"I know your fourth uncle has a girlfriend, but it can't be Chen Luoluo. She's not your fourth uncle's type I know him, and before, I heard that his girlfriend had been on a blind date with your fourth uncle. Chen Luoluo, how could she do that? " Song Li Mei said again.

Jing bao'er is more and more confused. Is it her who destroys Jing Rong's blind date? For Mao this matter son, will pull to Jing Rong that mysterious female companion's body?

"Before, we didn't know that your fourth uncle had a female companion. Just before, his blind date was destroyed by a woman. When you - Yee - Yee got angry, he told us that he had a female companion. He said that the person who destroyed the blind date was his female companion..."

After hearing song Limei's words, jingbao'er seems to understand something at once

It turns out that this is how Jingrong, the so-called female companion, came out.

Jingrong just wanted to cover up for her that day, so she just made up a female companion

So, there will be later, grandfather at the dinner table, asked Jingrong, about the girl, also let him bring the man back to have a look!


It turns out that Jing Rong is a liar!

It turns out that he is really deceiving!

So, what she had guessed was absolutely right.

It turns out that the so-called female companion is really just made up by him. It turns out that he doesn't have any female companion at all. The reason why he doesn't explain to her and why he says so much to her is just to annoy her, so that he can push her away on the basis of this female companion, because he can't pass the pass in his heart!

Today, after listening to what Ms. Song said, I can think of the scenes that happened between Jingrong and Jingbao. Jingbao wants to understand it thoroughly!

Mood, suddenly from rainstorm, to sunny -

"but, baby, what do you want to do with these things?" Asked song Limei.

"Nothing. I just care about my fourth uncle. I think that Chen Luoluo is very good-looking. I think she is my future fourth aunt." After Jing bao'er finished, she got up and said, "Mom, I'll go out for a while."

"What are you going to do when you just come back? We'll have dinner soon

"I'll go out and be right back!"

Jing bao'er finished, turned and ran.

Jingrong, you're a fool. You're a liar. You've made me so sad recently! After a while, I will settle with you!

After going out, Jing bao'er takes out her mobile phone and dials Jing Rong's phone -

and answers it quickly.

"Fourth uncle, where are you?"

"The company."

"Good..."! Wait for me

Jing Baoer finished, then directly hang up the phone, with a taxi software, called a car.


When the taxi slowly stops at the downstairs of Jingshi group, jingbao'er feels that her whole heart is almost jumping to her throat.

After throwing a 100 yuan ticket to the taxi driver, Jing bao'er couldn't wait to get out of the taxi and run towards the Jing group.

"Miss, here's your change..." Seeing this, the taxi driver immediately got out of the car and waved to Jing bao'er.

"I'm in a good mood today. I'll treat you to wedding candy with change."

The driver scratched his head for no reason, turned around and got on the bus with the change.

From the security guard to the front desk, because they all know Jing bao'er, no one dares to stop them.

Jing bao'er took the elevator all the way to the top floor.

Through the corridor with the wall lamp flickering, jingbao'er comes to Jingrong's office door -

"Dong Dong..."

She knocked symbolically on the door.

Without waiting for Jingrong to ask her to enter, she could not wait to push the door.

In the office, it's very quiet. Jing Rong in a suit is looking down at the document.

At the moment, he is serious and charming.

Seeing jingbao'er enter the door, Jingrong was a little surprised. "Jingbao'er, what are you doing here?"

But Jing bao'er didn't say a word. He walked to Jing Rong and sat on him with his hands tightly around his neck. If he caught his neck, he would kiss and gnaw

The girl's unique sweet smell comes to her ears, and the crispy hemp around her neck makes Jingrong lose her soul.

Abdomen a heat - flow over, body somewhere quietly head up, impartial top in her fart - share.

"Hiss - go away, no big or small. What are you doing here? " He was panting and yelling coldly.

His warm breath spread between her neck and ear lobe, causing Jing bao'er's heart and liver to tremble.

She turned a deaf ear and deliberately rubbed his hard and hard place with fart, thigh and rub. Her tender lips fell on his ear, biting his ear, and saying, "to punish you, a big liar, you have no girlfriend. Why did you cheat me..."Jing Rong was a little surprised.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Get up!"

Somewhere under his body, he felt more and more uncomfortable when he was rubbed by this little girl. Even his breathing became heavy.

"Before, my guess was right, wasn't it? You don't have a maid at all. Your so-called maid is just a shield you made up. The purpose is to push me away, because you already have feelings for me. You're afraid that you won't be able to control it and you'll cross the line in your heart, right? You just can't get through the trouble in your heart, can you? "

The words coming from the ears, every word, are in the middle of the scene.

"Don't guess for me. If you don't get up again, I'll throw you out!" He yelled.

"I won't get up. Damn it, if you're afraid you can't control it, don't control it. Although we are cousins in name, we are not related by blood. What's the matter with us?"

"Get out of here!"

The place that was rubbed and rubbed had already swelled badly. Jingrong scolded harshly. Holding jingbao'er, he got up and threw her directly on his desk.

"Oh, Hello, fourth uncle, you don't have any pity on me. At least I'm a girl with thin skin and tender flesh. How can you throw me directly on this hard Bang Bang table? You hurt me!"

Jing bao'er got up slowly, while moving his wrist, complaining.

"You know, you're a girl? Since you know you are a girl, please do something for me that a girl should do... " He stood in front of her with a gloomy face.

"What should a girl do? Is it to help you solve this? Would you like to tell me again that this is a normal physiological reaction and can't represent anything? "

As Jing bao'er said this, he put his legs around his waist and pointed to the place where he held his head up -


Jingrong really wants to be rude!

"You know, I already have a woman. Don't brush the sense of existence in front of me any more."

"Please show me the picture of your woman. I know there's nothing between you and Chen Luoluo. Don't lie to me. If you can't, I'll go to ask Chen Luoluo now. I'll ask whether you two have a relationship with each other. Have you ever been kissing, touching or sleeping?" Jing bao'er was straightforward, and hooked his waist legs, which once again increased his strength.

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