"Old man, didn't you two get angry?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

"No, I haven't heard..." Jingrong road.

"Then what happened? What does the old man do? " Asked song Mingyang.

Jing Rong shook his head, "no No action... "

"I think you two have to be careful next, especially baby I'm afraid my uncle will do something to hurt baby Song Mingyang looks at Jing bao'er seriously and says.

Song Mingyang's eyes are full of his brother's concern for his sister.

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong nodded his head, then smoked a cigarette again and said, "Mingyang is right. You two should be more careful next time, especially bao'er..."

"What's more, if the old man confiscates everything he gives you, don't worry about it. I have a lot of money. I can absolutely afford it, you two." Meng Yaodong road.

Meng Yaodong's words suddenly warmed Jing bao'er's heart.

This is the real brother

Brother is in trouble.

"That's right. No matter what happens, Dongzi and I will help you. You don't have to worry." Song Mingyang patted Jingrong on the shoulder and said.

"All these years, I've already saved my private money. I don't need to..." Jingrong road.

"Yes, how can I forget this? You have private money..." Meng Yaodong road.

"Anyway, no matter what, no matter what happens, the elder brothers will share with you. If you need any help, just talk to the elder brothers..." Song Mingyang road.

"I know..." Jing Rong nodded.

In this life, Jingrong thinks that he is most proud of song Mingyang and Meng Yaodong, as well as jingbao'er, a perfect lover.

"However, I think uncle Jing is a bit grumpy, but he will never be angry and ignore the future of the company. Now, looking at the whole Jing family, you are the only one who can shoulder the burden of Jing I reckon that the old man is just angry with you. It's not likely that he will take back everything... " Song Mingyang road.

"I think so too Who knows? Anyway, I'll be ready. He can either take it or not. After all, I don't want to leave and ignore Jing It's up to the old man. I'm free. " Jingrong road.

"I'll go to the bathroom..." Jing bao'er got up with a smile, patted Jing Rong's hand and said.

With that, jingbao'er sighed and walked into the bathroom of the room.

"I said, Jingrong, you really can. You can really leave everything behind for that little girl..." Meng Yaodong looked at the direction of jingbao'er's departure and said.

"There's nothing you can't do." Jingrong shrugs his shoulders and responds lightly. His expression is still calm.

This man, almost rarely, expresses his emotions in his face.

"OK Man, I admire you. " Meng Yaodong thumbed up and praised.

"I admire you too..." Song Mingyang road.

"In the future, if you need any help from us, just ask for us, OK?" Meng Yaodong said again.

Jing Rong nods

"So many things have happened recently. For a while, I'll go to magic finger Wonderland with Dongzi to relax, OK?" Song Mingyang naturally put one hand on Jing Rong's shoulder and asked.

"Well, it's my treat..." Jingrong road.

"Cheng..." Meng Yaodong snapped his fingers.

"Mingyang, at noon today, the manager of magic finger fairyland called me and said that they had just arrived at the bar with a group of wine girls, all of whom were college graduates. They wanted to be tall, good-looking and talented In a moment, I'll call you some You choose If you like it, you can take it to the hotel... " Meng Yaodong road.

"Dedededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededede Thank you for your kindness. No more... " Song Mingyang road.

"What's the matter? Are you really ready to defend yourself for Xiao ran all your life? Almost It's time to come out and accept other girls... " Meng Yaodong road.

Hearing Meng Yaodong say this, song Mingyang's face became gloomy immediately. "Shut up..."

Even if three years have passed, even if his Xiao Ran has been dead for five years, song Mingyang still feels heartbroken when he mentions this man.

"Shut up, I can't see you like that, you know? Every day I look like a normal person. What's inside? In fact, it's a walking corpse... " Meng Yaodong said again.

"Well, Dongzi Stop it Jing Rong frowned and looked at Meng Yaodong, warning.

When Meng Yaodong heard the speech, he turned his eyes and said, "come on, I don't care about it. How do you like it..."

When Jing bao'er comes out of the bathroom, he hears Meng Yaodong talking to song Mingyang about looking for a woman. Jing bao'er doesn't talk much, but quietly goes to Jing Rong and sits down.Looking at Song Mingyang, whose face is extremely gloomy, Jing bao'er can't help sighing.

What a spoony song Mingyang

At this time, the door of the private room was quietly pushed open.

Then, a waiter, pushing the spotless silver dining car, came in.

On the dining car are the dishes ordered by several of them, and each dish is covered with a shining silver cover

Seeing this, Jing Baoer immediately changed the topic and said, "what we ordered has come up It must be delicious, isn't it, brother song? "

Song Mingyang nodded -

"brother song, I think you like foie gras very much every time you eat Western food. Do you like foie gras very much?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Song Mingyang nodded, "well, I like I like the taste of foie gras. "

"Well, I like it, too..." Jingbaoer road.

Song Mingyang smiles

While they were talking, the waiter had already put the delicious food they ordered in front of them one by one

What Jingbao ordered were snails baked with cheese, foie gras fried with French style, snow steak fried with black truffle, all kinds of desserts she liked, all kinds of ice cream balls

Looking at the delicious food in front of her, jingbao'er immediately picked up the knife and fork and said, "let's hurry up. My God, I'm so hungry when I look at the delicious food..."

"Snack goods, eat now..." Meng Yaodong road.

"Well." As Jing bao'er said this, he cut a piece of snowflake steak and put it into his mouth It's delicious. I love it... "

"Eat more if you like." Meng Yaodong road.

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