The next morning, jingbao'er was woken up by the vibration of her mobile phone.

Before she can open her eyes, she naturally stretches, yawns, and then skilfully touches the mobile phone above her head.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the mobile phone she was holding was Jingrong's.

The caller is Mr. Jing.

Jing bao'er immediately gently pushed Jing Rong, "fourth uncle, grandfather's phone."

When Jing Rong hears the speech, he opens his eyes, takes his cell phone, and presses answer -

"hello..." He said a word to the phone.

"Old four, are you at home? I'll find you... "

"No, I'll go back..."

"Are you with baby?"

After hearing this, Jing Rong looked back at Jing bao'er and said, "no..."

"Well, I'll wait for you..."

Heard the phone over there, Jing Rong did not respond, but directly cold pressed hang up.

After Jing bao'er fell asleep last night, he tossed and turned for a long time.

In the end, he decided to forgive the old man.

He decided to give him one last chance.

If such a thing happened again, he would never forgive again.

When Jingrong answers the phone, the mobile phone is put on the ear near Jingbao's side.

Therefore, Jing bao'er listened to the contents of his phone clearly.

She also knows that the reason why Jingrong agrees to go back to his home is that he wants to understand and forgive

All this was expected by Jing bao'er.

Although she still can't forgive master Jing, she doesn't object to Jing Rong to forgive

After all, it was his own father.

"Fourth uncle, I want to eat xiaolongbao in the morning. Shall we go out to eat xiaolongbao?" Jingbaoer road.

"I order takeout and eat at home..."

Jing Rong said, then turned over and naturally pressed Jing bao'er under her body, holding her tightly.

"I think about it..." Jingrong road.

"Well I know... "

Jingrong didn't speak any more, just quietly holding her, holding

She can understand without saying much.

"After the chat, come back early and play games with me. From tomorrow on, you'll have to keep busy There's no time to play games with me... " Jingbaoer road.

If Jingrong returns to Jingshi again, then There will be a lot of work waiting for him

At that time, they won't have time to eat chicken and play together.

"Good..." Jing Rong nodded.

"Baby, thank you for understanding me..." He added.

"It's normal to understand you, isn't it?" Jingbaoer road.

Looking at the girl's smiling face, Jingrong feels that somewhere in her heart, she is stabbed by something.

It's a little painful -

"I'm ordering takeout now..." Jingrong neatly turns over and down, takes the mobile phone and opens the takeout app.

"I'll wash up first..."

As Jing bao'er said this, she got up like a spring, stepped on her slippers and went into the bathroom.


After breakfast, Jing Rong drove to the mansion in the middle of the mountain by himself.

Song Limei is gone. The huge mansion is much colder than before.

As soon as Jing Rong enters the door, he sees Mr. Jing sitting on the single sofa in front of the tea table drinking coffee. The whole person looks pale and weak.

Jingrong frowned all the way, went to the sofa beside him, sat down, lit a cigarette and smoked.

"Old four, can I forgive me?" Asked master Jing.

“……” Jing Rong took a deep breath of his cigarette, then slowly spit it out, looked up at him and said, "this is the last time. If you hurt bao'er again, I will never forgive you Absolutely

After hearing Jing Rong's words, the old man's gloomy face suddenly became radiant -

"what do you say? You are forgiving Forgive me? " The old man was ecstatic.

"This is the last time." Jingrong road.

His tone was firm, and no one could refuse.

"Good..." Master Jing nodded his head quickly, and his smile couldn't be covered. "Fourth, thank you. Thank you. I promise I won't interfere with you and bao'er any more. I promise I won't do anything to hurt bao'er any more If I do it again, I will go to hell after I die. "

"Remember every word, every word you say now." Jingrong road.

The old man nodded and took out a red folder from the drawer under the coffee table

"It's all the information you gave me before, such as the consent for equity transfer. I'll return it to you intact now Jing Shi, if I give it to you, I will not take it back... " Mr. Jing said.Jing Rong didn't speak, just frowned slightly, and then took a deep breath.

"Before, what I said to you was angry. It was anger that made me lose my mind You are my only son. Anyway, everything I have is yours... " Master Jing said again.

"I don't know whether you are pretending to make up with me now, so that I can relax my vigilance and plot something bigger, or whether you really want to make up with me on the surface..." Jingrong road.

"Old four, I'm real..."

"Listen to me Dad, no matter what your real idea is, I will tell you that I love Jingbao. No matter what means other people use to break us up, I will not leave Jingbao. Even if Jingbao dies today, I will continue to hold Jingbao's ashes for a lifetime tomorrow... " Jingrong word firm, every sentence resounding!

Among the smog, the deep ink eyes were full of seriousness, seriousness, love for Jing bao'er and warning for him.

Hearing what Jing Rong said, master Jing sighed helplessly -

"I know what you mean. I know that I really want to make up with you. There is no hypocrisy..."

"If so, it would be the best." Jingrong road.

"Now that you've forgiven me, senior, you can go to the company directly today The company needs you now. " Master Jing said again.

"Not today. I promised baby that I would stay with her all day." Jingrong road.

"Well, what about tomorrow, tomorrow?" Asked the old man.

Jing Rong nodded faintly.

"By the way, senior, the presidential election is about to start. Are you ready?" Asked master Jing.

"These things, a year ago, I was ready..." Jingrong road.

"Good Good... " Master Jing nodded.

"Have you had breakfast?" Asked the old man.

"Yes, if it's OK, I'll go first Baby, you're still waiting for me at home... " Jing Rong and Dao.

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