After running to Jingrong, jingbao'er leaned directly against the tree trunk, gasped, gasped, breathed, looked at Jingrong, whose upper body was completely bare, and praised, "fourth uncle You When you just played martial arts, you really It's really cool... "

The man didn't speak. After carefully helping her remove the sandbags, he opened his mouth and said, "is it tired to run ten circles with such heavy sandbags?"

"Well, tired But it's OK. I can stand it. It's nothing... " The girl responded softly and said that she quickly wiped the rain on her face.

No matter how tired and hard the training is, in her mouth, it will always be "nothing", "tolerable" and "nothing"

Because her whole body was drenched by the rain, at this moment, the girl's black T-shirt and black trousers are tightly adhered to her body, showing her rich full curve.

The front convex back warped Xing's body, coupled with her pure, flexible and energetic face, makes people feel itchy.

Looking at her like this, the man immediately felt a heat flow in his lower abdomen

"Are you cold? Well The man asked again.

Jingbao'er shook his head. "It's not cold. It's not cold at all I think the feeling of running in the rain is really great! Shufu is dead! "

"Go back to take a bath..." He said faintly.

"I still want to practice martial arts with those little brothers." Jingbao'er pointed to the pure men who were standing in the torrential rain nearby and said.

After hearing this, Jing Rong immediately frowned, and then patted her pretty, round fart from behind. "What's the matter? Come back to take a bath and change clothes with me right away..."

In this way, he can watch the Xing - provoking - fire picture from a close distance alone! Where can I get the others?!

"Do you love me because it's raining?" Jing bao'er asked, blinking his big smart eyes.

"Gone..." The man said faintly, then walked to the heavy rain with long legs

When Jing bao'er saw this, he immediately followed, "fourth uncle Oh, fourth uncle You wait for me... "

When a man hears the words, he immediately slows down and caters to her

In the heavy rain, the girl was full of laughter and walked side by side with the man.

It seems that it's raining more and more. In the heavy rain, their sight is more and more blurred, more and more blurred

Behind them, countless members of the Black Hawk organization continued to play Military Boxing in the heavy rain. Even if the rain was pouring, their posture was still neat and standardized.

"The feeling of getting wet in summer is really cool..." Jing bao'er opened his arms, closed his eyes on his back, turned his face to the sky and said.

Looking at Jing bao'er's excited appearance, a touch of tenderness immediately emerges from Jing Rong's eyes.

After twenty-seven years of living, he had seen people in various shapes and colors, but there was never a girl as special as her.

There is a lot of energy hidden in her seemingly thin body

This girl is like a wild horse on the grassland, wild and fierce!

No matter how difficult it is, she can always overcome it easily when she comes here. No matter how hard she suffers or how much she suffers, she will never cry bitterness, tiredness and pain with affectation.

She looks like she's in a rage, but she's full of family and country.

Her blood is full of patriotic blood.

"It's raining so hard today. Tomorrow the forest will be full of wild mushrooms. Uncle, let's take a group of people to pick them? How about taking them to the kitchen and asking them to cook chicken stewed with mushrooms for everyone Asked Jing bao'er.

"I know how to eat..."

"How about that? Fourth uncle Jing bao'er squinted and asked as she quickly wiped the rain on her face.


As soon as Jing bao'er heard it, her face immediately blossomed.

In the end, it's just a child. Just a little thing can make her happy.

"Hey, hey, thank you, fourth uncle I can like to eat wild mushrooms on the mountain. They are super delicious. " Jingbaoer road.

"If you like, go and pick it..."


They chatted all the way, and then they went back to Jingrong's single dormitory unconsciously.

As soon as she enters the door, jingbao'er quickly takes off her rain soaked sports shoes and goes to the bathroom barefoot. Everywhere her feet go, they leave footprints.

Jing Rong immediately took off her shoes, followed her steps and walked into the bathroom.

Jingbao'er walks into the bathroom and sees herself in the mirror.

In the mirror, her clothes are tightly glued to her body by the rain, and her front convex back warped body can be seen at a glance.

Looking at herself like this, jingbao'er finally understands why Jingrong didn't let her practice martial arts with those little brothers when she was just under the tree.I don't want others to see her like this.

Thinking of this, jingbao'er felt as sweet as honey.

"What are you looking at? Take off your wet clothes and take a bath together." The man said as he took off his black trousers.

"Look at me No wonder my fourth uncle just didn't let me play martial arts with other little brothers. I'm afraid other little brothers would see such a picture Hey, hey, hey... " Jingbao'er said with a witty smile.

After hearing this, Jing Rong quickly threw his trousers into the dirty clothes basket. Then he stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms. His hands tightly around her willow waist and said, "I can only watch and appreciate this picture by myself Other people, you'd better not... "

His tone was overbearing, and slowly hot air sprayed on her face, making her feel crisp and numb.

With that, he leaned over and took a bite of her delicious lip flap.

A simple action, but it is full of bean flavor!

Just such a simple bite, jingbao'er's face turned red immediately.

Heart like deer hit!

"Hate..." Jingbao'er responds in a low voice.

The man just hooked his lips and didn't speak

"I took off my clothes and took a bath. My clothes stuck to me. It was so hard." Jing bao'er pushed him and said.

When he heard the words, he immediately let her go, and then naturally took off his only pair of underwear and threw it directly into the dirty clothes basket.

As soon as he took off his inner trousers, the place where he went down immediately showed up in front of Jing bao'er.

"My fourth uncle, even if it's not hard, it looks very big..." Jing bao'er squints and smiles. He naturally dials the place with one hand and says vaguely.

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