On one side, Jing Rong looks at Jing bao'er, who looks like a little cockfight. He can't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. His eyes and eyebrows are full of love, almost overflowing.

Song Mingyang, on the other hand, is quietly watching the girl with an attitude of incomparable appreciation

Looking at the two beauties walking away, jingbao'er immediately patted her hands again, then jumped directly to the chair beside Jingrong, sat down, cocked her legs and swore, "Damn, prying at the corner of the wall, actually prying at my mother's head Ah, it's a pity

"Little girl, you can Great skill. It looks like I've practiced What did Jingrong teach you? " Song Mingyang asked with a smile.

after hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately nodded, "it's natural..."

With that, jingbao'er picked up the untouched red cocktail in front of Jingrong and drank most of it

This wine tastes sweet when it's first drunk, but it's very hot when you drink it into your stomach

More than half of the cup was poured down like this, and Jing bao'er immediately felt that his stomach was boiling hot.

This feeling, there is one, can not say - comfortable!

"Bring me the wine I allowed you to drink? Well Jing Rong looks at Jing bao'er seriously and says.

At this time, Jing Rong changed into an elder's posture.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately pushed the remaining half of the cocktail to Jing Rong, felt his head in embarrassment, and said, "Hey, I forgot..."

"Never again..." Jingrong road.

Jing Baoer immediately nodded

Then she jumped out of the bar chair and said, "go dancing..."

With that, jingbao'er followed the dynamic music on the dance floor, wriggling her little hips and thin willow waist, and walked into the dance floor. She found Meng Yaodong, who was crazy about dancing, and danced with him

Although there are many young boys and girls on the dance floor, Jingrong can still see his girls at a glance when he sits in his own place

In the dance floor, among so many people, only that girl is the most dazzling!

Bright neon lights, hit the girl's face, body, the girl's dance, reflected particularly charming.

"Bao'er, this little guy is very much like that kind of untamed wild horse. He is rebellious, fierce and wild..." Song Mingyang takes a sip of his blue cocktail, leans to Jingrong and praises

Jingrong immediately turned to look at Song Mingyang and nodded, "yes She's a wild horse. She's fierce and wild. I don't know who she's following... "

With that, Jingrong took jingbao'er's remaining half glass of wine and drank it down. He said, "but I like this..."

Hearing him say this, song Mingyang didn't speak, just smile

Jing bao'er and Meng Yaodong danced on the dance floor for a long time -

until they were sweating, Jing bao'er and Meng Yaodong left the dance floor one by one and went back to Jing Rong and song Mingyang

Jingbao'er sits next to Jingrong.

Meng Yaodong sat next to song Mingyang.

As soon as he sat down, Meng Yaodong picked up the cocktail in front of song Mingyang and gulped it down. Then, holding his chin with one hand, he looked at Jing bao'er and said, "you little girl, you can really jump I can't stop what you bring me... "

"Hey Brother Dong, did I dance very well? " Jing bao'er's face is very proud.

Because dancing too long, at this moment, the girl's face, like the apple of autumn, red lure - people.

Beanie's sweat is flowing down her forehead. From Jingrong's point of view, the picture should be more seductive and confused

"That's not That's a reversal of all living beings. " Meng Yaodong praised it.

Hearing Meng Yaodong's praise, jingbao'er's smile deepened a little

"Tired?" Jing Rong asked faintly.

Jing bao'er nods -

isn't he tired to death?

Calculating the time, she and Meng Yaodong have been crazy for an hour on the dance floor.

At this moment, jingbao'er felt light all over her body. Obviously, she was too strong.

It's also strange that she hasn't come to the night show for a long time. The whole person has been depressed for a long time, so as soon as she enters the dance floor, she seems to be crazy.

"Happy?" Jing Rong asked.

Jing bao'er nodded again, "well, I'm happy. I'm almost happy to death..."

With that, jingbao'er pointed to the waiter and said, "little sister, bring me a glass of ice cola, more ice..."

"No ice..." Jing Rong looks at the waiter.On hearing this, Jing bao'er immediately frowned at Jing Rong, saying, "why Can coke be called coke without ice? "

"You've just had strenuous exercise. You can't drink ice directly. It's bad for your health..." Jingrong road.

"I used to drink ice Cola directly after dancing, and I didn't see anything bad about my health." Jing bao'er pouted and retorted.

"In a word, you can't..." Jingrong's tone is very overbearing.

Looking at Jingrong's insistence, jingbao'er nodded helplessly and showed his obedience at the right time Well I still listen to my fourth uncle... "

Look at his attitude. If you don't listen, you can't do it.

"Well, good." Jing Rong dotes on Jing bao'er - caresses Jing bao'er's hair.

"I'll go to the bathroom..." Jingbao'er said with a smile.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Jing Rong asked.

Jingbao'er shakes her head -

then, jingbao'er conveniently falls off the bar chair, follows the dynamic music rhythm, twists her body and walks towards the bathroom

At this moment, jingbao'er's mood is wonderful

As soon as Jing bao'er gets to the bathroom door, he sees rolchen coming out of the women's room with a blonde girl in her arms

The world is so small.

Look at these two people, their clothes are not neat, and the warm, vague, damp and red on their faces. Jingbao'er knows that they must not be in the bathroom, doing something good

Jing bao'er didn't want to say hello to him, so she went around the foreign girl and was ready to go to the bathroom.

However, as soon as he took a step inside, he was held by his wrist.

"What are you doing, Mr. Luo?" Jing bao'er turned and frowned and asked

"Girl See ye, don't even take a greeting to beat, do you think you do right? " Asked rolchen.

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