Cold President, Hug Me

C42 A word, an ox

Jing Bao'er wiped the tears off her face and walked towards Gu Yubai.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing her eyes that were swollen like walnuts, Gu Yubai's heart tightened.

"Nothing... "Come on, let's go play." Jing Bao'er forced a smile.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Yubai asked nervously as he pulled her hand.

"Nothing, don't ask. In short, I encountered a sad matter that I don't want to say. If it's this bro's words, then don't ask. Accompany me to play."

"Alright …"

… ….

After playing with Gu Yubai in the Paradise for a day, Jing Bao'er returned to the Jing Clan in the evening.

Upon entering, Song Limei went forward to welcome him, and pulled onto Jing Bao'er's wrist, and asked: "Bao'er, I heard from your Fourth Uncle that you drank with Gu Yubai last night?"

"His mouth is really quick..." Jing Bao'er scoffed.

"Bao`er, why is it that you're becoming more and more disobedient now, you …"

"Alright, stop nagging. It's so annoying." Jing Bao'er replied impatiently.

"Say, you look like this. Can I, as a mother, not nag you?" If I nag you, isn't it for your own good? In the future, don't drink with the boys outside, girls can not drink with the boys in the house as drunk as mud ah, everything has happened, what should be done? "Many of the girls that were beaten were drinking because of this …"

"Alright, I understand …" Originally, Jing Bao'er was already unhappy. Now that the Ms. Song nagged him, Jing Bao'er was even more unhappy.

"It's good that you know it, tomorrow is your grandpa's sixtieth birthday, I've already applied for leave from your class teacher, tomorrow, you're not going anywhere, just stay by my side to help me. Also, tomorrow, in the situation, you have to be good, your grandpa's sixtieth birthday is going to be your grandpa's, and the president is going to come as well. You better not cause any trouble like when you were young." Song Limei said.

"That's right, you must not cause any trouble. After all, if any trouble happens again, I will be thrown back into the Piao Bo County again!" Leaving someone to fend for themselves! " Jing Bao'er laughed bitterly.

When he was twelve years old, the matter of Jing Aotian's birthday became a scar on his heart that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

"Come, let's go upstairs to my room. I've customized a pretty dress for you in Dior. Let's go and try it out." Song Limei pulled Jing Bao'er's hand and said.

"I'm not going to try, it's not suitable. We'll know when we wear it tomorrow." After Jing Bao'er finished speaking, she coldly pushed Song Limei's hands away and directly went upstairs.

Back in her room, she tucked herself into the quilt.

Disgusting! How annoying!

In his heart, he felt extremely uncomfortable.


… ….

The next day.

"Dong, dong, dong ~ ~ ~"

"Dong, dong, dong ~ ~ ~"

Early in the morning, a rapid and ear-piercing knocking sound came out, easily waking Jing Bao'er up from her light sleep.


"Bao`er, wake up, hurry up and get up, eat breakfast. In a while, I have to take you to put on some makeup and make your hair. At 11 PM, we are going to the banquet."

Song Limei's voice entered her ears. Jing Bao'er let out a long breath, got up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and responded, "I got it …"

"Hurry up."

"Got it!"

Then, Jing Bao'er stood up and went into the bathroom.

After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Jing Bao'er wore a simple Red Guard clothing.

In the restaurant downstairs — —

Jing Rong, Jing Aotian were not present, only Song Limei was sitting there alone.

The seat that Jing Rong usually liked to sit at was empty, and so was most of Jing Bao'er's heart.

After she recovered, she quickly walked to Song Limei and sat in front of him. Then, she picked up a bowl of porridge and started to eat.

The porridge was clearly sweet, but Jing Bao'er was not able to taste anything.

Her current mood, no matter what she ate, was the same as chewing on wax!

"Bao Er, I can see that you don't look well. Did you not sleep well last night?" Song Limei asked with concern.

"No, it's pretty good." Jing Bao'er lowered her head and continued eating her porridge.

No matter how she looked at it, Song Limei did not seem to be doing well. Her dark eyes looked as if they were about to catch up to the panda.

A young girl at puberty was already difficult for one to guess. As for her daughter's thoughts, they were even more difficult to guess.

His intuition told Song Limei that something was amiss — —

Could she have been in love for a long time?

Could it be with that Gu Yubai?!

Thinking of this, Song Limei immediately reminded, "Bao'er, your main mission right now is to learn. You can't be in love too long."

"Got it." Jing Bao'er replied in a low voice.

The god she secretly loved had now made it clear that she had a girl she loved.

F * ck!

"That's good." Song Limei said.

… ….

After breakfast, Jing Bao'er and Song Limei went to the high grade modeling studio to do a hairstyle. After changing their makeup, Song Limei drove her black Audi Car, and brought Jing Bao'er to Jingshi International Hotel — —

Today, the Old Master Jing's 60th birthday banquet was being held here.

At the moment, it was not time yet, the luxury car outside the hotel had enough time to open several luxury car s for exhibition.

Today, because of Old Master Jing's birthday, this Jingshi International Hotel was temporarily closed for public.

A large number of luxury car and bodyguards surrounded the place, unable to breathe.

Jing Bao'er had not seen such a scene ever since she was twelve years old.

Magnificent! How strange! It was spectacular!

In short — awesome!

Song Limei found a spot, and after stopping, got out of the car with Jing Bao'er.

Once he got out of the car, Jing Bao'er immediately attracted all the attention of the bodyguards.

The main reason was that this girl was simply too beautiful today! It was too eye-catching!

She wore a white dress that reached to her knees, showing off her convex figure without restraint. The pair of light gray, slender and tall heels under her feet made her long, slender legs look especially long and well-proportioned.

With this kind of outfit, coupled with that head of straight black hair and light makeup, the simple light gray handbag made Jing Bao'er's aura soar by countless degrees.

She was like a seductress, captivating people's souls.

Noticing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Song Limei proudly grabbed Jing Bao'er's hand and walked towards the hotel lobby together with Jing Bao'er.

While walking, she tidied up her red floor-length gown, and warned, "Bao'er, you have to behave properly in a while. Do you hear me? You have to keep a low profile. No matter what, you can't make any noise at the banquet. Also, today, Second Aunt and San Gugu have brought your two younger cousins Qian Rong and Qian Xi back as well. When you see Qian Rong, you can take your time, and don't be like how you were when you were young.

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