"Do you remember what those people looked like?" Jing Rong asked.

Aunt Duan shook her head immediately. "I can't see their faces. They all wear black masks. I can't see their faces at all."

As soon as aunt Duan's voice fell, a black Audi stopped steadily beside them.

Yeming comes down from Audi quickly. Seeing the scene in front of him, Yeming is shocked!

"What's going on Four less. " Yeming can't believe his eyes.

Who dares to blow up Jingrong's house after eating bear heart and leopard gall.

"Someone came here to rescue Jing bao'er. Yeming must find out these people by any means." Jingrong word by word sound, hanging on the side of the hands can not help but clench into a fist.

"It's Si Shao!" Yeming nodded respectfully.

Jing Rong doesn't speak any more. He just looks at the mess in the villa with red eyes.

Think of that little girl and left himself, Jing Rong is very angry!

Strong anger erodes all the limbs, making Jingrong almost unable to stand.

"Keep an eye on Luo Erchen. I believe this matter has something to do with Luo Erchen!" Jing Rong and Dao.

"Yes! Four little Yeming nodded respectfully again.

"Little girl, even if you escape to the horizon, I will catch you back. You are mine all your life, and you can only be mine!" Men talk to themselves, every word is loud!


At the same time, on the other side.

A black private helicopter stopped steadily in the backyard of Jing Baoer's residence.

As soon as the plane stopped, Jing bao'er saw Luo Erchen standing at the foot of the apron waiting for him.

The man's body moved in the cold wind. Seeing his figure, jingbao'er immediately felt warm.

As soon as the plane stopped, Jingbao couldn't wait to jump out of the plane. Go straight to rauchen.

Then a Leng and they quickly jumped out of the plane to keep up with Jing bao'er.

When rolchen saw jingbao'er, he immediately extended his long arm and held jingbao'er in his arms -

"during the time when you disappeared, I was really scared to death by you, you know? Did he do anything to you? " Rolchen asked, "did he bully you? Well

With that, rolchen held Jing bao'er's face carefully and asked softly, "is there any injury? Tell me Well

In the face of rolchen's eyes full of concern, jingbao'er immediately feels a strong heat rising from his heart, and a cold heart is suddenly warmed.

After this, Jing bao'er's eyes turned red when he saw rolchen's face.

All the fragility in this moment, the collective ran out.

She didn't say anything. She just hugged him in tears.

Sad when the most afraid is to see people who care about themselves, a person's time is OK, once you see people who care about themselves, tears can't help falling down.

"What's the matter? Did that son of a bitch bully you? Well Rolchen hugged Jing bao'er tightly and asked.

Jing bao'er kept shaking his head.

She didn't want to remember and mention the dirty things that happened in the shoal villa, let alone tell others.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, I won't ask. Let's go home..." With that, rolchen picked her up and carried her home.

A Leng and several of them divided into two teams, respectfully followed behind them.

As soon as you enter the house, the heat wave comes.

Stepping into a warm place from the ice and snow, jingbao'er suddenly feels alive.

Rolchen put jingbao'er on the sofa all the way, and then he sat down.

After they sat down, a Leng and several of them quickly went to Jing bao'er, stood in two rows and bowed their heads respectfully.

"Ah Leng, how did you find me so quickly? And did you get hurt when you were on a mission in Tianxin island? " Asked Jing bao'er.

A Leng immediately responded respectfully, "we are not injured. The reason why we can find you so quickly is Luo Dashao. After we left Tianxin Island, because we wanted to find you quickly, I told Luo Dashao about it. After that, Luo Dashao has been sending people to help us find your whereabouts..."

Hearing ah Leng say this, Jing bao'er immediately looks at Luo Er Chen and says, "Luo Er Chen, thank you for everything you have done for me from two years ago to now."

But rolchen just smile, gently stroked Jing bao'er's hair, said, "little silly melon, what I do for you should be, is my own willing, you don't have to say thank you to me, I have already told you, I owe you in my last life."

Once again, Jingbao's eyes are slightly red.

After taking a deep breath, Jing bao'er regained his apathy and turned to look at his subordinates. "This time I've worked hard for you. After I go back, I will praise you in front of the president and let the president reward you."A Leng immediately nodded respectfully and responded with one voice, "thank you, boss!"

"Well, all kinds of things in the past two days must say that you are very tired. You guys should go upstairs to have a rest." Jingbaoer road.

Ah Leng and they immediately nodded respectfully.

Then they went upstairs under the leadership of a Leng.

After everyone left, rolchen looked at Jing bao'er and asked, "are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

Jingbao'er shakes her head to show that she has no appetite.

"What are you going to do next?" Asked rolchen.

"To kill him, of course! I must take revenge Jingbao'er is gnashing her teeth.

Thinking of all the experiences in the submarine and the shoal villa, Jing bao'er would like to cramp Jing Rong!

"No matter what you do, I'll support you and come to me whenever you need help." Rolchen road.

Jing bao'er nodded, "Jing Rong has determined that you have been helping me for the past two years, so we have to reduce contact during this period of time. Before I succeed in revenge, we should try to keep in touch as little as possible..."

"All right, I know. Don't worry. I know it myself."

"Luo Erchen, thank you very much. Every time I need help, you will help me without hesitation." Jingbaoer road.

I'm really grateful to rolchen Jingbao.

She knew that she owed him a lot, a lot.

However, rolchen just gave a cool smile, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just told you, don't say thank you to me. If you say that again, I'll kiss you. "

as soon as Jing bao'er heard this, he turned his eyes at him.

"Even if you don't have a good appetite, eat something. You certainly don't have a good food in his place, do you?" Asked rolchen.

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