Jing bao'er and a Leng immediately look at the location of the bullet.

Jing Rong was standing at the window with a gun in his hand.

He was black as usual.

Black long windbreaker with black trousers and black army boots is cool and expensive.

At this time, the man stood upright and looked at her face.

The familiar eyes were scarlet.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, jingbao'er felt as if his heart had been dug out by something.

The memories of happiness, pain and despair in the past are just like merciless whips. They beat and beat her heart again and again, which is so painful that people can hardly breathe.

The next second two lines of hot tears, Bata Bata from jingbao'er watery eyes inside the flow out.

Before this moment, jingbao'er had imagined countless scenes of their meeting again.

She never thought that the two of them could meet suddenly in such a scene at this moment.

Is this the so-called narrow road of enemies?

Jing bao'er couldn't help humming.

Strong hate, pain in the heart, brain circulation, let her feel dizzy brain up!

If you can, she really wants to immediately point the gun at Jingrong and give him a shot in the head.

But she knew she couldn't.

Now she is in the base area of the terrorist organization. In this case, she can't have any entanglement with Jing Rong.

If a person is found by other members of the organization, not only will she be dead, but also her teammates will be dead.

It doesn't matter if she dies alone, it's just a cheap life, but she can't let her teammates die with her.

Even if she thought about his death, she couldn't do it now! No!

At this time, Jing Rong did not say a word as usual, but continued to stand in the same place, staring at her face like a puppet, motionless.

Looking at this one of his yearning face, Jing Rong's heart is full of five flavors.

He had also imagined countless scenes of their meeting, but he never thought that one day they would meet under such circumstances.

In the past two years, he has been holding too many words in his heart and wants to talk to her.

But at this moment, he really saw her, but he was too excited to say a word.

There are thousands of words in my heart, but I don't know how to say it.

What he wanted to say most was that he suddenly didn't know where to start.

His girl.

The girl he's thinking about.

She was the same as before, not changed at all. Her big eyes were still so clear and flexible, and the pupils were as bright as the sea of stars.

Two years.

His girl's hair is getting longer and her temperament is getting colder.

Take a deep breath, a thousand words finally become a simple sentence, "baby, you Why are you here? "

As soon as the voice fell, Jingrong's nose was sour and tears rolled down.

He finally met the girl he was thinking of, under such special circumstances.

If the picture of the dead was not too real, he would feel that he was dreaming now.

Hearing him say this, Jing bao'er just gives a cold smile, then looks at ah Leng directly and signals her to turn and leave.

Jing bao'er didn't want to say a word to this man before he killed him himself.

However, just came to the door, the man is a few steps directly rushed to them, the body is more neat blocked the whole door!

"Get out of the way!" Jingbao'er scolds.

But the man said nothing, just biting her teeth and holding her in his arms, "jingbao'er, where have you been in the past two years? Do you know how hard it is for me to find you? Do you know how much I miss you?"

Or the original familiar embrace, or the original familiar temperature, everything has not changed, even his breath has not changed at all.

But after two years, at this moment by this man again in the arms, Jing bao'er is no longer as a little girl, that kind of excitement, happiness feeling.

Before being held by this man, she would only feel excited, happy and secure.

Now being held by this man, she will only feel sick, hate and irritable!

Two years, everything has not changed, but she has changed.

She was no longer the little girl who didn't know the world.

He brought her all sorts of things, which changed her from a little girl who didn't know the world to the first female agent who killed people without blinking an eye.Before, her heart was full of love.

Now her heart is full of hate.

Hearing that he thought of her, jingbao'er felt disgusted.

Jingrong didn't want to hear a word more.

Because it's all fake.

He used to say that he loved her, but he went out with other women behind her back, and even held weddings with others.

In the past, he repeatedly said that he would protect her for a lifetime and never let her be wronged, but he sent someone to kill her baby.

Originally, she always thought that Jingrong was a person who could protect her from the wind and rain, but when the whole person fell into the abyss of despair, jingbao'er found that he had given all the wind and rain in her life.

The man who said he wanted to protect him from the wind and rain, he not only failed to protect her from the wind and rain, but also brought her a painful past!

In the past, because she believed in this man too much and had too much confidence in herself, she lost so miserably in that relationship.

Now she is no longer the little girl who didn't know the world.

After so much experience, does he want to continue to cheat her with lies?

Ha ha, it's impossible.

She would not believe a word of what he said.

Once unfaithful, not a hundred times!

Biting his teeth and clenching his fists, jingbao'er said coldly, "get out of here!"

"Tell me where you've been all these years, and why you're here, and you're going to kill him? Who sent you, Jingbao? I have too many questions to ask you, and I have too many things to explain to you! You come with me, we find a quiet place, we... "

"Jingrong, I have nothing to say to you for a long time. You let me go!" Jingbao'er orders coldly!

"No I won't let you go. I won't let you go any more. " Jing Rong holds Jing bao'er and wants to rub her into his body.

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