Never changed?

What did he say didn't change?

It's all changed!

"What I said to you has never changed, Jingbao. It hasn't changed before, and it won't be this time." The man said again.

As soon as the man's voice fell, the maid who was in charge of cleaning here entered the door.

The maid is a woman in her fifties.

"Aunt Duan, during this period of time, she will stay here. Take care of her for me. If she disappears, I will ask for you!" Jingrong road.

Aunt smell speech immediately respectful nod, "yes!"

"She will stay in the master bedroom upstairs all the time, and I need you to be responsible for her eating and drinking for the next two days." Jing Rong and Dao.

"Good." My aunt said again.

Then she bowed respectfully to them and went straight into the kitchen to clean up.

"Let's go upstairs first." The man said.

With that, he picked her up and went upstairs.

Everything upstairs is the same.

Through the familiar corridor, jingbao'er is carried into the master bedroom by a man all the way.

In the master bedroom, it was the same as before, and everything remained the same.

The bedroom is clean and all the furniture looks as bright as ever.

On her dressing table, there are also cosmetics she likes to use. Bottles and cans are placed there, and Jingbao's heart hurts again.

As soon as Jing Rong enters the door, he naturally puts Jing bao'er on the bed.

Then he took out the rope from the drawer of the bedside table and tied Jing bao'er to the bed.

"Jingrong, you are a madman!" Jingbao'er struggles and shouts!

But the body can't move at all!

Now she is just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. She has no power to fight back!

"I'll go down and make food for you now. After eating, we'll have a good chat."

"Rubbish!" Jingbao'er scolded directly.

Jing Rong turns a deaf ear, dotes on her - caresses her cheek, then gets up and walks out of the room.

After Jing Rong leaves, Jing bao'er struggles to get rid of the rope, handcuffs and foot cuffs, but he can't!

Even if the whole body struggling to be strangled out of a red mark, jingbao'er is still unable to escape this bed!

This man is really fighting to prevent her from running away.

Jingbao'er really doesn't understand. What kind of woman is not around him? Why do you have to have a hard time with her!

"Jingrong, i-fuck-you-ma!" Jingbao'er swears at the door.

However, there was no response. Jingrong had already gone downstairs, and people were in the kitchen making food for jingbao'er.

Although Jing bao'er said he didn't want to eat seafood noodles, Jing Rong found that there was no other ingredients in the refrigerator except seafood noodles, so he decided to make this for her.

She used to like it so much, and he believes she will like it now.

People's appetite is not so easy to change.

When Aunt Duan saw that Jingrong was putting down her body to wash her hands and make soup for jingbao'er, a kind smile could not help but emerge from the corner of her mouth. As she helped Jingrong clean the ingredients, she said, "Mr President, I've been in touch with you for two years, and it's the first time that I've seen you do it yourself."

Jing Rong just laughed and didn't speak.

"Is she your niece, jingbao'er? It seems that I have read the news about her before. Two years ago, she was

Before Duan's words were finished, Jingrong wrinkled slightly. She looked at her coldly and interrupted her directly. "You just need to be responsible for cleaning here and taking care of her. Don't ask about other things."

When Aunt Duan heard the speech, she nodded respectfully and did not dare to say a word more.

However, although she doesn't say it, aunt Duan knows that the relationship between Jingrong and her niece is not so simple. She can see it from the way Jingrong treats her.

Although she felt that she knew the big secret, aunt Duan still knew that she had to keep it.

In the state of Z, anyone can provoke, but Jing Rong can't. aunt Duan knows this very well.

She has always been a smart person.

It's just because she's smart enough that Jingrong keeps her cleaning regularly here and pays her a high salary.

"When I'm away, you must help me to look after her and take good care of her, you know?" Jingrong road.

Aunt Duan nodded.

"She likes seafood noodles very much. We must put more scallions in the noodles, because she likes seafood noodles."

"And when making this kind of noodles, don't add eggs to it. She doesn't like the eggs in the noodle soup."

"Besides, she likes coffee, orange juice, watermelon juice and milk tea. She hates milkshakes. She hates all milkshakes.""She likes all kinds of seafood except scallops."

"For meat, she likes pork, chicken and duck. She doesn't like other kinds of meat, and she hates beef. But if you make her steak, she likes it, and she hates everything else except beef made in this way."

"She basically eats all the vegetables except coriander and chrysanthemum."

"Milk, she does not like to drink the original, you give her hot milk, you must put more sugar in the milk, so that she can drink a whole cup."

"Also, she likes soft rice and soft noodles. She hates hard rice and hard noodles."

"Aunt Duan, do you remember what I told you?" Jing Rong asked.

Jingbao's preferences, Jingrong is clear, what she likes, hate, he has been firmly in mind, never forget.

Jing Rong said a lot, but aunt Duan only remembered a small part of it.

"Mr. President, you really know what miss bao'er likes, but you have said a little too much. I can't remember it completely for a moment." Aunt Duan looks embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I'll write down what I said on a piece of paper later. You can read more and remember it." Jingrong road.

Aunt Duan nodded, but she said to herself in her heart: isn't she staying here for two days? As for making her remember so much?

"Besides, her stomach is not very good. If she asks you to buy ice cream for her, you'd better not buy it for her. The most important thing is that she likes spicy food! Make sure you put more pepper in your cooking. " Jing Rong and Dao.

With that, Jingrong shook his head and said, "look at me, you can't remember. I'll tell you so much about that. After a while, I'll write these on the paper. You must read more and remember them, you know?"

Aunt Duan nodded heavily.

"I always think your excellency is very cold. I didn't expect you to have such a delicate side." Duan said, "besides, I haven't seen you smile at me since I came here for two years, but today you always smile."

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