male students, come to give you gifts..."

Looking at a table of gifts, LAN LAN for a moment, it is a bit at a loss.

She sighed helplessly.

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