Jing Rong didn't speak. He waved to them and said, "let's go, follow me out..."

Two pilots of our side immediately got up after hearing the speech, and then carefully followed Jing Rong and Jing bao'er's steps and walked out of the tent.

After several people came out of the tent, they quickly dived into the grass.

They crawled all the way through the grass, and soon they entered the forest of the island.

Entering the forest, a group of people relaxed and began to follow Jingrong's steps and walk outside the forest.

"Get out of this forest and we'll be safe." Jingrong road.

Just at this time, the disordered footsteps suddenly rang

"Search the woods for me! I've confirmed the footprints, and they're in the woods! "

Then the high pitched baritone began to ring.

Hearing the sound, jingbao'er's heart immediately hung to her throat.

"Run..." Jingrong road.

After that, Jing Rong led Jing bao'er and two pilots to fly through the grass

"Boss, I see them Here it is

Behind him, there was another cry from the enemy!

Hearing the sound, Jing bao'er turned to look behind him

I saw that hundreds of local members were chasing their positions.

A lot of people, they've got guns on them!

"Fourth uncle, many people are catching up!" Jing bao'er took one of our pilots by the hand, followed Jing Rong and the other pilot's footsteps, gasping, gasping and shouting.

"Stop talking and run." Jing Rong said, then he pressed the signal transmitter on his waist to send a signal to our pilot.

Then he took his walkie talkie and called out to the microphone, "we're being chased! You're on your way! over!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jingrong stepped up again

Immediately after that, bursts of gunfire started behind them.

A lot of exercise bullets, passing them by!

Jingrong looked back and saw that he had thrown the group of people out of a certain distance, so he directly pulled a pilot and hid in the bushes!

Jing bao'er and another pilot are also tacit understanding to hide to Jing Rong's side.

In front of me, the Bush is very dense. It's hard to be found hiding here!

"You squat here. You are not allowed to come out without my order. I'll go out now to distract them!" Jingrong orders in a low voice.

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and Jingrong's eyes are cold and terrible!

Although it's only for our own people, jingbao'er will still worry about Jingrong's safety.

"Fourth uncle, I'd better go!" Jingbaoer road.

"No nonsense! Here, listen to the command With that, Jingrong quickly walked out of the bushes and ran towards the front.

Hundreds of enemy members immediately chased Jingrong away.

In the Bush, after Jing bao'er and our pilot watched the enemy members run past, Jing bao'er directly sat on the ground.

"I don't know if my fourth uncle will be killed by them." Jing bao'er looks worried.

"Don't worry, Miss Jing. Our leader is very capable It won't be so easy to be killed by those people. " One of our pilots said.

Jingbao'er nods heavily

However, no matter how great Jing Rong's ability is, can he be able to fight against a hundred with one?

Jing bao'er is very worried. His heart is beating all the time!

This drill is really exciting and lifelike. It has already made Jing bao'er into the play!

"Miss Jing, do you want us to sneak out first?" Another of our pilots added.

Jing bao'er immediately shook his head, "fourth uncle said, tell us to listen to his command, then we must listen to him! Wait for his orders

The two pilots immediately nodded their heads and stopped saying they wanted to go first.

Jingbao'er and they have been waiting for a whole hour, Jingrong's figure appears in their sight.

In the lush forest, above the green grass, the man ran like a cheetah towards their position.

And he was followed by Yeming and some members of the Black Hawk organization.

Sunlight, through the branches of the tree, scattered on his face, and constantly in his face, such as frost condensation jump, for his handsome face, plating a layer of noble atmosphere.

Because he ran too fast, his sleeve and arm muscles had been scratched by the branches.

Even so, his face remained unchanged.

At this moment, jingbao'er is handsome by him!


It's a real man!

Soon -

Jing Rong ran to them, and at night they were waiting for them outside the bushes."Four uncles, those people, were all led away by you?" Jing Rong asked.

"When I ran out of the woods, I just met the group of people in the night. I helped them to solve the enemy, and then I came back to you. "

"Fourth uncle, you are so handsome, so many people, how many of you have solved?" Asked Jing bao'er.

The man nodded faintly.

"Do we have casualties?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Jing Rong shakes his head

Jing bao'er immediately put up his thumb, "my uncle is so powerful that he deserves to be the invincible God of war!"

"Come on, let's go first. It's not suitable to stay here long. " Jing Rong and Dao.

Jing Baoer and two pilots of our side immediately stood up after hearing the speech.

Under the escort of the crowd, Jing Rong and Jing bao'er successfully took two pilots out of the forest and jumped into the sea.

Then they began to swim quickly towards where the submarine was moored.

At this time, on the submarine deck, Erjiang had been waiting for them.

When everyone saw Jingrong, they immediately nodded respectfully to them, and threw ropes one after another towards the sea.

Jing bao'er, Jing Rong, Ye Ming, two pilots, and several members of the Black Hawk organization caught the rope and were pulled directly onto the deck.

On the deck, after Jing Rong gave an order, the submarine quickly returned to the position of Black Hawk island.

Standing on the deck, looking at the endless sea in front of her, blowing the sea breeze, makes Jing bao'er feel comfortable

"How nice! We made it Jingbao'er squinted excitedly, looked at the sunny sky overhead, breathed the salty sea breeze, and said.

"Well." Jing Rong nodded.

Noticing the scar on Jingrong's arms, jingbao'er immediately approaches Jingrong and checks Jingrong's wound.

In many places, the wounds are very deep, and some of them even ooze blood.

"There should be a medicine box on it, right? Fourth uncle, let's go down and I'll deal with the wound for you. " Jingbaoer road.

"I just soaked in the sea water. The sea water itself has the function of sterilization and anti-inflammatory. There will be no problem. When I get back to the island, it's not too late to deal with it." Jingrong road.

"The injured place, soaking in the sea, should be very painful?" Asked Jing bao'er.

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