"Luo Erchen, that's not true. You are such a good person, you should be happy. We should find someone to help each other for a lifetime. " Jingbao'er said with a bitter smile.

As soon as he heard this, he immediately pinched Jing bao'er Jing Zhi's chin, looked at her face with great interest, and said, "if you want me to be happy, then you can stay with me and live with me all your life."

"Luo Erchen, you are talking nonsense again. I think we are as good as we are now Good friend, all my life. "

When he heard the speech, he let go of Jing bao'er, but shrugged his shoulders, "De Le, when I didn't say anything..."

With that, rolchen picked up the remote control and began to change channels.

Jing Baoer sat quietly on one side, holding a mobile phone to watch military news.


That night, with the help of a Leng, Jing bao'er sneaks into song Li Mei's ward and talks with her for a while.

In Song Li Mei's ward, Jing bao'er left the window neatly in the early morning.

With both feet on the ground, jingbao'er conveniently landed on his red Ferrari super run.

Driving, jingbao'er runs smoothly towards the outside of the hospital.

When the car arrived at the gate of the hospital, jingbao'er saw an ambulance, surrounded by countless reporters' cars, driving into the hospital.

Then a bloody man was quickly lifted out of the ambulance.

Then the reporters quickly gathered around the man.

Although it's just a glance, jingbao'er still knows who that person is

It's Jingrong.

Seeing him like that, Jing bao'er just hummed coldly, and then sped up to leave the hospital.

Gently lifting her chin, Jing bao'er said to herself coldly -

"I haven't had time to kill you, you'll do it first..."

"Jingrong, in fact, if you die like this, it's pretty good..."

"In this way, I'll save trouble."

At the end of the self talk, jingbao'er bit his lip hard and controlled the car steadily.

How much she once loved Jingrong, how much she now hates this man.

Once upon a time, she loved him to the core.

Now she hated him as much as she did.

Turn on the car radio at will, and the voice of the hostess comes to your ears immediately -

The hostess speaks very fast.

"It is reported that Chinese President Jing Rong ended his visit to l country and encountered a terrorist attack on his way home! At present, he is seriously injured and has been sent to the General Hospital of Beijing Military Region! "

Without patience to hear what the host said, jingbao'er changed the channel and began to listen to music.

The slow English love song starts to sing, Jing Baoer's mood, only then slightly better.

Music has a healing effect.

In the past, Jing bao'er always hated those terrorists and felt that they did all kinds of evil.

But this time, jingbao'er felt miraculously that the group of terrorists and terrorists had done absolutely right.

How she hoped that this time, Jing Rong could die in their hands!

In that case, she would praise the terrorist organization!

There is a deep hatred hidden in her heart. Only when Jing Rong dies, her hatred will be completely eliminated, and she will be able to become a little happy.

Jingrong has done harm to so many people. She really hopes that heaven has eyes and can let Jingrong get retribution!

"Jingrong, Jingrong! I hope you can die early. After you die, you will go to hell

With these words, Jing Baoer unconsciously clenched the steering wheel.


The General Hospital of Beijing military region was covered with a layer of tension because of the arrival of Jing Rong.

The whole hospital, front and back, was blocked. All the reporters were blocked at the door of the hospital.

The floor where Jingrong emergency room is located has been completely cleared and cordoned off. The whole floor is full of bodyguards of the presidential palace!

At this moment here, even a fly can not fly in!

Outside the emergency room, the bloody night, with a serious face, sat on the bench, anxiously waiting for the news of Jingrong.

All the blood on him is from Jing Rong.

A disordered sound of footsteps came out.

Yeming frowns slightly and looks at the sound source.

See, a large group of government officials, quickly toward the emergency room position, everyone's face, the same dignified.

A gray haired old man took the lead in sitting next to Yeming, gasping and gasping, and asked, "I heard that when the plane arrived over the capital, it was suddenly attacked by a terrorist plane. I also heard that the terrorists were directly driving their own planes and bumping into the president's plane. Is that so?"

"Mr. Li's words are like this. Fortunately, we responded promptly and jumped off the plane But as soon as we jumped out of the plane, the terrorists started throwing bombs at us and shooting at us! The president was not bombed, but he was shot several times! On the position of the heart, there is still a shot! “"What, a shot in the heart? How is he now? Is there any news in it? What did the doctor say? " General manager, Li Wen.

"There's no news coming out. The medical staff didn't come out after they went in!" Night dark way.

Now the night, really worried to death.

He was really afraid that Jingrong would just let go.

Other officials, hearing this from Yeming, began to sweat.

On hearing that Jing Rong was shot in the heart, everyone was scared.

Another hasty sound of footsteps rang out, and the crowd followed.

See a small guard - Shi, embrace a few bags of blood, toward the emergency room position gallop.

The little nurse was pale, with sweat on his forehead and tension in his eyes.

As soon as the nurse sent the blood to the emergency room, master Jing walked quickly to Yeming.

When you see the old man, you immediately bow respectfully!

The old man asked directly, "what's the matter, Yeming? How's my fourth? How can we be attacked by terrorists! "

"It's still in the rescue. I don't know what's going on. I've been in there for a while." Night dark way.

"According to the news, the old four was shot in many places on his body and in his heart! Is that true? " Asked master Jing.

Yeming nodded heavily.

Seeing this, master Jing was directly paralyzed in the seat beside the general manager. He couldn't say a word.

At that moment, the old man was really scared!

Next, for a whole hour, we watched the little nurse, sending blood to the emergency room one after another, one after another, one after another

After a long time, the nurse sent blood to it again and again. Everyone felt that this time, Jingrong was in danger.

The more we wait, the more uneasy we are.

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