When Jing bao'er ran to the Ninth Circle, it was already noon. Although the people in the sun couldn't open their eyes, the members of the Black Hawk organization on the training ground were still continuing their training. Everyone was serious and serious

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that he was almost tired. He was as wet as if he had just taken a hot bath.

The thin material is stuck on the body by sweat, which makes Jingbao feel very uncomfortable.

Today, the temperature is high, and the sun is very strong at noon, so jingbao'er feels a little dizzy.

Even so, she still gritted her teeth and kept the same speed from beginning to end

At this moment, jingbao'er is running hard alone. Jingrong, Yeming and Erjiang are shirtless, practicing push ups in an open space on the training ground

Although the little brothers on the training ground are extremely tall, jingbao'er can still find Jingrong's figure in the crowded training ground at a glance.

After ten laps, jingbao'er runs to Jingrong, Yeming and Erjiang with tired body.

The three men did not stop when they saw Jing bao'er, but continued.

At this moment, the three of them are already sweating, and the big beads of sweat are rolling out of their pores.

All of them were sweating on their faces and bodies

The strong muscles, set off by sweat and sunshine, are particularly attractive and bewitching!

Three muscle men in front of him, so show muscle, Jing bao'er see already heart liver son chaos tremble.

A fart - share sitting on the ground, Jing bao'er will directly lie down, panting, looking at the three people who are sweating like rain beside him, panting and saying, "since I run the third circle, you have been doing push ups, sitting until now, are you tired?"

"Not tired..." On one side, er Jiang looked at Jing bao'er with a smile and said.

"Brother Erjiang, you are getting better and better now. Your muscles are really strong It's too sexual. " Jing bao'er praised it.

When Er Jiang heard the speech, he immediately laughed, "hey hey, it's OK, Miss Jing. I'm sorry for your praise Are you tired, Miss Jing? "

"Tired Now I feel like I'm in a whirl when I lie here... " Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong immediately got up and wiped the sweat on his face with the back of his hand. Then he went directly to Jing bao'er and sat down. He said, "I'm so tired. Can't I be quiet?"

After listening to Jingrong's words, jingbao'er knows that Jingrong is a little unhappy because she just praised Erjiang's sex.

Her fourth uncle, what a big vinegar jar!

The vinegar smell is very heavy!

"It's the body that's tired, not the mouth." Jingbaoer road.

“……” Jing Rong doesn't speak any more, just quietly relaxes her muscles for Jing bao'er.

Yeming and Erjiang see that Jingrong doesn't do push ups any more, and they immediately stand up. After clapping their hands, they sit down beside Jingbao.

"Fourth uncle, I'm so hungry..." Jingbaoer road.

"Take a break, go back to take a bath, I'll take you to the canteen..." Jingrong road.

Jing Baoer nods

"Our canteen recently launched a new pineapple stewed pork, which is really delicious Miss Jing, you can try it later. " Erjiang road.

Jingbao'er immediately nodded, then looked at Erjiang with a smile and said, "OK, I like to eat pineapple and sweet pork."

"I like it too..." Erjiang road.

"If you like everything, there is nothing in the world you don't like..." The silent night opened its mouth.

"No, you are wrong There is one thing I don't like very much... " Er Jiang rolled his eyes and said.

Night dark smell speech, immediately frown to ask a way, "what?"

"You I don't like you. " Erjiang road.

"Me! no Yes! East! West!... " Night dark face, low scold.

Yeming's words immediately make jingbao'er and Erjiang laugh. Even Jingrong, who is always serious, has a smile on his lips.

"You are not a thing. Of course you are not a thing. You are not a thing in particular." Erjiang laughs.

Hearing Erjiang say this, jingbao'er laughs again.

With such a smile, Yeming's face turned black into coal

"Er Jiang, don't go too far..." Night dark dissatisfaction way.

"It's you who say you're not a thing It's none of my business... "

"If you don't guide me like that, can I say that..."

"Anyway, that's what you said..." Er Jiang said with a proud face.

“……” The night is already speechless, breathing more and more heavy, face is also more and more black, more and more black!Looking at their mutual connection, jingbao'er thought of the sentence "good basic friend, good friend..."

When they get together, they are used to fighting each other like this

"Well, Erjiang, don't bully Yeming." Jing Rong said as she relaxed her leg muscles for Jing bao'er.

"Boss, where did I bully him?" Er Jiang touched his head and said.

“……” Jing Rong stopped talking and continued to relax his muscles seriously for Jing bao'er.


After returning to Jingrong's dormitory, Jingbao put on her slippers and went to the bathroom.

After walking all the way to the bathroom, Jing bao'er lost all her clothes, while Jing Rong followed her and picked them up

At the door of the bathroom, jingbao'er takes off her only pair of Lei Si underwear and goes directly into the bathroom.

Jingrong shakes her head and picks up her underwear. Then she frowns and takes out the mobile phone in her pants pocket. She also takes out the mobile phone in her pocket and puts it on the desk.

Then he followed her into the bathroom, threw her clothes into the dirty laundry basket by the door, and said, "Jingbao, can you pay attention, don't litter your clothes..."

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, she immediately turned around and looked at Jing rongmian with her mouth flat. "Oh, fourth uncle, I'm too hot to stand it Thank you for collecting my clothes... "

"I can't help you..." Jing Rong said helplessly.

Jing bao'er didn't speak. He just laughed. Then he went to the bottom of the shower. He untied the band of his head and put it on his wrist. He turned on the shower switch and washed his hair.

Warm water poured out from the shower and fell on the ground, bringing up a layer of dreamlike mist.

"After exercise, a hot bath is the most comfortable..." Jingbao'er said as she squeezed shampoo into her palm.

Jing Rong doesn't respond. He quickly takes off his sweat soaked dirty clothes and throws them into the laundry basket. Then he goes directly to Jing bao'er to wash his hair.

After Jing Rong came, Jing bao'er automatically stepped back and began to apply shampoo on her hair.

"Fourth uncle, what do we train in the afternoon?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Combat, combat training, tomorrow, investigation, anti reconnaissance, anti polygraph training..." Jingrong road.

"Good..." Jingbao'er nodded his head


After the bath, jingbao'er and Jingrong return to the room with their bath towel around.

"Dudududu -"

as soon as they got back to the room, Jingrong's mobile phone on the desk began to vibrate.

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