"Talk to Gu yubai. Are you so happy?" Jing Rong asked faintly.

"It's fun for Gu yubai to talk..." Jing bao'er responded with a smile, then turned over, pressed Jing Rong under her body, holding Jing Rong's perfect face in her hands, and said in a sweet voice, "well How can I smell vinegar in our room in the early morning? "

With that, Jing bao'er couldn't help laughing.

Her fourth uncle!

It's really a big vinegar jar!

"To tell you the truth, are you awake long ago? I've been eavesdropping on my phone conversation with Gu yubai, right? " Jingbao'er's index finger pointed to Jingrong's face and asked with a mischievous smile.

Jing Rong immediately shook his head and said, "no..."

Jing bao'er immediately rolled his eyes, "cut Not yet. I must be eavesdropping... "

"I didn't..." Jing Rong dotes on Jing bao'er - caresses Jing bao'er's hair and continues to talk right and wrong.

"Hum, even if you deny it, I know that what you say is a lie, but what I say is the truth, hum..."

"Whatever you think." Jing Rong said helplessly.

Then he turned over and pressed her down.

Feeling Jing Rong's morning boom, Jing bao'er immediately stretched out her hand and pulled it toward the indescribable place. She said with a mischievous smile, "how can morning boom every day..."

"It shows that you are a man with high energy." He said, and with that indescribable place, he gave her a push towards the place covered by her underwear.

A strong sense of crispness and numbness makes Jing bao'er's heart tremble! The brain is blank!

"It's time. If I don't get up, I'll be late." Jing bao'er's face was red, and his breath, breath, breath and breath were hanging around Jing Rong's neck. Looking at his face full of ambiguity and love, he said.

Jing Rong immediately pinched her stiff buttocks and gritted her teeth. "If it wasn't for the sake of going to school, I would have made you unable to get out of bed this morning..."

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, a bright smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

Blinking his smart eyes, Jing bao'er responded softly, "Hey, fourth uncle, I'd like to fight 300 rounds with you, too, but what can I do It's time. I have no choice... "

Jingrong takes a deep look at jingbao'er, flicks her delicious lip flap and takes a bite. Then she turns over and puts on her clothes. "I'll let you off first, get up quickly, wash up, and take you out for breakfast later..."

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, she jumped up from the bed like a spring. Then she hooked Jing Rong's neck and said in a sweet voice, "since we're going out for breakfast, shall we go to KFC? The fourth uncle's family hasn't eaten for a long time..."

"A week ago, didn't you just eat it?" I haven't eaten it for a long time. It's not very good at all.

"Oh, it's been a long time..."

"Didn't you say once a month before?"

"Rules are dead, people are alive." Jingbao'er gently shakes Jingrong's body, whining at Jingrong.

Jing Rong's face is gloomy -

seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately winks at Jing Rong, turns on a light, and says, "Oh, fourth uncle, please, good fourth uncle, please Dear Well

Jingbao'er knows that what Jingrong can't stand most is her coquetry.

She also knows that Jing Rong will compromise soon.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, Jing Rong nodded helplessly, then took a long breath and said, "OK, let's go. I find it useless to make rules for you..."

Looking at her success, jingbao'er immediately looks on Jingrong's face with satisfaction and kisses her

"Fourth uncle, I love you so much Hey, hey... "

"Wash and gargle quickly. I really can't help you."

"Fourth uncle, I don't want to walk..."

Looking at her delicate little sample, Jing Rong once again had no choice but to take a long breath, then looked at her helplessly, and directly picked her up and put her on the bed.

Seriously for Jingbao put on slippers, Jingrong will once again hold her in the arms, take her to the bathroom.

While walking, Jingrong sighed, "you little thing, you are really the killer of my life. My only weakness is Jingrong."

When he said "my only weakness of Jingrong", Jingbao immediately felt warm and her heart beat disorderly!

"I am your weakness, but you are my armor..." Jingbao'er tightly hooks Jingrong's neck and naturally leans his head on Jingrong's chest, listening to his breathing and heartbeat.

Jing Rong didn't speak any more. He just hooked his lips slightly. Then he took Jing bao'er into the bathroom.

In front of the washing table, he carefully put her down, then squeezed the toothpaste for her, and put the toothbrush on her hand.Then he naturally took a cup of water for her and put it in her other hand.

"Brush your teeth, my young lady." Jingrong road.

"Fourth uncle Xie..." Jingbao'er squints and smiles. The smile is like a cunning fox.

Jingrong didn't speak any more. He squeezed toothpaste on his toothbrush and took a full cup of water into his toothbrush cup. After that, Jingrong began to brush his teeth seriously.

While brushing her teeth, jingbao'er looks at Jingrong's handsome face.

As long as you look at Jingrong's face, jingbao'er feels very happy!

"Fourth uncle..." Jing Bao Er's mouth is foam, a little unclear.

"Well?" Jing Rong raised his eyes and looked at Jing bao'er with a question mark on his face.

"I love it. You treat me like a child."


Jing Rong doesn't respond to her, just smiles at her, and then continues to brush her teeth.

A smile to the city!


After Jing bao'er and Jing Rong entered KFC, Jing bao'er naturally found a place to sit down.

Jingrong goes to the back of the line and queues up to buy Jingbao something she likes.

Jingbao'er likes to eat. There are only a few things in all. Jingrong knows them like the back of his hand.

As soon as the handsome golden man stood in the line, he immediately attracted the attention of all the girls in the restaurant.

He's so handsome. It's hard for people not to pay attention to him.

"Why is this man so familiar? Isn't this for four little? "

"How can it be, how can Rong Si Shao come to such a place to eat?"

"This man is so handsome. I really want a phone number..."

"Me too. In a moment, we'll ask him for a wechat?"

The two girls whispered and talked with laughter.

Jing bao'er just sat at the table next to them. Although they spoke in a low voice, Jing bao'er heard them clearly

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