"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense! This is my niece Jingrong hummed and scolded coldly.

Two river smell speech, immediately shut up, continue to bear the fire son of whole body affliction, concentrate on driving the speedboat.

"Fourth uncle, help me, I'm going to die, eh..."

"Fourth uncle Well Help me, eh... "

"Fourth uncle Fourth uncle Fourth uncle... "

"Bao'er is suffering, bao'er is suffering..."

Jing bao'er screams more and more fiercely. Like a little cool hand without bones, he starts to swim in his shirt

She's sick. She's sick! She needs someone who can help her put out the fire.

She's hot, really hot

Under the curtain of night, she seems to have been transformed into a Soul-catching goblin.

"Jingbao, don't move! Hold on a little longer and we'll be in the capital! " Jing Rong holds her restless hand tightly and says.

Looking at her like this, Jing Rongsi wants to go, but still can't take her to the hospital. She can only take her back to the shoal villa and help her flush cold water.

The embarrassment of being drugged, of course, is that the less people know about it, the better.

at this moment, he can't do it, and he's going to die.

"Fourth uncle, I don't want to insist. I can't insist any more. Help me, help me..."

"Fourth uncle Fourth uncle... "

"Well Ah... "

One hand was imprisoned by him, but she put the other hand into his coat.

His skin, with a little cool, let her feel very comfortable.

"Jingbao, be honest!" He held back, murmured, and seized her other restless little hand.

The bath in her body was almost ignited by her. At this moment, it felt like she would become a wild animal in the next second!

The girl in my arms is so charming! Flatter to the bone!

"Well Don't be honest, baby... "

"Fourth uncle, please..."

"Fourth uncle..."

Jing bao'er twists his body vigorously. The whole person falls from Jing Rong and falls at his feet.

"We are floating on the sea, not on land. Don't move. Be careful. We will fall into the sea."

Jing Rong tried to suppress the full heart of the bath, will hold her up, on his leg.

She turned a deaf ear and adjusted her posture. The whole person straddled him, hugged his neck and kept kissing his earlobe, "fourth uncle Fourth uncle Fourth uncle... "

The fourth uncle, who is soft, charming and bewitched, makes Jingrong's body more and more out of control.

At such a time, no matter how cold a man is, no matter how self-supporting he is, he can't help it

On the shore, the white speedboat came to a steady stop

On the beach just stained by sea water, a white military helicopter stopped under the heavy night.

The whirling propeller makes the whole beach as chaotic as a sandstorm

In the cold wind, Jingrong steps down from the speedboat with jingbao'er in his arms. With the flying sand in the sky, Jingrong moves quickly towards the helicopter.

Outside the helicopter, a black hawk pilot saw Jing Rong and immediately nodded respectfully.

Jingrong nodded slightly and carried Jingbao into the helicopter.

Put Jing bao'er in the co pilot's seat and fasten her seat belt. Then Jing Rong sits in the driver's seat, puts on his flying cap and pulls the lifter

The helicopter then slowly lifted off -

the atmosphere inside the helicopter was extremely hot.

Jing bao'er couldn't lean on the back of the chair and kept chanting and tearing his clothes.

Only a few minutes later, the neckline of the sweater was pulled down by her, and her white fragrant shoulder could be seen at a glance.

In the yellow light of the airport, she is sexy and charming, just like a demon.

After glancing at Jing bao'er, Jing Rong's blood began to boil again -

"Jing bao'er, wake up, we'll be in the capital soon..."

"Fourth uncle, I can't Fourth uncle... " As she chanted, she kept tearing at her clothes.

She's hot. She's really hot.

The heat is unbearable.

This dress, wearing on the body, itches painfully.

When the helicopter flew over the capital, Jing bao'er had completely lost his mind. He leaned forward and kept swimming in his pants with one hand -

his soft and boneless little hand was moving in his private honey. He seemed to be able to clearly feel the crisp numbness of the electric current in his body.

"Jingbao, let go! You sit down for me! If you do, we'll have a flight accident! " He yelled!

"No, no, honey, don't let go I want to, I want to... "At this moment, the strong desire in her body was suddenly aroused by her.

This kind of intimate contact made the thing that had been holding its head high harder and harder.

"Damn it He scolded and flew quickly towards the shoal Villa -

under him, in a private place, his little hands were still moving. Once, his soul was gone.

No matter how cold a man is, he can't help being teased by a girl.

Even if it's Jingrong, it's the same.

In the villa yard in the shoal, the helicopter slowly lands -

after stopping the plane, Jing Rongheng walks out of the plane with Jing Baoer in his arms.

After being held up by Jingrong, jingbao'er's hands are wrapped around his neck like vines. He raises his head and kisses his chin and earlobes

At the moment when Tianlei caught fire, he was crazy and she was crazy

After carrying Jing bao'er into the living room, they don't care to turn on the light, so they are entangled in the spacious and soft sofa.

He was like an irrational beast, pressing her, kissing her, stroking her.

Tongue entangled in the moment, bath look at the flames, almost to burn them to pieces.

She eagerly responded to him, dragging his flying suit, as if dying of thirst in the desert to find water, tightly clasped his body, absorbing the juice from his mouth.

"Goblin!" He scolded and divided her into two parts, killing her and himself -


The harsh sound of vibration, like a merciless knife, opened the ambiguities, ambiguities and charms between the two people.

Jing Rong frowns, a spirit, a push away Jing bao'er, turned down, took the phone.

Seeing that it was Yeming's phone, he pressed answer -


"Si Shao, the whole villa has been cleaned up by us. There is no one left. The scorpion organization is gone now. "

"Well done!"

With that, Jing Rong quickly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Jing Rong quickly pulled the black silk covered on the sofa. Unexpectedly, he surrounded himself and picked up Jing bao'er and went upstairs.

When he reached the guest room where Jingbao lived, he turned on the light immediately.

Under the bright light, the girl's red body is as red and soft as a cooked shrimp. Her perfect figure lures people to commit crimes.

He frowned, bit his lower lip and strode to carry her into the bathroom.

After putting her on the cold ceramic tile floor, he turned on the cold water directly -

he put her on the cold ceramic tile floo

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