After the live ammunition exercise, jingbao'er and Jingrong return to Jingrong's single dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, jingbao'er felt that he was still boiling with blood!

At this moment, she hasn't recovered from the shock of the military exercise!

"This live fire drill is really exciting, especially for those who can only fire guns. It's really pitiful!" Jing bao'er, sitting on the bed with her legs up, said.

Hearing this, Jing Rong walked slowly to Jing bao'er, sat down, and asked, "just so much, you've told me all the way..."

"I've told you these things over and over again, which just proves that I'm in a good mood and happy Fourth uncle, after watching today's military exercise, I feel more and more that you don't want to be handsome... " As Jing bao'er said this, she naturally sat on Jing Rong, then tightly clasped her neck and said, "no, a man who is in charge of the division of tiger and wolf is definitely not only handsome! It's manly! "

When praising Jingrong, jingbao'er is a little proud!

"Little sample..."

"Fourth uncle, you have to take me with you in every drill Let me go to the field every time? Can I? "

" look at your performance If you are always good and listen to me, I will take you

"Oh, they are always good and listen to you all the time..."

"Well, go wash and get ready for bed. It's late. I'm tired..."

Hearing the speech, Jing bao'er immediately left Jingrong's big leg like a spring, stood straight beside Jingrong, respected the standard military salute towards Jingrong, and replied solemnly, "yes! Boss

"Virtue..." Jing Rong responds with a smile, and then he directly holds Jing bao'er up, holds her, and goes into the bath room.


At the same time, on the other side, Jingjia

"What? Old four now, even watch a drill, have to take that girl? With that girl on the warship? "

In the study, master Jing, alone, stands in front of the huge French window, holding the guardrail with one hand, looking at the brightly lit yard under his feet, holding a mobile phone, with a face of evil!

"In the future, you should report to me what happened to them as you do today! Report everything, big and small! Do you know... "

With that, master Jing pressed hang up and put his mobile phone into his pants pocket with his trembling hands

Then, his hands, then tightly clenched - live in front of his guardrail.

Because of too much force, the green tendons on the hand holding the guardrail burst up! Clear bones!


Jing Aotian reads Jing bao'er's name word by word.

He's very vocal and gnashing his teeth!



Every time I read jingbao'er's name, the gloom in his eyes will increase a bit!

Read to the end, his eyes, already gloomy terrible!

After looking out of the window for a long time, master Jing turned around and walked out of the study.

Out of the study, he just saw Song Li Mei, carrying a cup of hot milk, came up from downstairs.

Seeing Jing Aotian, song Limei immediately quickened her pace, walked up to him and said with a smile, "Dad I heated the milk for you... "

"Bring it in..."

Master Jing responded faintly, then walked quickly into his room.

Song Limei followed closely

After entering master Jing's room, Song Li Mei respectfully puts the hot milk on the bedside table.

Then, she took the tray and went to master Jing and said, "Dad, have a good rest. I won't disturb you."

"Well." Jing Aotian nodded.

Then song Limei left

After Song Limei left, Jing Aotian went to the front of the bedside table, picked up the cup of hot milk and drank it all.


It's always cloudy and sunny in summer

Jingbao'er was awakened by thunder in the early morning.

Hearing the thunder, Jing bao'er shivers immediately. Then she quickly climbs up to Jing Rong and hugs him like an octopus.

Jing bao'er, who is not afraid of everything, is most afraid of thunder, especially such thunder

She's scared when she hits her baby.

Jingbao'er suddenly climbed up, and the thunder and rain outside were too loud. Jingrong soon woke up.

As soon as he opens his eyes, Jing Rong finds that Jing bao'er is lying on him, shivering.

Knowing Jing bao'er's fear, Jing Rong hugged her tightly, then gently stroked her back and said, "don't be afraid, I'm here...""I hate thunder..." Jing bao'er's strength of holding Jing Rong's neck began to increase slowly.

"Not afraid of Good... "

As soon as Jing Rong's voice fell, a flash of lightning flashed directly in front of Jing bao'er

"Boom -"

the next second, the harsh thunder came again

Jing bao'er immediately increased the strength of holding Jing Rong's neck.

Jingbao'er is really too hard. Jingrong is a little out of breath.

"Cough Cough Take it easy. I'm going to be choked by you. " Jingrong road.

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, she lightened her strength a little.

"Before, how did you live when I was not by your side or when there was thunder?" Jing Rong asked.

"A person curls up in the quilt, shivering..."

Jing bao'er's words, not from the scene to think of the little girl a face helplessly, will be stuffy in the quilt, shivering picture.

That picture, let him deeply distressed

For a moment, Jingrong felt that his heart was pulled by something. It hurt.

"Fourth uncle, do you know In the past, when I was living and dying alone outside, I always felt very painful on such a thunderous night When I am alone in bed, I really feel bored and scared Every time I come to that time, I want someone to accompany me I miss my mother... "

When I thought of the miserable days I had spent alone, tears moistened Jing bao'er's eyes.

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that her eyes were painful.

At that time, she really hoped to have her mother by her side. She even called for her mother countless times in the sultry and lonely thunder night Mom

When Jing bao'er said this, Jing Rong's heart began to ache again

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