"Forgive? That's not Heartache is one thing, and forgiveness is another. Although I can't completely ignore her, I can't completely forgive her I really can't forget the scars she brought to me... "

"It will be forgotten slowly. Time is a good medicine." Jingrong patted jingbao'er on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Ha ha, I hope my heart will never forgive her all my life..."

"You will forgive her One day... " Jingrong road.

"No way..."

"You have a hard mouth..."

"It's not..."


As they spoke, the door of the emergency room opened.

Soon, song Limei's chief physician, sun song, came out.

When Jingrong saw sun song, he immediately got up and asked, "how's it going? Is my sister-in-law all right? "

"It's OK. Now she has woken up. The reason why she vomited blood and fainted before was just because she was in a hurry. As for what you said before, where she was kicked, it's OK after checking..." Sun said.

"That's good. Thank you, Mr. Sun." Jingrong road.

"Don't be so polite. It's what we doctors should do to treat the sick and save others." Director Sun also said, "after going back, let her pay more attention to rest, and can't make her angry any more."

Jing Rong nodded.

Hearing the conversation between Jing Rong and director Sun, Jing bao'er's heart slowly fell to the ground

"Thank you, Mr. Sun, thank you..." Jing bao'er got up and said.

"You're welcome." Director Sun said, "you can take the patient home now. I have something to do now. I'll be busy first..."

With that, director Sun went straight away.

Soon, song Limei was helped out by the guards.

Seeing Song Li Mei, Jing bao'er immediately said goodbye.

Song Li Mei takes a look at Jing bao'er, only slightly hooks her lips, and then her eyes fall on Jing Rong

When she came to Jingrong and jingbao'er, Song Li Mei coughed and said, "fourth, bao'er, thank you for sending me to the hospital..."

Jing bao'er didn't speak, just frowned slightly.

"You're welcome, sister-in-law. Let's go home." Jingrong carefully holds song Limei and says.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately cools and holds Song Li Mei's other arm, then follows Jing Rong's steps and limps out

"Honey, you hurt your leg. You shouldn't have come to the hospital today Your legs, you should walk less now... " Song Limei said.

"I don't need you to care about me." Jingbao'er responded coldly.

Song Limei didn't speak any more. She just gave a faint smile.

She knew that although Jing bao'er hated her in her heart and seemed extremely indifferent to her, Jing bao'er also cared about her.


Three people, back to the shoal villa, Jing bao'er went up the building alone, without looking back.

Jing Rong carefully helped song Limei into the guest room.

After Song Limei is settled, Jingrong goes back to his bedroom with Jingbao.

At this time, Jing Baoer is unable to sit at the head of the bed, holding the remote control, constantly changing the table.

Seeing Jing Rong enter the door, Jing bao'er immediately frowns slightly and asks, "is Ms. song settled?"

"Well..." Jingrong stepped forward with slender legs, sat beside jingbao'er, held her face in both hands, and said, "I'm going out now..."

"To go home?"

"Well, you sleep at home and wait for me to come back..."

"Fourth uncle, be careful of the wound on your back."

"I know." Jing Rong finished, then gently on her forehead, printed a shallow kiss.

Then he got up quickly, turned around and walked out of the bedroom with a cold face.


Back at Jing's mid levels mansion, Jing Rong opened the door and went directly into the living room. He didn't even change his shoes!

The living room is empty!

Jingrong is on the second floor all the way!

Walking to the door of her second sister's room, Jing Rong kicked open the door with a bang!

In the room, Jingrong's second sister is lying on the bed.

Hearing the sound of kicking the door, she immediately sat up like a spring and screamed at the door, "who are you? Are you sick? "

By the light in the corridor, she slowly saw who was coming!

"Old four, are you crazy Ah... "

Before she finished, Jing Rong grabbed her neck with one hand!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough You're sick, aren't you? "Ah?"

"Kekeke ~"

Jing Rong didn't speak, but added strength to her hand silently!Strong sense of suffocation, swept by, let Jingrong second sister full of panic!

She wanted to shout, but she couldn't

Jing Rong pinched her neck so hard that she couldn't say a word at all!

She struggled with all her life, but it didn't work at all.

There is a big gap between her and Jing Rong!

She felt as if she would die soon

Just when she thought she was going to die, the light in the room turned on in a flash -

then master Jing rushed forward and pushed Jingrong away!

The next second, Jingrong's second sister was paralyzed in bed, panting, panting, coughing



Even if she was saved, her heart was still beating wildly.

Just for a moment, she felt that Jingrong really wanted to kill her!

She even felt that if master Jing didn't come in time, she would be a corpse now!

"Old four, are you crazy! Crazy to go to the mental hospital, big night, you run to the home, what crazy Master Jing shouts harshly. As soon as his voice falls, he slaps him and says "pa!" Mercilessly, fell on the face of Jing Rong!

At this time, the third sister Jingrong rushed to the door.

Seeing the picture in the room, she was stunned.

Although she didn't see everything with her own eyes, she knew what had happened when she saw her second sister.

Just now, when she was sleeping in the room, she heard a loud noise in the next room.

Because she was not at ease, she ran over.

I didn't expect that when I ran over, what I saw was such a picture!

"Old four, what did you come home to do in the evening..." Crazy

Jingrong three elder sister words have not finished, Jingrong cold eyes immediately aimed at her!

Cold eyes, in a flash, let her shut up!

She didn't dare to say one more word at all. It seemed that if she said one more word, Jingrong would immediately take out the gun and kill her!

"Didn't you say that you have broken up with us? Now that the relationship is broken, this is no longer your home. What are you doing back here? " Master Jing knows it!

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