I don't know how long it took me to change my posture and posture. With a sound of "stuffy hum", the man finally released himself in the girl's body through the condom. What he just did was a little fierce. At this moment, the man's forehead and body are all sweaty

Bean sized sweat, flowing slowly on the muscle, aggravates the masculine taste of men!

"Comfortable?" Asked the man.

After that, he turned over and down, naturally sat by the bed and cleaned himself with a paper towel

"Well, comfortable..." Jingbao'er moved his sore little waist and said.

In the past two days, so many things have happened. Jingbao'er's heart has been particularly depressed

At this moment, jingbao'er feels a lot more comfortable after the unbridled fight with Jingrong

"I want to take a bath. Are you going?" Asked the man.

Jing bao'er nodded, then looked up at the man and said, "I really want to go, but people can't walk..."

Man smell speech, is helpless to shake his head, and then directly out of bed, will be a - silk - not - Hang girl horizontal embrace up.

"Hey My fourth uncle's arms are so comfortable... " Jingbao's hands naturally hook Jingrong's neck and continue to be charming.

Jing bao'er's favorite thing is to act recklessly in Jing Rong's arms.

This man's embrace is the most secure place in Jingbao's mind.


In the evening, after Jingrong finished his work, he took jingbao'er to the amusement park in the city center.

Even if the sun is about to set, the city is still like a huge steamer, hot and breathless.

After Jing bao'er and Jing Rong got off the bus, they were in hot air and immediately came face to face, which easily made them sweat.

"Well It's so hot... " Jing bao'er said as she fanned the wind with her hand.

Seeing that there are hydrogen balloons selling various cartoon shapes at the gate of the amusement park, jingbao'er immediately lights up, points to the balloon and says, "fourth uncle I want that... "

Looking at the cartoon balloon in the distance, Jingrong shook his head helplessly, and then touched Jingbao's head.

It's a child who still likes these little things

"Let's go and buy..." As Jing Rong said, he quickened his pace and walked in front of the balloon cart.

Jingbao'er followed him all the way.

In front of the cart, jingbao'er raised his head excitedly, pointed to the SpongeBob shaped balloon and said excitedly, "boss, I want this SpongeBob. How much is it?"

"Fifteen yuan each, girl..." The boss said.

Jing Rong smell speech, immediately from the pocket out of a ten yuan, to the boss.

Then, the boss quickly released the balloon that Jingbao wanted and handed it to Jingbao.

Pulling the line of the hydrogen balloon and looking at the SpongeBob flying in the air, jingbao'er feels very happy

Jingbao'er's smile, like a light, can easily shine into the deepest part of Jingrong's heart and illuminate all the darkest corners inside.

Her smile is the most precious thing in his mind.

"Is one enough?" Jing Rong touched Jing bao'er's hair again and asked.

"Well, that's enough!" Jing Baoer responded with a smile, then gently pulled the long line of the balloon

"It's easy for you to be satisfied, little fart..."

"What a little fart, I'm not small at all, ok..."

"You're just a little kid..."

With that, the man walked to the ticket window with long legs.

When Jing bao'er saw this, he immediately followed him and complained in a low voice, "hum I'm not small at all, OK? It's a big place... "

When Luo Suran and several young ladies came out of the amusement park, they just saw Jing Rong and Jing bao'er standing in line in front of the ticket window to buy tickets.

It's just that the two people in the crowd are so bright that Russell noticed them.

The moment I saw them, Russell Ran's face became gloomy

The two men and women in the crowd, with beautiful smiles on their faces, for Russell ran, that smile is like a nail, hitting the eye!

The man would never laugh so freely in front of her

The picture in front of him makes Russell jealous

"Su ran What's the matter with you What's the matter? I'm leaving. I'm going to eat... " A young lady said, pulling Russell's hand.

After hearing this, Luo Su ran immediately returned to her senses and nodded. Then she gave Jingrong and Jingbao a cold glance again. Then she left with the two young ladiesAfter Jing Rong and Jing Rong bought two tickets, they went to the playground together

At this time, the playground is full of people and voices. There are excited and scared screams everywhere. It's very lively!

"Fourth uncle, let's take the big pendulum first, OK?" Jing Rong excitedly points to the big pendulum that is starting and says.

"Aren't you afraid?" Jing Rong asked

Jingbao'er immediately shook his head. "What's so scary? For me, it's a little funny Why, are you afraid? "

Jing Rong immediately frowned and replied, "you are not afraid of a child. What am I afraid of? Let's go..."

With that, he walked with long legs toward the position of the big pendulum.

Then Jing bao'er took the balloon and said excitedly, "after a while, let's play roller coaster, jumping machine and pirate ship The roller coaster here is wonderful Flipped The jumping machine is better... "

Looking at jingbao'er's excited face, Jingrong frowned again. Then, he looked at jingbao'er carefully and said, "you know, sometimes, it's not like a girl..."

Most girls are scared when they mention these things.

But this little girl is good. When she mentions these exciting things, the excitement in her eyes is almost overflowing.

This girl is a little wild horse, strong and wild!

"When I'm in bed, it's enough for me to be like a woman..." Jingbao'er tiptoed to Jingrong's ear and put her lips together. She covered her mouth and said in a low voice.

Seeing that the pendulum had stopped, jingbao'er immediately ran to the front of the ticket window excitedly.

Seeing this, Jing Rong immediately steps forward and follows up -

after checking the tickets, Jing bao'er ties her hydrogen balloon to the guardrail, and then directly follows Jing Rong and sits on the seat

"Fourth uncle, are you nervous?" Jingbao'er asked, shaking his legs excitedly.

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