"I - fuck Unexpectedly, it's really Russell Jing bao'er couldn't help being rude.

At this moment, jingbao'er was extremely angry.

At this time, Jing Rong's face was already gloomy and out of shape -

it was really Russell ran...

It seems that he guessed right!

"Fourth uncle, look at the other mails..." Jingbaoer road.

With that, Jing bao'er opened the following email.

There are two recording attachments in this email.

"It's supposed to be a recording of love between us..." Jingbao'er is gnashing her teeth.

With that, she quickly turned on the recording -

"fourth uncle Well... "


It's her groan that comes to my ears -

sure enough, it's their recording of love!

Next, Jing bao'er opened other emails.

In other emails, in addition to the recording, they are intimate photos of her and Jing Rong!

After reading all the e-mails, jingbao'er's hand with the mouse was shaking angrily.

And Jing Rong's eyes seemed to be poisoned, gloomy and terrifying!

"Fourth uncle, what shall we do next?" Jingbao'er asked

"What to do? Naturally, I'll settle with her! "

Jing Rong said, then directly took out the mobile phone, in front of her mailbox in the list of inboxes, took a picture.

Later, Jing Rong found the person named "evidence" on Russell Ran's QQ

Seeing that the man was online, Jing Rong sent a message to him directly, "tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, go to magic finger Wonderland bar, room 8808 If I have something urgent for you, do come. "

"Yes..." Soon the man replied.

"I'll go. This man hasn't gone to bed so late..." Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong Leng hum, did not respond to Jing bao'er, directly cleared his chat with that person.

After waiting for a while to make sure that the person would not send any more messages, Jing Rong directly and completely deleted the things in Russell Ran's mailbox, and then stopped the remote control of Russell Ran's computer

"Come with me to the Palace Hotel at eight tomorrow morning." Jing Rong turns to look at Jing bao'er.

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, she immediately nodded, "OK Fourth uncle, what are you going to do tomorrow? "

"Tomorrow you will know..." Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er did not continue to ask, but nodded.

Later, Jingrong invaded Russell Ran's mobile phone

In a folder called backup evidence on Russell Ran's mobile phone, Jing Rong found many of the same photos and recordings in her mailbox.

Jingrong will immediately delete the folder completely.

After that, Jingrong carefully checked her mobile phone and all the folders, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, so he quit and controlled her mobile phone

The next day, at 7:50 in the morning, jingbao'er followed Jingrong and went into the 8808 private room of magic finger Wonderland bar.

When they entered the private room, they went to the front of the soft sofa and sat down.

"Fourth uncle, is there any accident? Will that man really come? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"Wait and see, don't you know?" Jing Rong responded faintly.

As soon as Jingrong's voice fell, the door of the private room opened

A tall, thin man with yellow hair opened the door.

As soon as the man saw Jingrong, he immediately turned around and left

"Fourth uncle, hurry up..." Jing bao'er stands up and points to the door.

"What's the matter?" Jingrong leisurely lit a cigarette and took a deep puff.

As soon as he spits out a puff of smoke, Yeming and four bodyguards in black clothes and trousers directly bring in the Yellow haired man

At this time, the man's hands and feet have been put on the handcuffs and shackles

As soon as he entered the door, Yeming directly dragged the man to Jingrong's feet and kicked him down.

The next second, the Yellow haired man goes straight to his knees.

"Four uncles, originally, you have already prepared." Jing bao'er looks surprised.

Jing Rong didn't speak, but took a deep puff of smoke. Then he leaned lazily against the back of the sofa, folded his slender legs, slowly took out the black pistol he was carrying from his waist, loaded the gun neatly, and pointed the muzzle at the Yellow haired man -

seeing Jing Rong take out the gun, the man immediately took a deep breath in horror and said, "you Who are you What do you want to do... "

"Yeming stay, others go out for me..." Jingrong coldly looks at the bodyguards behind the night.

"Yes, Si Shao!"

When the bodyguards heard this, they immediately nodded respectfully and cried out in orderThen the bodyguards left quickly and stood neatly on both sides of the door!

"I don't want to do anything. I'm looking for you today, mainly to talk about something with you..." Jingrong road.

"What do you want to talk to me about? I don't know you... " Said the Yellow haired man.

"Little brother, I don't agree with the wall and the soil and water. I'll give it to you. With your acting skills, you can come back with an Oscar winner..." Jingbao'er looked at the man with yellow hair and said

"I don't understand. What are you talking about I was just careless and went to the wrong room What do you want to do? " Yellow hair man's voice, some tremble.

"Play You continue to play... " Jing bao'er lifted her chin lightly, looked coldly at the man with yellow hair, and said in a cold voice.

"I didn't play I... "

Before the Yellow haired man had finished speaking, Jing Rong directly pulled the trigger of the silencing gun

The next second, the bullet silently passed the man and directly penetrated the screen behind him.

At that moment, the Yellow haired man was sweating

"If you continue to play, I can't guarantee whether my bullet will penetrate your head Just blow your head off... " Jing Rong stroked the muzzle of the gun with one hand and looked at the man coldly -

"yesterday Yesterday It's It's you Did you use Ms. Suran's QQ to send me a message? " Asked the Yellow haired man.

Seeing that he was no longer acting, Jing Rong stood up slowly.

Then, he walked up to the man with his long legs, quickly pointed the cold muzzle of the gun at his eyebrow, "yes..."

"You hacked her computer?" Asked the Yellow haired man.


"How do you suspect miss Suran..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Tell me all the dirty things that Russell ran told you to do on my mobile phone..."

As soon as Jingrong's voice fell, he quickly turned on the recording function of the mobile phone, and then put the mobile phone microphone to the lips of the Yellow haired man.

"I I can't say If I say that, Miss Su ran will kill me... "

"If you don't say it, I'll kill you too..." The next second, Jing Rong tries to pull the trigger

"Don't No, I said... " The Yellow haired man responded with a shudder.

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