As soon as Luo Erchen said this, the whole class immediately sighed. One by one, it turned into a withered cucumber

"Chen Shao, we can't bear you..."

"Chen Shao, I hope you can always be our substitute teacher..."

Girls, you say, I say

Rolchen just smiles a little. Then he holds his chemistry textbook and walks directly down the platform to Jing bao'er.

Seeing Luo Erchen coming, Jing bao'er looked up at him and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Your face, what's the matter?" Asked rolchen.

"I said I was beaten by a shrew..." Jingbaoer road.

Luo Erchen frowns slightly, grabs Jing bao'er's arm, and begins to force her out

Jing bao'er struggles to no avail, then directly follows Luo Er Chen to leave the classroom.

After Luo Erchen pulls Jing bao'er to leave, Gu yubai turns his head, looks at LAN LAN and asks, "what's the matter with bao'er? Who called her like that? "

Before class, Gu yubai had been concentrating on copying his homework. He didn't notice when Jing bao'er left the classroom.

Later, when the class began, rolchen asked why Jing bao'er didn't come. Lan Lan told rolchen that bao'er had gone to the toilet, so he thought that bao'er had just gone to the toilet

Lan Lan immediately said, "before, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran's mother came to the classroom, and then bao'er went out with them Bao'er was beaten by them... "

"Fuck! How come it's like this Gu yubai was very rude.


Jing bao'er was dragged all the way to a corner of the corridor where there was no one.

At the corner of the corridor, rolchen directly dragged Jing bao'er to the wall, put his body against her, and played with her, "what's the matter with the face, which shrew beat? Fighting with other classmates? Who is it? What's your name? "

From such a distance, jingbao'er can clearly feel his heart beat, a little bit hasty.

"Two aunts came to fight, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran. Because I have become like that, they have no place to spread their anger. Naturally they have to come to me." With that, Jing bao'er turned to one side with a gloomy face

Thinking of what the two aunts had said to him before, Jing bao'er was very angry.

"They are crazy. They rush to school to beat people!" Rolchen was very angry.

"I'm mad..." Jingbaoer road.

"Damn, when there's no one behind you to bully, right?" Luo Erchen scolded.

Jing bao'er didn't speak any more. He pushed Luo Er Chen away, arranged his wrinkled coat and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, rolchen immediately took jingbao'er by the arm and said, "little girl Follow me... "

With that, he dragged Jing bao'er downstairs.

While struggling, Jing Baoer passively followed him downstairs and asked, "rolchen, what are you doing? You are going to class soon. You are crazy..."

"If you don't shut up, I will kiss you..." Luo Erchen turned his head and looked at Jing bao'er with a smile.

"What are you taking me for?" Asked Jing bao'er.



"Gone If you struggle again, I will take you away... " With that, Luo Er Chen increases his strength and continues to drag Jing bao'er downstairs

Jing Baoer was pulled to the school canteen by rolchen all the way.

At the buffet, rolchen quickly took out a bottle of Wahaha mineral water from the refrigerated beverage cabinet and gently pressed it on her swollen right face, "take it..."

I don't know if the light in the store is too soft. At this moment, rolchen looks very gentle.

Jing bao'er frowned and pressed the bottle of water on his right face.

The water on her face is cold, but Jingbao's heart is warm.

Seeing this, rolchen immediately smiles. Then, he takes out two steel bars from his pocket and gives them to the shopkeeper.

Then he extended his long arm, took her shoulder and said, "go..."

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately turned away his hand on his shoulder. Then, he gave him a cold look, "don't move your hands..."

With that, jingbao'er walked to the teaching building with her slender and straight legs.

Seeing this, rolchen immediately shrugged his shoulders, then quickly followed jingbao'er's steps and said, "girl, you are the first woman who dares not to pay attention to you..."

“……” Jing bao'er ignored him and continued to step forward.

"I'll finish the afternoon class for you today, but I won't be able to come tomorrow. Will you miss me?" Asked rolchen.

"Don't worry, not at all..." Jing bao'er replied.

"I'm sorry, girl I came to take the place of you, but you ignored me for a whole week... "“……” Jing bao'er is too lazy to talk to him.

"Girl, why don't you have dinner together in the evening?"

"No time There's something wrong

"What's the matter? About - gun

"Date your sister!" Jing bao'er gritted her teeth and spoke low.

"Give me face and go to dinner with you, eh?" Luo Erchen quickly steps up to Jing bao'er, then turns around. He quickly caters to Jing bao'er's steps and retreats, looking at Jing bao'er with a smile.

"No. Luo Erchen, find someone else to accompany you. The world is full of flowers. Do you want to find any girl... "

"Other girls, it's OK to be a firecracker, but it's not good to talk about feelings." Rolchen also said.

"Shameless." Jingbaoer road.

"In the evening, I'll wait for you outside your teaching building, so it's settled..."

"Bell ring -"

the bell rings suddenly

When Jing bao'er heard the bell ring for class, she turned her eyes to Luo Er Chen immediately. Then she said directly, "the ghost has made a deal with you, nerve..."

With that, jingbao'er ran away all the way.

After Jing bao'er left, rolchen stopped, looked at her figure and stroked her sharp lower lip.

"Lao Tzu is so cheap." He had no choice but to laugh at himself.

Then he took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Wang Zhenhai, the director of the Beijing detention center -

soon, he answered.

"Oh, Chen Shao What can I do for you? " That way.

"Wang Suo, you've closed two little girls recently, right? One is Leng leiran, the other is Duan qianrong..."

"Yes, Chen Shao, do you want me to take care of them more? Don't worry. The people over there have already said hello to me. I'll take good care of them... "

"Try to teach them a lesson and make them suffer."

"Chen Shao, master Jing specially called to tell me to treat them well..." That way.

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