The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt!

What's wrong with her! What's worse than jingbao'er!

Even if he was in the situation of urging love fragrance, desire hope burning, she took off and sat in his arms, he could try his best to push her away!

She's so bad!

It's so bad that he won't touch her even if he takes spring medicine!

The more he thinks about it, the more angry he is!

"Jingbao'er --"

She clenched her fists and called jingbao'er's name with gnashing teeth. Her eyes were as cold as ice for a thousand years! In the eye son imitate if quenched poison!


After Jing Rong got into the car, the strong Gu Qian Wang came again like a flood!

This strong feeling almost devoured his whole body.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was itchy, and the indescribable part of his body seemed to be about to explode!

He wants to

The baby of the family has just passed through the property. He can't touch it.

Now, all he can do is to put up with it.

With his deep love for jingbao'er, with his strong willpower, he forbeared.

The big leg on the right is still bleeding. The strong smell of blood is spreading in the car. The smell is very pungent.

Forced to support the soft body, Jingrong starts the car with difficulty.

All the way, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed back to the shoal villa.

As soon as he entered the door, Jing Rong was directly paralyzed on the ground with no strength.

Time didn't make him less and less energetic, but more and more powerful.

At this time, he was like a person with rickets, unable to move at all.


He was bored - hum, crawling forward little by little

He needs cold water now!

Need extreme cold water to wash the fire on your body!


He was oppressed - hum, trying to crawl forward, but he couldn't.

As soon as Jing bao'er came down the stairs, he heard the man's oppressive grunts and low gasps.

Hearing the sound, she dragged her injured right leg and limped to the door.

Jingbao'er was shocked by the picture in front of her!

At this time, Jing Rong's white shirt was full of blood, and the surrounding floor was also covered with bright red blood.

He closed his eyes and lay on the cold floor, groaning feebly.

Body - under that place, looks like, swelling - swelling to death!

Looking at Jingrong like this, jingbao'er knows that Jingrong must have taken spring medicine.

"Fourth uncle, did two aunts give you medicine? What happened this evening? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"Well Help me, help me to the bathroom I want to take a bath... "

After hearing the speech, Jing bao'er helped Jing Rong to get up, dragged his painful leg, and took Jing Rong into the bathroom on the first floor to the shower.

As soon as you enter the bathroom, Jingrong turns on the cold water directly.

"You go out..." Jingrong stuffy - hum way.

"If I don't go out, I'll be here with you..."

With that, Jing bao'er automatically retreated to the position of the washing table and leaned against it to observe Jing Rong.

Jingbao'er can feel how painful Jingrong is now.

After Jing bao'er walked away, Jing Rong was limp on the ground again.

The cold water fell on the fire and heat, and the coolness weakened Jingrong's desire and dryness

The blood on his body, bit by bit, was washed away by the rapid current. Soon, the ground under his body was dyed red by the blood.

Full of bloody smell, occupying the whole bathroom!

The wound on the right leg and the wound on the back that had not healed before, which was stained with water, is really very painful, but now Jingrong doesn't care

Strong Valley - look, let Jingrong automatically ignore, leg tingling!

"Well -"

under the cold water, Jing Rong stretched out and chanted, breathed heavily!

Looking at Jing Rong's painful appearance, Jing bao'er deeply feels the piercing pain!

Unconsciously, her eyes, then red to the extreme.

Then the tears rolled down like a broken bead.

Jingrong's pain can be felt by jingbao'er.

Before, she was also treated with Chun medicine. She felt like she was suffering from Chun medicine. She knew that



The clattering sound of running water, mixed with his intolerable voice, came to his ears, just like a knife one by one. Jingbao'er felt hard to breathe."Fourth uncle, we really can't. shall we go to the hospital?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"No No need to... " Jingrong road.

This kind of disgrace can be solved by himself at home

Desire - hope and pain, let his eyes, red to the extreme!

Biting his lower lip, Jingrong closed his eyes powerlessly!


He's really sick now!

Has been flushing a whole hour of cold water, Jing Rong in the body of the valley less hope, just completely subsided.

After Gu Qian's hope subsided, what was waiting for Jing Rong was a strong sense of weakness.

Weak to dizziness!

Take a deep breath. He wants to get up, but he can't.

Although Gu Qianwang had subsided, his body had collapsed after such a torment, and he had no strength at all.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er limped forward and carefully helped Jing Rong up.

Supporting Jing Rong's body, Jing bao'er helps Jing Rong to the room.

Back in the room, jingbao'er takes off her clothes for Jingrong.

After his pants were taken off, jingbao'er clearly saw the injury on his right big leg.

The shocking holes make Jingbao's hair stand on end!

"What did you use to prick yourself..." Asked Jing bao'er.

"Russell Ran's hairpin..." Jingrong road.

After hearing Luo Suran's name and combining with the phone call of sister Jingrong before, and everything she saw now, jingbao'er can roughly guess what happened in the evening

Took the bed - on his dry clothes, quickly wiped his hair and body, helped him to bed.

As soon as his body touched the bed, Jingrong lay down powerlessly.

"Fourth uncle, you go to sleep first, wake up, and recover your strength. Let's talk about what happened at night..." Jingbaoer road.

Hearing this, Jingrong immediately took jingbao'er's hand and said, "I'll tell you now Although I have no strength in my body, it doesn't mean I have no strength in my mouth... "

"You'd better rest first. You're very weak now." Jingbaoer road.

When Jing Rong heard the words, he could not breathe a long breath. Then he lowered his eyes and told Jing bao'er all about what happened at night.

's description as like as two peas of Gubao's guess.

After listening to what Jing Rong said, Jing bao'er immediately felt the fire on her body, and the ground came out!

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