"No way!" Jing Rong responded without thinking.

"Good You're not going, are you? I'll go myself... " Master Jing said again.

"It's no use if you go. Even if you ask the police to let leisurely go, I have a hundred ways to let her go again..." Jing Rong and Dao.

In the car, jingbao'er sits quietly on the co driver's seat, looking at the light convergence, the handsome figure

Bright lights, reflected on him, sitting in her present position, she was just able to get a panoramic view of his expression at this time.

She could see that he was very irritable, very irritable, and he was on fire.

She knew that the old man must have said something on the phone that he didn't like to hear.

She also knows that the reason why he just got off the bus was that he was afraid that the conversation between him and the old man would hurt her.

But even if he got out of the car, she could probably guess what they were talking about.

Jing bao'er knows what the old man will say to Jing Rong

Seeing that Jingrong hung up the phone and walked towards the car, Jingbao immediately sighed.

She knew how much pressure Jing Rong was under now.

Soon, Jingrong got on the bus.

After getting on the bus, Jing Rong didn't say a word, just continued to drive steadily forward.

Jing Rong didn't say, and Jing bao'er didn't ask.

Because there's no need to ask. She knows exactly what they say.

Sensitive as she is, smart as she is.

"Where to eat, eh?" Jing Rong asked.

"Look for any one by the way. It's so late Help yourself to some. " Jingbaoer road.

"There's a Sichuan restaurant in front of you. Can I take you to Sichuan food?" Jing Rong asked.

At this time, the man regained his indifferent and awe inspiring appearance, and the original irascibility disappeared completely.

"Well, good." Jing Baoer nodded.

"After dinner, I'll take you back to the shoal villa, and then I'll go home." Jingrong road.

"Good..." Jing Baoer still didn't ask much.

She knew that it was impossible for him not to ask Jing Rong to go home.

It's impossible for Jingrong not to go home and tell the old man something.


After dinner, Jingrong sends jingbao'er back to the shoal villa, and then drives to the villa alone.

As soon as Jingrong entered the living room, a teacup flew towards him.

Fortunately, he was very sensitive. At the moment when the cup came, he quickly turned to the right side.

After the cup passed his shoulder, it fell on the wooden floor and broke to pieces.

Avoiding the cup, Jing Rong raises his head and looks at the angry old man Jing sitting on the single sofa.

Even if he was almost hit by the cup, even if the old man was looking at him with a kind of extreme anger, he still kept calm.

As soon as he wanted to move forward, the old man picked up another cup and hit it in his face.

This time, instead of hiding, he held the cup in his hand.

Then, Jing Rong took the cup, walked with long legs, and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Put down the cup, he took a cigarette from the table without expression, and then lit it up.

From beginning to end, he was as stable as a mountain.

"You villain!" Jing Ao Tian shouts.

At this time, master Jing is about to be mad by Jing Rong.

"Everything I do today is reasonable and legal. I don't think I'm wrong at all. What's more, I don't know how I became the villain in your mouth? " Jingrong youyou takes a puff of smoke, then looks at the old man and asks.

Jing Rong blurted out, and this leisurely and complacent look made him more angry.

This feeling, like, originally fiery place, suddenly was splashed with a barrel of gasoline!

"You...!!"!!! Leisurely, that's your niece! Your niece! It's your granddaughter, my granddaughter! You asked the police to take leisurely away! Do you have any humanity, huh? " The old man is now angry in front of his eyes, black and white, and his voice is shaking.

After hearing this, Jing Rong took another puff of smoke, then folded his slender legs and looked at the old man's light response, "she ordered others to pour Baoer sulfuric acid, so she was human? A vicious child like her should be punished by law! She can't grow up all her life if she doesn't get a real pain

"But didn't sulfuric acid spill on that girl's face?"?! Didn't you see through it before it happened?! Now, isn't there nothing wrong with Jing bao'er?! Why do you make such a fuss! Fourth, are you really crazy?! Bao'er, is that girl who has no blood relationship with you more important to you than your own niece? " Master Jing asked breathlessly.He is really about to be angry by Jingrong now! I'm going to be angry with Jingrong!

Hearing Jing Aotian say this again, the fire in Jing Rong's heart suddenly rises again

Raging fire, burning in the heart, in an instant, become uncontrollable!

"If sulfuric acid really splashes on that girl's face, that girl will be finished! It's not just looks that will be destroyed! The whole life will be destroyed! I'm making a mountain out of a molehill?! You're making a fuss Jing can't bear to roar

Jing Rong has always been a cold and self-supporting man. No matter who he is, he is especially cautious. In front of Jing Aotian, he is

It's rare for him to be so angry with his father! When I speak, I can roar

At this moment, Jing Aotian was so scolded by him that he was stunned

He couldn't believe his eyes, he couldn't believe his ears!

Where's his old four, who is always respectful and polite in front of him and knows how to advance and retreat?!

"Old four, what are you doing? You Are you talking to me like this?! You're going against the sky, aren't you? " Jing Aotian is more mad now!

How dare a son yell at me!

It's really lawless!

"You're not right. That's my attitude. If you are reasonable, fair and impartial, I will not be like that, will I? " Jing Rong coldly looks at Jing Aotian and says.

That's the look. Sharp and cold, like the ice of the year before last, enough to freeze everything in the boundless abyss.

"What I said is wrong..."! Now that girl is good, isn't she! Didn't sulfuric acid spill on her face? " Jing Aotian can't help roaring.

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