"After I got the evidence, I broke down. I wanted to take those things to Uncle Jing for a time, but when I think about brother Rong, I still hold back. I don't want brother Rong to be scolded by Uncle Jing for these things At that time, I always thought that when elder brother Rong played with Jing bao'er for a while, he would be tired of playing. So, I was waiting for the day when he was tired of playing... "

"As a result, he didn't get tired of her. Instead, he loved her more and more. I couldn't sit still any more, so I asked someone to send the things to Jing's house anonymously I want everyone in the Jing family to know their scandal, and I want them to help prevent them from being together Because I feel that under the pressure of the whole family, brother Rong will shrink back... "

Luo Suran said word by word

"And later?" Asked rolchen.

At this time, rolchen's face was full of gloom.

The first thing he thought of was Jing bao'er

He can imagine what a storm Jing bao'er will face after those things are exposed, and how the stern old man of the Jing family will get angry with her, or even do something to hurt her

Next, Luo Suran sent the photos to Jing's home and told Luo Erchen about everything that happened up to today.

When describing these things, Russell felt his heart hurt even more!

Speaking of the end, Russell burst into tears

"Brother, what brother Rong said to me today is really cruel and heartbreaking." Luo Suran held Luo Erchen's hand tightly and complained.

When rolchen heard the speech, he frowned deeply, then slowly took out a handkerchief from his pants pocket and carefully wiped away all the tears on Russell's face.

"What he said is really cruel enough, but it's also because you've done too much, plain..." Rolchen road.

With that, rolchen sighed and said, "if I were Jingrong, I would definitely treat you like this. When you do this, have you ever considered other people's feelings... "

"Brother! How can you say that to me? How can you help outsiders to speak! " Russell was dissatisfied.

"I'm not talking for outsiders, I'm talking about the truth I don't help my family. You really don't care about it. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't do such a thing. Your behavior is really mean. " Luo Er Chen gloomy face, again way, "you like this, will put Jing bao'er in danger, you know?"

"Jing bao'er Jingbao, you know Jingbao! Why do you all turn to jingbao'er! Let elder brother toward Jing Baoer even if, you how also toward her! You are my brother. I kiss you! My brother, who is connected by blood Russell was dissatisfied.

At this moment, Russell Ran's hatred for Jing bao'er deepened a lot

"Isn't it true what I said? Don't you think you're acting too much? " Luo Erchen asked.

"I don't think I'm going too far. In order to defend my love, it's normal to play a little tricks! Jing bao'er, she robbed the person I love. I can't treat her that much. " Again, Russell!

"You and Jingrong have never been together, or even made any vows. All along, you just like him wishfully In that case, it's not wrong for Jing bao'er to be with Jing Rong, and she can't be regarded as robbing your lover... " Rolchen also said

"Brother! You have gone too far

"You've gone too far, Su ran! I'll tell you If you dare to hurt bao'er again, don't say that Jing Rong won't let you go. I'm a brother and I won't let you go either... " Rowchen warned.

Looking at Luo Erchen's serious face, Russell suddenly felt a chill in his heart

This is her brother!

Pro brother!

How can he treat her like Jing Rong!

So cruel to her!

"Brother!! You are my brother! I have been wronged to death now. Instead of comforting me, you still treat me like this. If I have something to do, you not only don't help me, but also help the outsider Jing bao'er attack me You are my good brother... " Russell roared, blue veins burst on his delicate neck, and his face turned red.

The next second, in order to vent his anger, Russell pulled his rubber band from his hair!

In a flash, five black long hair scattered all over the shoulder!

"In a word Don't do anything to hurt Jing bao'er any more... "

"Oh! In the past, I always felt that you treat Jing bao'er just like other women. It's just a fad, three minutes of heat and fun. You talk about how serious you are. In fact, you don't take her seriously at all. Today, I completely understand that you are really serious about her Even if you know that she has an affair with brother Rong, you can still defend her like this! For the sake of her, hate your own sister Russell responded coldly."I've always been serious about her There's never a time when you're not serious! " Luo Erchen slowly took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, smoked one of them, then lit it and smoked deeply. "It's the first time that I'm so rare when I live to this age. It's so rare that I want to marry her home and be my daughter-in-law..."

"I don't understand. What's good about that girl? She can make you and brother Rong fall in love with her at the same time! She is just a wild girl of low birth! A humble can no longer humble tug of oil! What's so rare about a dog like her, grabbing a lot all over the world

"Su ran, I don't want you to say that to her If you talk like that again, I'll be angry! You are also the daughter of the presidential palace. How can you be so dirty! Listen to what you're saying now! It's just terrible! What makes you look like a gold lady? " Luo Erchen gave a cold warning

"You can't talk about it? You really love that wild girl! Ha ha


"Brother Since you like jingbao'er so much Why don't you work with me Break them up In this way, you will have a chance to be with jingbao'er, and I will have a chance to be with brother Rong. What do you think? " Russell said again.

With that, Luo Suran once again held rolchen's hand tightly and looked at him expectantly, waiting for his answer.

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