Then Jing bao'er took out the syringes and guns in her original clothes, put them in her pocket and walked out of the room.

There was no one else in the corridor outside the room.

Looking at the empty corridor, jingbao'er breathes a sigh of relief

Taking a deep breath again, jingbao'er starts to look for the exit on the floor with great anxiety

All the windows here are locked from the outside.

It's impossible for Jing bao'er to escape through the window.

With great effort, Jing bao'er finds the stairway.

Look at the stairway, there is also a window. Jingbao'er immediately pushes the window

Here, it's also locked from the outside.

Jingbao'er frowned. Seeing that she was on the first floor of the cruise ship, she decided to go up the deck and jump off the deck

Jing bao'er has been on the fifth floor, but has not met anyone.

On the fifth floor, she felt a little weak.

Abdominal pain is more and more severe, the whole body is sweating!

Even so, she knows that now, she can only persist in the end!

Biting her teeth and holding back the pain, she continued to climb up step by step!

All the way to the eighth floor! Jingbao'er finally saw the tip of the stairway, and the deck was on it!

At this moment, jingbao'er immediately breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Hello That man, stop

Just as Jing bao'er was full of joy and wanted to get on the deck, she heard a cold, high pitched man's voice behind her!

This voice makes Jingbao's hair stand upright immediately!

She doesn't dare to look back now!

These people must know each other. When they look back, they will show their true feelings.

So she frowned and went straight up to the deck!

"You stop!"

"Captain, this man must be the woman who just attacked the doctor and our team members in the room!"

Jing bao'er completely ignored the sound coming from his ears and quickened his pace again.

Now I just hope God bless me.

Please don't have too many people on the deck.

Bless her, on the deck, can jump into the sea to escape!

Dragging tired and weak body, Jing bao'er went on deck all the way.

As soon as he got on the deck, Jing bao'er was stunned.

On the deck, there were more than twenty people standing there!

When these people saw jingbao'er, they immediately turned their eyes on her!

Their eyes, like the merciless tip of a knife, stabbed jingbao'er creepy!

"Little brother, why do you look so familiar?" A man in the same dress as her came forward with a black face and asked.

Before Jing bao'er could speak, the next second, a group of men in orange uniforms came up

"Catch that man!" A bald man who just came up from under the deck pointed to Jing bao'er and called.

So many people, it's not suitable to fight with them!

I'm sure you'll lose out in the fight!

Thirty six is the best way!

Jing bao'er takes a deep breath, turns her eyes around quickly, and without waiting for the other person's reaction, she runs towards an unattended railing

"Bang -"

the next second, a bullet directly penetrated Jing bao'er's shoulder!

The pain to the bone makes Jing bao'er feel weak for a moment!

"Bang -"

in the next second, a bullet directly penetrated Jing bao'er's knee!

This time, Jing bao'er fell to his knees.

I want to stand up, but I can't.

It hurts!

It hurts!

It's a hot summer, but Jingbao feels as if it's winter on the ninth day!

She's really cold!

It's freezing all over!

The bright red liquid began to gush out from the holes in her shoulders and knees.

The strong smell of blood makes Jingbao feel closer and closer to death.

Next second, jingbao'er fell into the pool of blood!

You can't move if you want!

There is a feeling of despair, which begins to spread wildly in jingbao'er's heart!

The air seems to have condensed into a lump!

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Soon -

on the deck, all the men dressed in orange gathered around Jing bao'er.

Then -

the bald man took off Jing bao'er's hat.

The moment the hat was taken off, the long hair hidden in the hat flew up in an instant!"That's right. This is the woman we rescued and locked up in the room before! It's her who attacked the doctors and our people! " Cried the bald man!

"Who are you! Why are you doing this to me? " Jing bao'er asked helplessly.

"You don't deserve to know who we are. Naturally, we have a reason to treat you like this!" The bald man snorted coldly. Then he grabbed Jingbao's collar and pulled Jingbao up!

Raise a hand, the man then mercilessly, toward the face of scene treasure son, mercilessly slapped.

After a slap, jingbao'er was thrown out all the way!

When it was dark and soft, Jingbao fell to the ground again!

The dizziness on his head and the sharp pain of the collision between his limbs and the ground made Jing Baoer speechless!

"You smelly girl! All flow ~ produced unexpectedly still so fierce! Not only can one person, make three people dizzy, but also can run to this deck! What, trying to escape? I'll tell you that you can't escape when you are in our hands On this cruise ship, there are many girls who are more powerful than you and want to escape, but none of them can escape! Up to now, they are still locked on this cruise ship like dogs! " The bald man said again!

With that, the bald man raised his foot and kicked jingbao'er's belly.

Originally, the child was born, and the palace itself was injured. Now, it's hard to be kicked like this. It's really unbearable!

It hurts!

Heartrending pain!

From this man's words, Jing bao'er can hear that the girl who is controlled on this cruise ship is not only her, but also others

After listening to what the bald man said and summarizing the current situation, Jing bao'er knows that they must be a group of human traffickers!

The reason why they treat her like this is that they want to sell her to others together with those girls!

Biting his lips again, Jingbao wanted to get up and run.

However, even if the lips are bitten skin, even if the teeth are deep into the lips tender ~ meat, she also has no strength, stand up!

I don't have any strength in my whole body.

It's the taste of not being able to work every day. It's so real that Jing bao'er is scared!

Fourth uncle

Fourth uncle, where are you

Fourth uncle, bao'er is so scared!

Fourth uncle, come and help me!

Jingbao'er began to shout in her heart -

all the time

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